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The author:(作者)hpmailer
published in(发表于) 2013/11/17 8:59:49
Students to report teachers declared fellow of material fraud and deny any interest entanglements

Students to report mentor fellow of the entanglements of interests declared fellow of material fraud denying | | supervisors | students _ news

Shanghai authorities wide nets, November 16 (Xinhua Xiaoyuan Trainee journalist Yu Ren Yuqian) aspect ratio, according to voice of the news reports, hearing, Medical Director of the key laboratory of the Ministry of health, the Shanghai Medical Association, Honorary Chairman of the society for ear, nose and throat, founding member of the international society for skull base, the world deaf and hearing members of the Medical Committee, today only one academician of ear, nose and throat academic ... ... Wang Zhengmin, who is 78, has a few of the titles. These honors may live their lives beyond the reach of many scientists.

However, Wang Zhengmin of being reported. Report on the grounds that its filings, academician, there is a wide range of issues. Whistleblower, was his student, a former Assistant, who assisted in the production of declared material – Wang Yucheng. These reports were true?

Wang Yucheng in the "Web of science" more than 40 articles in his blog post, only one theme--Professor Wang Zhengmin declared fellow of the materials, as ordinary paper works of pseudo academic papers, three individuals suspected of plagiarism, forgery, PhD clinical data to bear false witness.

Wang Yucheng: because he has 271 articles declare, academician of CAs, which now find 57 articles are not a formal research paper.

Wang Yucheng said that 57 articles, there are 43 General belonging to essay-like articles, at least 6 articles one article, too many contributions, tampering with experimental data, and so on. In addition, there are 14 articles were from the dismantling of his monographs, and this book, is suspected of plagiarism.

Wang Yucheng: this book is mainly plagiarized his mentor abroad without the consent of the original author, without written consent of the original author's publishing house, nor does it indicate its sources is a violation of international standards prevailing academic standards.

Wang Yucheng believe that theses stopgap, alleged plagiarism, only these two, is to represent the honorary title of China's top science--academician-the profanation. Moreover, clinical efficacy data exist Academician Wang Zhengmin "false" questions.

Wang Yucheng: Professor Wang Zhengmin, he had learned from his teacher Professor Ugo Fisch to old technologies and old material, was made Professor Ugo Fisch in 08, adaptation to new technologies, new materials, it was achieved, but also the efficacy of the world's best, also 3 to 6 times higher good grades? This data is not possible, is an obvious fake, theory is wrong.

Wang Yucheng materials, as well as one of the most deadly "charged" with PhD--"false". According to Wang Yucheng Wang Zhengmin declared fellow of the materials published in the online science, education background, text: February 1980, in Switzerland, Zurich University ENT, Ph. Wang Yucheng believes that this is actually a University of Zurich awarded the "continuing status" Wang Zhengmin, a doctorate instead of degrees.

Wang Yucheng: Zurich University Professor Ugo Fisch has made it very clear that Wang Zhengmin obtained this certificate, not on behalf of his doctorate, he said, if on our side gained a PhD, he completed the 6-year medical studies. He uses two years doctorate of the University of Zurich, how could it?

His students reported that real name, Professor Wang Zhengmin's answer is entirely framed.

Wang Zhengmin: schools and hospitals, as well as the Chinese Academy of Sciences, there is a very clear conclusion, the students I'm basically just a frame, false accusations.

Said Wang Zhengmin, a so-called "plagiarism" issue, does not exist.

Wang Zhengmin: I quote my own teacher figure, did not indicate the source, this is wrong. My book, and this source are noted in this chapter, I wouldn't say even that sense did not understand it, no way! My teacher told me this book is also very highly rated, and I'll tell you this.

Wang Yucheng, as reflected in other issues, said Wang Zhengmin, other departments have to be consulted.

Academician filings "water"? It is hard to believe. Because, academician is the highest academic titles in science and technology in China, a team with only about 700 people, is the country's most outstanding scientist and academic authority. Has been elected fellow of the reported problem declared fellow of the material, perhaps in the history of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is also rare. So, for these allegations that Wang Yucheng, interested parties how to respond?

As authorities of the academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences found that reports of Wang Yucheng? Wang Yucheng said that as early as last year, real name had been submitted to the Chinese Academy of Sciences reporting materials.

Wang Yucheng on December 1, 2012, I was officially reported to the real name of CAs, the latest response, Chinese Academy of Sciences say Wang Zhengmin of the issue, we were under consideration.

When reporters call when the Chinese Academy of Sciences, academic and think tank Council Culture Department official said, not be disclosed.

Person in charge: we have a corresponding processing rule, there is a certain procedure, but now I'm not an interview, so I can't answer your question.

So, on the matter of Fudan University, then what is? In Fudan University academic Committee of official website Shang, has a copies this year September 9 publishing of 2012 years 6A, notices--on reported I school subsidiary eye ear nasal throat section hospital Wang Zhengmin academician suspected academic misconduct acts of investigation report under, investigation conclusions for: Wang Zhengmin of three this works in the, in is not made abroad works copyright of agreed Xia, on its original pictures take again painted of practices, using has large illustrations, and is not indicate source, although not belonging to academic plagiarism, but not meet international recognized of academic specification. As for the "copying of the text", because of their anatomical description, not part of the plagiarism; Wang Zhengmin published several papers with others, some highly repetitive, with several papers using the same content, or chart, belonging to duplicate publication, this approach is not realistic in the academic attitude. Wang Zhengmin provides medical doctor diploma, eventually passed the Ministry of national education service center for Scholarly Exchange finds that informants questioned the King forged academic problems did not exist. Accordingly, Fudan University, made the following observations: all Wang Zhengmin branding, involving repetitive papers cannot be listed as achievements in personal history and various filings; won the awards for published these papers should be withdrawn; Wang Zhengmin of three monographs must be academic irregularities, to issue a written apology by the original author. Academic Council of the eye and ear, nose and throat hospital, Publisher shall notify this report the works; Wang Zhengmin academicians should be declared the paper material there is not realistic in practice, explained to the Chinese Academy of Sciences; academic Committee of the eye and ear, nose and throat hospital and hospital leaders should urge the whistle-blower was implementing the recommendations of the above comments.

So, whether implementation of the academic Committee of Fudan University Professor Wang Zhengmin's comments? Reporter called the eye and ear, nose and throat hospital affiliated to Fudan University, where staff said, don't know about the matter.

Hospital: today we are headed is not that he was to go to talk to communicate the things we can't give you a very accurate answer. Moreover, as a hospital, it is impossible for us to believe that Wang Yucheng's Word, his personal contributions to hospital, doctor Wang's contribution to the country is obvious to all of us, not because a man's word against his personal contribution as a whole, you said, right?

Real regret to report their teacher, Wang Yucheng is why?

Interviewer: did he declare these materials, academician, is your hands, right?

Wang Yucheng: that's right. And we reported these things, most of the 90% is before I got him here, he has built up, which we know? It was all right. To be informed, we have a penny with him, I wouldn't have to report him.

Wang Zhengmin entanglements of interests and vibe of the outside world, Wang Yucheng is categorically denied.

Wang Yucheng: what benefits do I tell him? He is my teacher, and I told him there is no seat, no hassle. For this reason, simple. Because he took advantage of a student for the authority of an expert and full of admiration. What's next, he found me to counterfeiting have succeeded, my objective was achieved, he will immediately face.

Reporting reason, Wang Yucheng, are not important. It is important that his reporting materials, partially by Fudan University recognized.

Wang Yucheng: pretend paper in nature, this is an academician of the selection of a high-tension line, put insurmountable red line. If a paper a few bugs or paper signature has a little problem, you will not be elected.

So far, findings of the Fudan University, still hangs in the school's academic Committee website, and CAS survey procedures, is still in progress. Chinese Academy of Sciences can identify with Fudan University's findings? According to the conclusions, whether we can prove that there was a degree of Professor Wang Zhengmin misbehavior? Events related to progress, sustained attention to the voice of China.

(Original title: student report mentor entanglements of interests declared fellow of material fraud denied that teachers and students)

(Edit: SN077)
November 16, 2013 China broadcast network
学生举报导师申报院士材料造假 否认有利益纠葛|院士|导师|学生_新闻资讯

  央广网上海11月16日消息(记者肖源 实习记者任玉茜)据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,卫生部听觉医学重点实验室主任、上海医学会耳鼻喉科学会名誉主委、国际颅底学会创始委员、世界聋联听觉医学委员会委员、当今耳鼻喉学界唯一的一名中科院院士……这只是现年78岁的王正敏拥有的一小部分头衔。而这些荣誉,或许是许多科学家终其一生也无法企及的。







  王宇澄:王正敏教授使用他当年从其老师Ugo Fisch教授那儿学来的旧技术、旧材料,却取得了Ugo Fisch教授在08年采用了新技术、新材料,也才取得的、也是现今世界最好的疗效,还要高3到6倍的好成绩?这个数据是不可能的,是个明显的造假,理论基础都是错的。


  王宇澄:苏黎世大学的Ugo Fisch教授都已经讲得很清楚了,王正敏获得的这个证书,不代表他的博士学位,他说如果在我们这边获得博士学位的话,他要完成6年左右医学的学习。他用两年时间怎么可能获得苏黎世大学的博士学位呢?






















(原标题:学生举报导师申报院士材料造假 否认师生有利益纠葛)


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