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published in(发表于) 2013/11/26 9:04:18
Qingdao 7 hours before the explosion: diesel fumes the city streets without the knowledge

Qingdao 7 hours before the explosion: diesel fumes city streets unwittingly | | | municipalities _ the explosion of Qingdao news

From 22nd East yellow pipeline oil spills, to 10:30 explosion, within 7 hours, Qingdao, Sinopec and multisectoral remove danger on the ground, but nearby residents and pedestrians has not been informed of any evacuation even rescue staff and firefighters, did not receive the warning message.

Yesterday, the incident investigation team leader, Director of the State administration of safety supervision pillar Yang pointed out that this was a very serious accident. And planning layout of urban drainage pipe network of oil pipelines unreasonable; fail to fulfil the responsibility of safe production, pipeline management, resulting in an oil spill, and improper leakage after emergency treatment, fails to set the warning zone, by preventive measures such as closed roads, alerts, evacuation of personnel.

As of yesterday, this accident has led to 55 people were killed and 9 were missing, 145 people were injured.

 2:40 pipeline leak

Or for coating serious aging?

22nd, Sinopec Qingdao development zone East of yellow oil pipeline ruptured and oil spills.

At 3 o'clock in the morning, some people see a flashing yellow light for vehicle speed past, wearing "Sinopec" naked people walking in the street.

Sinopec 23rd disclosed news that this explosion of yellow-East pipeline, in July 1986, was put into operation. Statistics show that original design from Dongying via city, Weifang, high density, cities and counties, Huangdao oil pipeline 248.5 km in length, diameter 711 mm, annual oil capacity of 10 million tons.

East yellow oil pipeline has served for more than 20 years, according to the Sinopec pipeline storage and transportation management information at the Weifang, in investigation of corrosion on two occasions, found the pipe "coating has serious ageing pipeline condition is worrying," the urgent need to overhaul.

In 2011, yellow oil pipeline into the reform agenda. But in September of that year an EIA announcements, rectification and faced great difficulty: as part off a building near pipeline, pipeline coating overhaul cannot be made. EIA also show reconstruction project mainly covers, Eastern Yellow double line pipeline rerouted, which include Huangdao Huangdao oil outlet line of 15-16.

But the reform plan was not implemented, Shandong environmental protection Science Research Institute and a staff member said to the media, some section of East yellow double line Project EIA work is still in progress, have been unable to commence work.

In late February, Eastern Yellow oil pipeline began major repairs, consists mainly of replacement of pipeline coating, leak testing, non-destructive testing and other EDM. As of April this year, Eastern Yellow completed overhaul of 8 km of oil pipelines. In front of the oil spill and explosion, and major repair of the wiring has been completed, is not clear.

In October this year, China held a nationwide safety inspections, this pipeline is also included in the check. This inspection scale, identify a total of 8,091. But confirmation has not been responding to, Eastern Yellow oil pipeline also identified problems, and for rectification.

 Close the valve 3:15

Infiltration of civil pipe of crude oil are highly explosive

According to Sinopec informed that an oil spill more than half an hour, 3:15, Huangdao oil depot to close oil valve. But at this point, the zhaitang Island Street, about 1000 square meters have been polluted by oil. Even more important is: risk of spill of crude oil into the water pipeline. Sinopec spokesman said that crude oil from the pipeline into the municipal drainage culverts, stream for 12 minutes.

Was supposed to distance himself from construction and other pipeline pipeline in zhaitang Street area of the island is not only close to the building, and interspersed with other pipe lines.

And Qinhuangdao road intersection in zhaitang Island Street, East-West oil pipeline has completely burst, broken oil pipelines cross drainage culverts, crosses the line, floating black greasy water flowed from the pipe. Not only that, there are ten lines or close to the oil pipeline, or cross the line.

Rescue of Sinopec's engineers are at the scene confirmed that the oil pipeline from underground waterways pass through.

National Research Center for urban pollution control technology researcher Peng Yingdeng said the accident apparently buried in the underground industrial pipelines conveying Chemicals and commercial network came into conflict, if only oil pipeline, in the event of leaks, because of its special design, can be cut off very quickly one of the sections, and volatilization rapidly expose gas leakage in space, and less likely to produce an explosion.

But the accident, oil pipeline of crude oil seeped into civilian pipe of the safety factor is not so high, which is an enclosed space, "like mine is filled with gas, flames are highly explosive. "Peng Yingdeng said.

While the fire difficult to control in the pipeline. Panel members Wang Gangwei China Petroleum pipeline company said, "the car exhaust pipe and Flaming Star, workers repairing splashes sparks could trigger explosions. ”

China Petroleum and Petro-chemical equipment industry association, Zhao Zhiming of the Chief Adviser also pointed out that oil pipelines, apart from crude oil, will have some gas, the gas is flammable and explosive. Close the valve, describe the relevant personnel are lacking in experience, improper handling.

Emergency accident processing of an oil industry security experts said in an interview, once oil or chemical spill, first to take emergency measures to prevent leaks is one of the most important substances into the sewer, because leaking the material once it enters the sewers, things will become difficult to control.

5 Street filled with diesel fumes

Municipalities are always informed

5 o'clock in the morning, oil spill near the whole street has been filled "the strange smell of diesel-like."

About 5:20, the company's Deputy Director of pipeline oil transportation management company Weifang Xing Yuqing got a call from transportation movement control section, said Qingdao Huangdao oil leak and the relevant departments have rushed to the scene, Qingdao oil station in command. Xing Yuqing believes, "which means the emergency plan has been started."

According to the People's Republic of China Law on protection of oil and natural gas pipelines (hereinafter referred to as the pipelines Protection Act), and pipeline accidents, pipeline enterprises should immediately activate Enterprise pipeline accident emergency plan.

According to the 2011 regulations on emergency management of Sinopec when (China) Enterprise directly under emergency situations, such as, the unit should be within 1 hour of Sinopec's Office total duty room, security, environmental protection agency and others in charge of the Department's report, and submit the latest developments at any time.

23rd, the Qingdao Maritime Bureau Deputy Director Dong Haiyan said the Marine Department received a report, which is several hours after the accident, has delayed the best remediation time. 24th, Qingdao environmental protection Bureau Deputy Director Ning Chen said Sinopec, environmental protection departments were informed at 8 o'clock in the morning on the day of the incident spill.

And the Qingdao Municipal Government knows, not later, 23rd, said Guo Jishan, Deputy Secretary General of the Municipal Government of Qingdao, the City Government is the explosion accident only after know the spill, oil spill before they did not know.

Sinopec 22nd communication display: John 3:15 "zone, immediate disposal," oil spill, and in 7:30 set at the mouth of the two booms.

Xing Yuqing said almost at 6 o'clock in the morning on the day, Qingdao oil transfer station and call him, has begun to see the oil on the sea. Local personnel are already in the field of security and environmental protection departments.

When enterprises to inform the local government? Qingdao Municipal Government knew before the explosion? Who should notify the city? There are at present no response.

Guo Jishan recognition media, Sinopec Huangdao Government have notified after the oil spill and fire, police and other departments at the district level, but did not notify the city.

One Sinopec insiders interviewed by the media said: "we have notified (Huangdao) Government, why does the Government not to notify the city? ”

According to the law on the protection of the pipeline, pipeline accidents, pipeline enterprises shall report the accident happened to county-level people's Governments in charge of pipeline Protection Department, work safety supervision and management departments and other relevant reports. This means, the company should notify the district-level government agencies.

  10:30 bang

Nearby residents have not been informed

With sky light, citizens went to work as usual in Huangdao or send their children to school.

Before and after 8:30, Xing Yuqing to the spill site, a dozen construction workers were repairing, there are social traffic through on side roads.

Xing Yuqing said he thought traffic order was a bit of a mess, you need traffic, let companies police chiefs call 110 and want to increase the police presence.

The China Petro-chemical emergency management regulations, article is insisting on the principle, the principle of harm reduction. Firmly establish the idea of safety first, and give top priority to safeguarding the lives and health of employees, the public.

The pipeline Protection Act clearly provides that pipeline accidents, pipeline enterprises shall, without delay, inform the unit and residents may be subject to accidental hazards, to take effective measures to eliminate or minimize accident hazards.

But nearby pedestrians and residents, no one received notification of withdrawal. Next to their crews and Government officials walking by. People have seen, under the already leaking pipes, flickering electric welding sparks.

Yesterday, the incident investigation team leader, Director of the State administration of safety supervision pillar Yang pointed out that this was a very serious accident: improper leakage after emergency treatment, fails to set the warning zone, by preventive measures such as closed roads, alerts, evacuation of personnel.

10:30, Qinhuangdao road, Huangdao, stormwater tunnel and pipeline repair jobs, successive conflagration.

The Beijing News reporter/Meng Xiangchao Xiao Hui Zhu Liudi Jin Yu

Intern/Jia Shiyu Xu Oulou

Related news

Eastern yellow 2:40 oil pipeline rupture.

3:15 Huangdao oil depots close oil valve, oil spills into storm water pipeline.

Qingdao oil around 5:20 station at the leak site directed repair.

Around 6 o'clock local safety supervision and environmental protection departments who have been at the scene.

7 port of Qingdao oil spills reported to the maritime sector.

8:30 Qingdao environmental protection Bureau sent people arrived at the mouth of the rescue.

Xing Yuqing around 8:30 let co-workers call 110, requested the police to keep order.

About 10:10 oil spill clean up the scene.

Stormwater tunnel and pipeline repair operations around 10:30 there have been an explosion.

(Original title: 7 hours before the Sinopec pipeline explosion)

(Edit: SN067)
November 26, 2013 The Beijing News




  ●2时40分 管道泄漏










  ●3时15分 关闭阀门











  ●5点 街上弥漫柴油味














  ●10:30 爆炸发生










  新京报记者/孟祥超 萧辉 朱柳笛 金煜

  实习生/贾世煜 徐欧露

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