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published in(发表于)3/14/2013 8:22:00 AM
Forced sex girl living abroad1

Natasha is a special nickname for those with sex workers in eastern Europe. Girls were involved in the sex trade are very hate this name. Sex is one of the most profitable illegal trade. Engaged in the sex trade will assure the girls first, they will in the dream the place to get a well-paid job. The girls as long as agreed with the retailers, the nanny, the bartender or similar looks very simple work, the sex trade began. Renowned photojournalist Dana Popa began in 2006, called "not Natasha" project, in the form of pictures and stories recorded the girls and their families were involved in the sex trade. Popa first stop was the republic of moldova, where many women and children are victims of trafficking. Popa later returned to the UK, paid a visit to London's Soho district, where many women who were involved in illicit sex have been in a brothel prostitution. In Popa held the exhibition, she tells the story of his own experiences and problems existing in the contemporary society, at the same time, it will focus on the problem of human trafficking and the problem of the world within the scope of the effects of thousands of young people. ( 娜塔莎是拥有东欧长相的性工作者特有的昵称。被卷入性交易的女孩都十分厌恶这个名字。性交易是最有利可图的非法交易。从事性交易的人会首先向女孩们保证,她们会在梦想中的地方得到一份薪水丰厚的工作。女孩们只要同意了从事零售商、保姆、酒保或是类似的看起来十分单纯的工作,性交易就开始了。 著名新闻摄影记者Dana Popa于2006年开始了名为《not Natasha》的项目,以照片和故事的形式记录下了被卷入性交易中的女孩和她们的家庭的经历。Popa的第一站是摩尔多瓦共和国,在那里许多女性和孩子都是非法交易的牺牲品。后来Popa又返回了英国,造访了伦敦的Soho区,在那里许多被卷入非法性交易的女性都被迫在妓院里卖淫。在Popa所举行的展览中,她讲述了自己的经历和当代社会存在的问题,同时也将目光聚集在贩卖人口问题上以及该问题对世界范围内成千上万的年轻人造成的影响。 ) Pimps allows the girl wearing a wig (皮条客允许女孩戴着假发)

From Sorroca forced prostitution woman is her husband's family. Recently she was able to reunite with one of her children (来自Sorroca的女子被她丈夫的家人强迫卖淫。最近她才得以与她的一个孩子团聚)

Around the age of twenty two girls forced into prostitution in Turkey (20岁左右的两个女孩在土耳其被迫卖淫)

18, 16, two sisters were sold to Ukraine was engaged in the work without reward (18岁16岁两姐妹被贩卖到乌克兰后从事着毫无报酬的工作)

Escape sexual enslavement woman abandoned by her husband after giving birth to children (逃脱性奴役生下孩子后被丈夫抛弃的女子)

A girl insisted on try it on her mother's favorite skirt, but no one knows her mother's. (一位女孩坚持要试穿一下她妈妈最喜欢的裙子,但根本没人知道她妈妈的事。)

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