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The author:(作者)delv
published in(发表于)3/31/2012 9:41:58 AM
Hunan road lawenforcement vehicle pursue overload car caused the car turn and man is died

On March 28, early morning, a car licence trucks before reaching the hubei province ningxiang avenue, ZhuLiangQiao charging station turntable place, toward the left turn over truck, the driver LiuDi DE died on the spot. Witnesses said, van was at that time in the escape of law enforcement vehicle inspection of highways. 28 morning, turned on side trucks still lying in the scene of the accident, the items and the load of fertilizer scattered. (3月28日凌晨,一辆湖北牌照的大货车行至宁乡大道,朱良桥收费站前转盘处时,货车朝左侧翻,司机刘弟德当场死亡。据目击者说,货车当时在逃避路政执法车辆的稽查。28日上午,侧翻的大货车还躺倒在事故现场,车上的物品和装载的肥料散落一地。)

Turned on side trucks left serious headlights deformation, the driver LiuDi DE killed on the spot, the inside the other two men had a narrow escape, and the number of road personnel but leave after sees nonchalance. (侧翻的大货车车头左侧严重变形,司机刘弟德当场身亡,车内另两名男子死里逃生,而数名路政人员见状后却漠然离去。)

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