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The author:(作者)hpmailer
published in(发表于) 2013/11/19 11:28:22
Analysis of residence: official offsite office expires shall move from the residence of a

Analysis of residence: official residence of the off-site office expires shall be moved out of the residence | | | serving officials _ news

 Offsite office expires shall be moved out of the residence expert officials disclosed the proposed package: Ministerial residence of the above does not apply may be public officials under the House

Concerned about "residence"

The "status quo" in recent days, "study on the residence system with Chinese characteristics," project leader-the National School of administration, Mr. Wang yukai, Professor disclosed a report was central to the proposals. Which stated that the leading cadres ' violation of building and "Machiavellian" into new forms of corruption. Outstanding performance is that after the housing reform in many places, varied to some extent there are some leading cadres by taking advantage of the illegal building. In addition, a leading cadres to serve their "domicile" often become personal assets. For permanent occupation transferred later, you can also bequeath to future generations.

"Explore implementing the residence system. "18 plenary session decides to just a few words in, like a magnet touches nerve in Chinese society. Official residence, simply put, is the housing system of State officials, has been in place for many years in a foreign country. In this regard, Mr. Wang yukai's residence were described in detail.

 What are the residence of the person?

On the introduction of the residence system, subject group scope should be limited to the four categories of people:

Party and State leaders, General Secretary, State President and Prime Minister, Chairman of the national people's Congress Standing Committee, Chairman of the National Committee of the State Council and other Politburo; President of the Supreme People's Court, Supreme People's Procuratorate.

Secretary, Governor of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the (autonomous region Chairman, Mayor), Chairman of the Standing Committee and the CPPCC as well as the President of the Court and the public prosecutor's Office Prosecutor.

Cities and counties (including County-level cities) and Mayor, both County, Chairman of the Standing Committee and the CPPCC, the President of the Court and Prosecutor's Office Prosecutor.

Offsite exchange positions such as Minister of organization, discipline Inspection Commission, Office of the Secretary of public security, and so on.

 Who is carrying out the public-housing system?

Other party and State leaders to introduce a system of public housing. Introduction of public housing officials groups, primarily means more than those who did not participate in the full Ministry of housing reform, but does not belong to practice the system of residence of the party and State leaders. Country for the duration of the provision of public housing for them, and after leaving office moved out. Specifically includes besides the Politburo Standing Committee of the Politburo, Vice President, and Vice Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, the State Council, such as Deputy Prime Minister and State Councilor, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC.

 Cadre offsite service do?

Research Group's second recommendation is to explore the offsite Office cadres "Mansion" the reform path.

Introduce Mr. Wang yukai, representation of leading cadres in off-site communication, deals only with the highest ministerial level. Given full Ministry was attended by leading cadres of housing reform in China, so in principle in other cities when the provision of service, regardless of whether it is family, leaders of the original houses should be retained. But after the term ends must be moved out of the residence.

According to the Beijing morning news

(Original title: officials distributed term moved from residence)

November 18, 2013 Sanxiang City newspaper



















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