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The author:(作者)归海一刀
published in(发表于) 2013/11/14 3:01:05
Chaoyang District, Beijing: intermediate split rental suspended NET check for 90 days

Chaoyang District, Beijing: intermediate split housing checked for 90 days suspended net rental real estate | medium | |-Chaoyang District _ news

Reporter (reporter Zuo Ying) signed a "contract of yin and Yang" tax moratorium network check for not later than 30th, changing the internal structural segmentation rental housing, suspend network check for not less than 90 days ... ... This morning, the real estate brokerage industry management, Chaoyang District, officially announced the implementation, Chaoyang District has become the city's first district against the real estate brokerage industry the introduction of specific measures. Only municipal construction Committee has suspended Realtors that rights violations NET check this, Chaoyang District, Beijing views the announcement also means that municipal construction Committee has suspended mediation network checked decentralization to the district. The implementation will be officially launched in January next year.

 Sign in the Housing Authority's official website we can find intermediate qualification

Currently registered Realtor, Chaoyang District, institution and its branches have nearly 4,000 homes. According to the views, real estate broker intermediaries should be since the date of business license in the 30th, to the local housing authority record or submit relevant information. Real estate agency activities should qualify as a corresponding certificate.

"As consumers ' lack of knowledge about relevant provisions of the real estate brokerage industry, chose the black agents they often appear to be lying, the rent was going to get, or delegate of the housing issues such as base rent, some intermediaries using frequently changing the company name also means, shirk their responsibilities. "The Chaoyang District Bureau of the relevant person in charge, now simply login, Chaoyang District, the Housing Authority's Web site (fgj.bjchy.gov.CN), to query whether formal mediation firm providing services for themselves. The Web site will be opened, "brokerage industry management" column, complaints filed against brokerage firms, irregularities, credit file information, publicity, will lead consumers to choose reputable, formal legal companies.

 Broker banned personally undertake business

According to the opinion, the Beijing real estate brokers real estate agent made after the registration certificate, before engaging in intermediary, agent, real estate brokerage business. Unregistered persons may not engage in real estate brokerage activities.

Brokers personnel if appeared to personal on behalf of undertakes real estate brokers business and charged costs; in two a and the above real estate brokers institutions engaged in business; due to in engaged in real estate brokers activities in the was criminal punishment, forged, and changed made, and sale, and leased real estate brokers qualification certificate or serious violation ethics and brokers industry management provides, acts,, Chaoyang District, Housing Authority will will remember into credit archives, and reported city live construction Committee, recommends on its take cancellation registered, and limit practitioners, administrative measures.

 Offending group suspended net rental sign for 90 days

Views real estate agent the first time various irregularities occurred after the nets signed expressly to the specific time frames. Which, for is not strictly according to signed process provides for operation, or for trading party circumvention housing trading tax, illegal purpose, on same housing signed different trading price contract of real estate brokers institutions, will suspended its in, Chaoyang District, online signed qualification, suspended period many Yu 30th; for without delegate unauthorized external publishing listings information, or without trading both delegate unauthorized for network signed business operation of real estate brokers institutions, suspended network signed qualification not less than 60 days; for unauthorized classified go customer trading settlement funds,??Lease brokerage violations of living space of Beijing municipal rental housing standards, changing internal structure divided rental housing, does not meet the terms and conditions of low-income housing and prohibiting the trading houses provide brokerage services, or engage in other behaviors prohibited by laws and regulations, suspend network check for not less than 90 days. According to reports, the network of real estate brokers have been suspended to check eligibility, can accept and complete the rectification, and other violations of the moratorium does not happen again, suspension of expiry, after they have been allowed to submit a written application, you can recover its network to check for.

November 13, 2013 Beijing evening news









  《意见》首次对房地产中介出现各类违规行为后暂停网签的具体时限做出了明确规定。其中,对于未严格按照签约流程规定进行操作,或为交易当事人规避房屋交易税费等非法目的,就同一房屋签订不同交易价款合同的地产经纪机构,将暂停其在朝阳区网上签约资格,暂停期不少于30日;对于未经委托擅自对外发布房源信息,或未经交易双方委托擅自进行网签业务操作的房地产经纪机构,暂停网签资格不少于60天;对于擅自划转客户交易结算资金,从事房屋租赁经纪业务违反北京市出租房屋人均居住面积标准,改变房屋内部结构分割出租,为不符合交易条件的保障性住房和禁止交易的房屋提供经纪服务,或从事法律、法规禁止的其他行为的,暂停网签资格不少于90天。 据介绍,房地产经纪机构被暂停网签资格,能接受处理并完成整改,并且在暂停期内未再次发生其他违规行为的,暂停期满,经获准提出书面申请后,可恢复其网签资格。


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