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The author:(作者)hpmailer
published in(发表于) 2013/11/17 8:53:45
1 Hotels in yuncheng, Shanxi province gas pipeline explosion injured 7 people

1 Hotels in yuncheng, Shanxi province caused 7 persons were injured in the explosion of gas pipeline | | | gas pipeline _ in yuncheng, Shanxi province news

Xinhuanet, Taiyuan, November 17 (reporters Wang Fei and)-reporters learned from the Shanxi yuncheng City Office of emergency management, 17th around 4 o'clock in the morning explosion at a hotel in yuncheng city, leaving 7 people injured, rescue and rehabilitation work is being carried out currently.

Incident on this Hyatt is located near Yu XI road intersection in yuncheng city, due to accidents occurring during the night, explosions which caused 7 of hotel staff and customers were injured, has been rushed to hospital for medical treatment, no peril of explosion shock wave effects, over more than 10 storey hotel half glass was shattered, and some vehicles parked in the vicinity were damaged.

It is understood that after the explosion, yuncheng city local government organizations such as police, fire and safety department personnel launch a rescue, all currently injured have been rushed to hospital for medical treatment, rehabilitation work is being carried out. Accident investigation is under way.

(Edit: SN064)
November 17, 2013 The website





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