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The author:(作者)归海一刀
published in(发表于) 2013/11/14 3:04:54
Civil servants in Liuyang, Hunan province to pay margin if the discipline of the ICAC will be deducting money

Payment of the independent Commission against corruption of civil servants in Liuyang, Hunan margin if discipline was going to get money | | integrity | civil servants _ news

Xia Xiaobai Peng Liguo

Liuyang margin of ICAC investigations: "antiseptic" experimental economics for 11 years

Low-key introduction of the independent Commission against corruption bonding system 11 years later, the national "383" reforms referred to in the programme "clean pension" deep inland to Hunan Liuyang city of Central News focus.

The morning of November 12, Bureau of Liuyang city society Tower more than 20 square meters of Office, has more than 30 years of service staff member tanyiting (not his real name) opens his pay book in front of the reporter, 2,680 Yuan in wages, there was a $ 90 worth of wages particularly stands out. This is Liuyang launched more than 10 years of "honest guarantee."

In 2002, the Liuyang city to establish the independent Commission against corruption the bond system, tanyiting is one of the first beneficiaries. In accordance with such a system, individuals and organizations signed an agreement to join the Civil Service Commission deposit system, and set up a special account. Security deposit is payable by individuals and collective support of the ICAC consists of two parts, part I 5% of the basic wage paid in the month, supporting collective units according to individual twice times the deposit paid.

If violations of civil servants involved in this system, in addition to administrative and legal punishment, subject to appropriate discipline, and appropriate proportion of funds are deducted from the margin of the ICAC.

After 11 years when, an information display of the Liuyang Commission for discipline inspection, currently the city's participation in the civil service of integrity security system has amounted to more than 1600 people, more than most is a Deputy Chief-level leading cadres. 11, a total of 57 public servants because of violations of law and discipline was going to get the Commission margin 164,300.

"We want to use a certain amount of economic levers, adding some can see tangible costs of corruption, so that corrupt elements will not only have to bear political punishment, also would have to pay the economic costs, which is more than simple ground party lectures or watch anti-corruption education movie, more durable and long-lasting role. "The Liuyang Commission for discipline inspection who explained to this reporter.

However, there are also basic rank civil servants to the independent Commission against corruption margin actually sceptical. "Trying to baishilai a month worth of bonds have cadres and corruption of the ICAC? Dreaming 90 bucks can only buy some green onions. "Including the tanyiting number of respondents say that they are a similar meaning.

Tanyiting interviewed the same day evening, 18 plenary session issue a communiqué, proposes to "strengthen anti-corruption institutional innovation of mechanism and system protection." On anti-corruption institutional innovation in all kinds of designs and disputes, are destined to persist.

 No discipline for 38 years, retirement is expected to get 70,000

Liuyang, integrity of the bond system, was founded in 2002, held 16 years.

"Liuyang corruption situation is grim, and almost every year there are two officials suspected of corruption, the system can be said to be forced out by corruption. "Recalling the background of integrity bonds issued that year, 68 years old retired cadres of the Education Bureau of Liuyang Liu Zhongchun (not his real name) laments.

Journalists to receive related documents show that from 1987 to 2001, the Liuyang Commission for discipline inspection and supervision Bureau for investigation a total party cadres 1442, 96 people per year on average. From 1997 to 2001, an average annual increase to 175 persons. This means that the population of more than 1.3 million people in the county-level city, one out of every two days on average workers dropped.

In 2001, the Liuyang municipal party Committee held conferences against corruption, asked the City Commission for discipline inspection and supervision Bureau study periods of rapid economic growth against corrupt forms taken prevention and control measures of continuous evolutionary transformation and took out the programme as soon as possible. Subsequently, the Commission margin system came into being.

Liuyang City Commission for discipline inspection said they chose the personnel Bureau, Finance Bureau and local taxation Bureau, the trade and Industry Bureau and other units as the independent Commission against corruption margin pilot. Specific operations are: all cadres and workers entering the deposit system of the ICAC in these sectors, according to the executive staff, monthly withholding some funding from the individual wages, while units in accordance with the 1:2 standard matching funds, specialized accounts into his personal integrity.

"At that time we will be paying part of the criteria at is just 55 Yuan/month, Deputy of 50 Yuan/month, Ke, Deputy Chief, respectively, 40 Yuan/month for 45 Yuan/month, Deputy Chief of the following 30 yuan/month. "The previous Commission for discipline inspection said, twice times the unit of the civil service pay on the basis of proportional matching deposit matching funds from the following respectively to 110 Yuan/month, 100 yuan per month, 90 Yuan/month, 80 yuan per month, 60 Yuan/month.

In Liuyang, a section directly under the Secretary, for example, pay 45 dollars a month, set 90 Yuan, their margin accounts of the ICAC a total of 135 dollars per month, a total of 1620 Yuan a year. If the calculated to retire after 30 years, total available margin of ICAC 48,600 dollars upon retirement.

"We count on a Bill, a 22 year old college graduate to enter government service, assuming that no violation occurred, then, retirement at age 60 level cadres capacity, integrity above margin you get 70,000 yuan. "The aforementioned Commission for discipline inspection said.

After a pilot period in several departments, in April 2004, the Liuyang Commission margin scheme in Liuyang city of the additional agreement, were fully incorporated into substantive above designated under section all leading cadres honest deposit system.

Prior to this adjustment will pilot Vice section and above all other units included general cadre is not in its column. Of course, full pilot unit margin does not cancel the General cadre of independent Commission against corruption, they still continue to benefit from this policy.

However, as far as newspaper reporter, Liuyang financial arrangements does not deposit funds of the ICAC, then collective supporting part of the funding comes from?

"Not a lot of money, usually by various units from the administrative savings in expenditures. "The previous Commission for discipline inspection said Liuyang total 37 townships and subdistrict offices, together with bodies such as the Committee of City Council, the city's total cadres at Deputy section above about 800 people, with 1200 Yuan/person/year average calculation of matching funds, support expenditures of about $ 1 million dollars a year.

In the statistics of those bad sectors alone is difficult to raise matching funds. Hunan Provincial Committee meeting in early 2005, a Member raised matching funds issued by the fiscal harmonization. But opponents believe that matching sources of funding include public finance, then get to keep taxpayers ' money was supposed to be a clean government personnel, "first to ask whether taxpayers agree, you need legal support."

 11 penalty 160,000 for 57 people

Beginning of the implementation of the new deal, and Liuyang city civil service wage is about 1000 RMB/month or so, and decades of accumulated, margin of the ICAC is indeed a substantial income, but the problem is not easy to get the money in full.

In accordance with the provisions in Liuyang city, officials involved in the margin of the ICAC as soon as violations of, its margin of the ICAC will be withheld, in severe cases, can pull up all, not only supporting paid less in part, since the payment part may also be ordered to pull the handing over of financial.

"Our cadres the seriousness of violations of law and discipline, set up from 20% per cent deductibility, which is worn on the head to an official economic punishment ' magic spell '. "The Liuyang Commission for discipline inspection told reporters.

According to the sources, the cadres involved in margin system integrity if a warning inside the party or administrative reprimands, less 20%; party a serious administrative demerit or warnings, deduct 40%; dismissal or administrative demotion within the party, after deducting 60%; placed or administrative dismissal, less 80%, and expelled from the party or administrative dismissal, less 100%.

Files related to dispose of margin is based on the deduction of the independent Commission against corruption, after one of the officials, violations of law and discipline, and Liuyang city discipline inspection departments will dispose of the file sent a report to the independent Commission against corruption a margin account Bank, inform the Bank from the integrity of the individual officials security deposit deducted from funds in the special account, and transferred to the financial accounts.

After the implementation of the new policies the first deduction penalty case occurred in November 2003. For the time being, land and Mining Administration Bureau of Liuyang city leaders bear a due to dereliction of duty, apart from party disciplinary warning, also be deducted the total integrity of the deposited margin before April of the year 20%. At the same time, from April 2003 to March 2004, the unit shall bear a certain margin matching funds deposited with the independent Commission against corruption.

A few months later, in April 2004, when Wang huaiqing of Liuyang, a Secretary, bought the House after accepting what others sent more than 20,000 yuan worth of simple decoration, be deducted when the annual margin of ICAC 400 Yuan. Although very little money, but the damage to the credibility of the ICAC since Wang huaiqing lingering shadow.

As to the margin of the ICAC to receive, Commission for discipline inspection said if officials employed there are violations, "retired a year later, by the unit to apply the accumulated interest on the margin of the ICAC and its one-time payment to the officials themselves".

On any release from Liuyang city, cadres, and following the auditing, if there is no violation of laws or disciplines, you can lump deposit of the ICAC.

He disclosed that as of October 2013, Liuyang city civil servants involved in the margin of the ICAC has more than 1600 employees, deposit money of the ICAC, "due to personal integrity are automatically withheld and deposited in a bank account, Bank statistics only after know how many of the total at the end of".

Information provided by the Liuyang Commission for discipline inspection showed that since 2002 independent Commission against corruption bond system to date, Liuyang, a total of 57 officers have been deducted for violations of law and discipline Commission margin, reduce the total amount of 164,300.

  A "de facto welfare" or "necessary cost"?

Integrity bail system implemented for 11 years, controversy has never break.

"My length of service more than 30 years, monthly base pay is $ 1280, and clerk like me, and there are no powers and opportunities for corruption, were not much money a year to pull hundreds of this

What is going on? "As the Bureau of Liuyang city society tanyiting civil servants complained.

And Liuyang made modified Council of young clerk Chan Chi ming (pseudonym) of discontent is is, independent Commission against corruption margin is in civil servants retired zhihou issued, but civil servants retired Hou is not most deficiency money of when, "instead now is we most needs money of when, to buy room, married health kid, this when buckle money, to old has economic relative affluent Shi again to we, this seems to somewhat cart before the. ”

Chan Chi ming said that 10 years ago may also be money to dozens of dollars, but inflation, soaring prices, "I retired after more than 20 years, tens of thousands of honest margin there is much significance? ”

In addition, the financial margin derived from the administration of the ICAC, and policy covers only to cadres at Deputy section above, also caused some of the rank and file civil servants to question this is "taking taxpayers ' money to give leadership in disguise".

"De facto welfare story, it depends from which point of view. "The Liuyang Commission for discipline inspection who responded by saying that" run stand to ensure that public authority and civil service integrity this point of view, even if it is taxpayers ' money, which is a necessary cost, public should be some consensus. ”

More controversial is the bond's actual role and effectiveness of the ICAC. In the view of many, its form than substance. Tanyiting several society members believe that the amount of official corruption may cost millions now, only tens of thousands of dollars margin is not sufficient for the independent Commission against corruption officials consciously resist temptation.

In this regard, the Liuyang municipal party Committee Vice Secretary in 2005 was responding to the controversy over admission Commission margin "the biggest shortage is that the line of tiny, large gap with foreign experience, limited effect." But he pointed out that domestic institutional design must take into account economic, psychological endurance of the civil service.

"Honest and clean government bond system is the essence of economic penalties, which is complementary to the party and Government disciplines. Backward people, party and Government disciplines disposition to them may not be sufficient to produce deterrent, only touch on their economic interests, to make them feel the feelings, plays a deterrent effects and corrections. "The Liuyang Commission for discipline inspection said 11 years only 57 people being detained in the margin of the ICAC, and the introduction of a margin of the ICAC from 1997 to 2001 before an annual average of 175 people in contrast to the Lok Ma, is a very good evidence.

The members of the Commission for discipline inspection, revealed to reporters, Liuyang, independent Commission against corruption will continue the bond system, "if new policies on clean annuity next in the Center, then make adjustments in accordance with the new policy."

It is understood that at the beginning of margin system integrity, Liuyang City Commission for discipline inspection has been conceived, could be considered in the future to link old-age insurance, pensions and other social security, will be bundled with the margin of the ICAC, then maybe we can really play the "guaranteed" results.

"The pilot is to reform, no matter how much margin the final effect of the ICAC, as an exploration of the reform, it should have been addressed and affirmation. "Liuyang city official says.

(Edit: SN054)
November 14, 2013 21st century business Herald
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