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published in(发表于) 2013/11/15 12:58:03
Plenary decision

Plenary decisions: protecting migrant workers equal pay for equal work _ | | migrant workers equal pay for equal work | plenary news

Authorities wide nets Beijing November 15, the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform decision today (15th) full-text advertisements. The decision on November 12, 2013 18th Central Committee adopted at the third plenary meeting of the Chinese Communist Party, divided into 16 60.

Set out in the decision and safeguard farmers ' interests of factors of production to guarantee migrant workers equal pay for equal work, protection of farmers ' fair sharing of the benefits the value of land, guaranteed financial institutions deposits in rural areas is mainly used for agriculture and rural areas.

(Original title: third plenary session of the decision: protecting migrant workers equal pay for equal work)

(Edit: SN095)
November 15, 2013 China broadcast network

  央广网北京11月15日消息 《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》今天(15日)全文播发。《决定》于2013年11月12日中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第三次全体会议通过,共分十六项60条。




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