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139093 Google首页纪念汉语拼音之父周有光诞辰112周年 297 0
138535 DxOMark手机照相评测新标准:HTC U11霸主地位被Google Pixel取代 - HTC U11,Google Pixel 243 0
138362 Google宣布将在全球推免费Wi-Fi,第二站进入印尼 - Google,WiFi 197 0
136239 LinkedIn发布多国2017年度最具吸引力雇主榜单:前40华为上榜 - LinkedIn,Google,亚马逊 190 0
135976 One step closer to the commercial: Google invited people to a free ride on the self-driving car,(离商用更近一步:谷歌邀请民众免费搭乘自动驾驶汽车,) 159 0
135728 Google black-party science and technology to benefit chop hands: pictures have been found to buy buy buy,(谷歌黑科技造福剁手党:搜到图片即可买买买,) 217 0
135502 Uber engineer suspected of stealing Google technology: barred from participating in research and development,(Uber工程师涉嫌窃取谷歌技术:被禁止参与研发,) 237 0
135460 Google use hatred for gain Europe a large number of companies have withdrawn advertising,(谷歌利用仇恨内容牟利:欧洲大批企业撤销广告,) 236 0
135385 Black Google technology: JPEG picture size one-third,(谷歌黑科技:JPEG图片体积缩小三分之一,) 183 0
135336 Mossberg criticism of Apple, Google and other Silicon Valley Giants: hindering innovation,(莫博士批评苹果、谷歌等硅谷巨头:阻碍创新,) 177 0
135326 福利:一加3、华为Mate9等可获Google Assistant支持 307 0
134844 Trump took office one month, how technology giants such as Apple, Google and Microsoft?(特朗普上任一个月,苹果、谷歌、微软等科技巨头表现如何?) 208 0
134767 Google: a firewall is not the ultimate solution of network security,(谷歌:防火墙并非网络安全的终极方案,) 142 0
134762 Chief Scientist, from laundry to Google, she became all American Idol(从洗衣妹到谷歌首席科学家,她成了所有美国人的偶像,) 226 0
134707 没开玩笑:麦当劳请Google团队设计了一根吸管 - 麦当劳,谷歌 239 0
134673 Google是如何做到从不宕机的? - 谷歌,Google 187 0
134650 Google no one car team turnover: only because of the high wage benefits......,(谷歌无人车团队员工离职:只因为工资高福利好......,) 208 0
134477 一年豪掷40亿美元“不务正业”,谷歌去年干了啥? - 谷歌,Google 241 0
134396 NetEase will operate in China Google Play store: started negotiations,(网易将在中国运营谷歌Play应用商店:已开始谈判,) 177 0
134224 Trump immigration deal unpopular: Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, against(特朗普移民新政不得人心:微软、苹果、谷歌、脸书一齐反对) 247 0
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