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published in(发表于)3/14/2013 8:27:06 AM
Forced sex girl living abroad2

Was sold for $2200 by her husband of woman, a pimp try prescription drug made her abortion, but did not work. So the dead fetus in her womb for two months. But she still forced to 3-4 guest every day. Only thinking about her daughter to go home soon, to give up the idea of suicide. (被丈夫以2200美元的价格卖了的女子,皮条客试着用处方药使她堕胎,但并未起效。所以已经死亡的胎儿在她的子宫里呆了2个月。不过她却仍然被迫每天接待3-4名客人。只有想着自己的女儿很快要回家了,才能放弃轻生的念头。)

scars of wounds strung together like beads (伤痕累累)

The only way to smoking became their comfort heart depressed (吸烟成了她们排解心中苦闷的唯一方法)

The sex trade girl's room (性交易女孩的房间)

Some rudimentary, life is very hard (有的相当简陋,生活非常艰辛)

The sex trade girl newborn children (性交易女孩刚出生的孩子)

Having too many sad and helpless (有着太多的心酸与无奈)

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