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The author:(作者)delv
published in(发表于) 2013/6/5 21:49:23
happy feeling

See is the fate... Understand is a blessing ... Go
t it will be detached The 111 is the 962th I saw A
terminally ill, and he thoug ht he would die soon
, in the heart very s ad. Later, he went to consul
t a seclusion famous doctor Lao zhang. Famous doct
o r felt his pulse diagnosis after said: "the i ll
ness in addition to a way, no medicine c an cure,
I have here three. You continue to do so, 1 finish
to open another post a gain." (a) rich home, open
ed the first pos t, it read: "please to a beach an
d lay dow n to 30 minutes, for 21 days." Billionai
re with a grain of salt, or did so, as a result, e
very time a lie is 2 hours. Because he is very bus
y, so I've never been so comfort able. Listen to t
he wind, listening to the s ea and the seagulls ch
irped heart very c omfortable. (2) 22 days, he ope
ned the s econd post, it read: "please find 5 fish
or shrimp on the beach or bei, will they sen t ba
ck to the sea, for 21 days." Millionair es were fi
lled with suspicion, but still did, every time the
results cast into the sea fi sh, shrimp, but he s
omehow touched. (3) the 43 days, he opened the thi
rd post an d read: "please help yourself to find a
br anch, on the beach write down all of disc onte
nt and resentment." When he finish ed the before l
ong, the waves at high tid e to wash away those wo
rd, he suddenly know and touched of crying. Back h
ome, he felt that sensation, very relaxed and a t
ease, even no longer afraid of dead. Or iginally,
because can't learn three things, so will not be h
appy: A, the rest; Second, pay; Third, put down. G
reed is a kind of poison, human desire is never en
d. Have a stable life to the pursuit of comfort, h
a ve a life of ease and to pursue the mater ial co
mforts of luxury. As long as you des ire without e
nd, you will never be happy. Life philosophy, cont
ent is always happy. Cherish now have, you will fi
nd that you are the richest person in the world. A
re y ou picked up the story of the 962 people ,fou
nd not to turn away, turn out to cha nge the seria
l number. Spread the positive energy!(看到了是缘份…明白了是福
气…懂了会超然 一一一我是第962位看到的人 有一个富翁得了绝症,
他觉得自己将不久人世, 心中很难过。后来,他去请教一位隐居的名医老张。 名医为他把脉诊断后说:「这病
除了一个办法外,无药可医,我这里有三帖药。你依续照做, 一帖做完再打开另一帖。」 (一)
富翁回到家, 打开第一帖,上面写着:「请你到一处沙滩,躺下30分钟,连续21天。」 富翁半信半疑,
还是照做了,结果每次一躺就是2个小时。 因为他很忙碌,所以从来没有这么舒服过。听着风,听着海和海鸥的
鸣叫内心无比的舒服。 (二) 第22天, 他打开第二帖,上面写着:「请在沙滩上找5只鱼或
虾或贝,将牠们送回海里,连续21天。」 富翁满心怀疑,但还是照做了,结果每次将小鱼虾丢回海里时,他却
莫名地感动。 (三) 第43天,他打开第三帖,上面写着:「请随便找一根树枝,在沙滩上写下
所有不满和怨恨的事。」 当他写完没多久,海浪涨潮就把那些字冲刷掉 了,他突然顿悟而感动的哭了。回家后
,他觉得全身舒畅,很轻松而自在,甚至不再怕死了。 原来,人因为学不会三件事,所以会
不快乐: 一、休息; 二、付出; 三、放下。 贪婪是一种毒药,人的欲望永远没有止境。
远不会快乐。人生哲理,知足者常乐。珍惜现在所拥有的,你会发现,你是世上最富有的人。 你

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