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published in(发表于)3/17/2013 7:21:46 AM
Summer is most suitable for young people to travel in China1

NO.1 Old town of lijiang, lijiang city, yunnan province Why we love it:Since people find lijiang, just as it gives the definition of all about love. Here is the paradise of the love, in the air are slightly sweet romantic air. In a small hotel balcony photogenic cuddle watching snowy mountains; Step diffuse square street hand in hand enjoy lazy summer afternoon sunshine; In accordance with the window listening to the naxi ancient leisurely music, time in casual soft away and so-called fairy handsome couple life. Lijiang, blurred dream at night, candlelight flickering bar; the sound of Lights shimmering in the river, YiZhanZhan carries with best wishes wishing lamp, far-away with the water... Deep meaning of honeymoon, only can be paved in lijiang boasts beautiful so gentle. Transportation: Aircraft -- flew from kunming to lijiang for 45 minutes, Beijing, Shanghai and other cities have flights non-stop flight to lijiang. Train to lijiang, kunming running night shift and day shift each a pair of fixed train, more than eight hours. Car - lijiang have more than one car passenger depot, highway traffic is very convenient. From kunming to lijiang drive 9 hours. Taxi - lijiang city ordinary taxi fare of RMB 6 (NO.1 丽江古城(云南省丽江市) 上榜理由:从人们发现丽江开始,就为这里赋予了种种与爱情有关的定义。这里是爱情的天堂,空气里都微微散发着香甜的暧昧气。在小旅馆的露台上相拥着看雪山环抱;牵手漫 步四方街享受夏日午后慵懒的阳光;依窗聆听纳西族的悠悠古乐,时光在不经意间柔软而逝,所谓神仙眷侣的生活也不过如此。夜晚的丽江梦幻而迷离,烛光摇曳的 酒吧里浅斟低唱;灯光粼粼的小河中,一盏盏承载着美好祝愿的许愿灯,随水远逝……浓情蜜意的蜜月,只有在丽江才可以铺就的这样温柔旖旎。 交通: 飞机——从昆明飞往丽江45分钟,北京上海等城市有航班直飞丽江。 火车——昆明至丽江开行夜班和白班各一对固定列车,全程8个多小时。 汽车——丽江有多个汽车客运站,公路交通极为方便。从昆明到丽江车程九小时左右。 出租车——丽江城内普通出租车起步价为6元。 饮食:丽江古城中心的四方街是有名的小吃一条街;夜市主要位于古城出来到新大街三岔路口一带; 有代表性的当地菜有三叠水、八大碗、至高部、鸡豆凉粉、松茸等。 住宿:前往丽江一般选择住在客栈,普通床位20~60元/人,旅游旺季(特别是黄金周)价格会上涨;如果想住得好些的话,可以选择设施完备的宾馆酒店。 特色商品:东巴扎染、土布、东巴挂毯、雪茶、苏理玛酒、纳西壁画、布农铃等。 特色活动:正月十五棒棒会、二月初八三朵节、三月初五东巴会、六月二十五至二十七火把节、七月中旬七月会、七月二十五日转山节。 注意事项:丽江属高原型西南季风气候,气温偏低,昼夜温差很大。丽江日照强,紫外线强,最好随身携带太阳帽、防霜品。丽江属高海拔地区(2400米),不宜剧烈运动,不宜饮酒。 )

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