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The author:(作者)hpmailer
published in(发表于) 2013/11/19 11:51:19
Sichuan school books to students bringing books into campus believed to address check

( Sichuan school books to students suspected of bringing books into campus to deal with check | | | students borrow _ news

Authorities wide nets of zigong November 18, according to voice of the press reported the evening peak, zigong, Sichuan, won "national famous historical and cultural city" title, however, in this cultural city of Huidong experimental school, has recently made a "pseudo culture" decision to borrow books from more than more than 5,400 students of the whole school, the number of 10~15 per person. Not periodical, refrain from financial stocks, such as in-class reading, as long as fairy tale books or something like that.

There are two reasons, one: "bringing books into campus to expand students ' reading"; another reason was said to be in order to meet the related departments in the inspection of the school. Because insufficient quantities of school books, stopgap.

Many parents said children books to school, not you cannot. But this book is big enough, "demanding", parents feel the pressure.

The school said: the school has about 100,000 volumes of books, hoping in this way, help to expand children's reading. Voluntary principles, if parents do not want to, you can not borrow books to class. Problem is, parents don't borrow it?

Press calculate an account, there are students in this school more than 5,400 people, 100,000 copies, even if the same time has been fully, each child can get 18, for junior high school students, and this reading is not small. It is clear that library is even mainly to cope with the check.

Superior, have difficulty in school, students are assigned to check, parents suffered most, with stiff figures measure the level and quality of education, this way of thinking, when will you make a?

(Original title: zigong, Sichuan school library bringing books into the campus to students is believed to meet inspection)

(Edit: SN077)
November 18, 2013
China broadcast network )
四川学校向学生借书打造书香校园 疑应付检查|学校|学生|借书_新闻资讯

  央广网自贡11月18日消息 据中国之声《新闻晚高峰》报道,四川自贡,获得过“全国历史文化名城”称号,但是,在这个文化名城里的汇东实验学校,最近却做了个“伪文化”的决定:向全校5400余学生借书,数量为每人10~15本。不要期刊、不要股票财经、课内读本之类,只要童话名著之类的。






(原标题:四川自贡一学校向学生借书打造书香校园 被疑应付检查)


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