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published in(发表于) 2013/11/26 9:08:56
Microsoft to give up Windows,RT? This is not true,

Microsoft giving up on Windows RT?
It's not true-Microsoft, Windows RT,Windows Phone,Windows-IT information Microsoft giving up on Windows RT? It's not true

Leaving Microsoft's Ballmer recently in continuously promoting "One Microsoft" strategy, literally, we can probably understand that Microsoft intends to integrate its product line to enhance collaboration between them, creating a synergy.

In this connection, we can Xbox One found in product design, and Microsoft at the same time highlighting its ease of network dialog, we can see that Skype used on different platforms, IE the basis for TV to browse the network. In order to achieve this synergy Xbox One development team decided to run both operating systems in a box and adding a hypervisor system layer, used to allocate resources between the two parties.

Presumably, this was the Xbox One name One: the meaning of a consolidated Microsoft more services, both to meet gamers, box that accommodates your sofa again. So, now lead the Xbox as well as Surface product lines, and Julie Larson-Green in the eyes of Microsoft's hardware business, One Microsoft and what meaning?

At last week's Conference on the UBS Tech Conference in Sausalito, California, she said, "we have the Windows Phone OS, we have Windows RT, as well as complete Windows. We don't need three operating systems in the future. "--This sentence let people guess, many reported that the sentence implied Windows RT does not exist in the future. But what is this?

Simon Bisson in ZDnet's eyes, that is not the case. Because Julie still has a few important words were consciously or unconsciously ignored by everyone, "We deeply believe that in the world will have more power and more secure mobile operating system, but this flexibility as a cost. Therefore, we will go down that road. "This sentence clearly indicates that Windows RT will not be cut, and will continue to develop in the future.

Julie had delivered his speech, clearly shows that Microsoft's way to go. "In our view, we've developed a more modern operating system, regardless of cloud based, application development, or business. Think about it, Windows can accommodate smaller devices in a certain way to Tai Hing servers, and ability to give developers and IT professionals to manage equipment, and no matter where they are, providing them with operational information. ”

Bisson believed that more robust, cloud storage, cloud synchronization capabilities, as well as a more flexible development model will be the focus of Microsoft's future development. In other words, the future Microsoft developers application from one platform to another platform will be more convenient.

These changes are included in the recently released Microsoft products. Among them,Windows 8.1 core Windows API have changed a lot, letting developers use the latest WinRT SDK when developing a Windows application Store, garner more characteristics of desktop applications to use. The latest version of the. NET allows developers to separate interface and core business logic code. In other words, developers just to create a Visual Studio project, includes cloud services, Web UI, desktop applications, Windows Store and Windows Phone developers need it.

If Microsoft development tool Visual Studio prepared for developers are able to do so, "unity", allow developers to use the same code produces a different platform, you really are able to facilitate developers.

Subjects who tracks Microsoft's Mary Jo Foley, according to Julie speaks of another interpretation. Julie listed her speech before the General Assembly.

"I think no need to store equipment (Surface and Surface RT Pro) so open. They appear to be similar, it is similar to use. But you can't use it like Windows. Therefore, many related discussions must focus to revitalize the brand. We can't be called Windows. We will make it even more different? I think that as time goes by, you will see how different. ”

According to Foley social circle of news from Microsoft intends to create some hybrid form of OS, integrating Windows RT, and Windows Phone. According to the latest information, this system is more likely to be starting with Windows Phone, not Windows RT. Foley believes that Julie implied that Microsoft's future will be more different mobile phones, tablet computers.

Julie remarks triggered a lot of conjecture, showing that she was saying how much ambiguity, is visible to the outside world was so concerned about the future of Microsoft. Of course, under the One under the implementation of the strategy of Microsoft, have more thorough integration of Microsoft, is obviously more terrible. However, from 2007 to 2010, from 2010 to 2013, three years and three years, we never worried that Microsoft would fall because of the insufficient resources problem for fear of rapidly changing market is too intense, time waits for no one.


微软要放弃 Windows RT?这不是真的 - 微软,Windows RT,Windows Phone,Windows - IT资讯
微软要放弃 Windows RT?这不是真的

即将离开微软的鲍尔默,最近在不断的推动“One Microsoft”战略,看字面意思我们都能大概了解到,微软打算整合旗下的产品线,加深它们之间的协作,形成一种协同效应。

这一点,我们可以从Xbox One的产品设计中发现端倪,微软在突出其网络对话的便捷性的同时,我们看到Skype在不同平台上的使用,IE成为电视浏览网络的基础。为了达到这种协同效应,Xbox One的开发团队决定在一个盒子里运行两个操作系统,并增加一个名为hypervisor系统层,用来分配两方的资源。

想必,这就是Xbox One名字里的One的含义:一个整合了微软更多服务,既能够满足游戏玩家,又能满足沙发族需求的游戏盒子。那么,现在统领Xbox以及Surface产品线等微软硬件业务的Julie Larson-Green眼中,One Microsoft又是怎样的含义?

在上周的加州索萨利托召开的UBS科技大会大会上,她说,“我们有Windows Phone OS,我们有Windows RT,还有完整的Windows。我们未来不需要三个操作系统。”——这句话让人猜想不已,许多报道认为这句话暗示Windows RT未来不会存在。但是否这样呢?

在ZDnet的Simon Bisson眼里,事实却并非如此。因为Julie接下来还有几句重要的话被大家有意无意的忽略了,“我们深刻地认为,世界上会有更省电、更安全的移动操作系统,但这会将以灵活性作为代价的。因此,这条路我们会走下去。”这句话显然表明,Windows RT不会被砍掉,未来将继续发展。



这些变化都包含在最近微软所发布的产品中。其中,Windows 8.1改变了许多核心Windows API,让开发者用最新的WinRT SDK开发Windows Store应用时,能够获得更多原本桌面应用才能使用的特性。最新版的.NET也允许开发者将界面代码和核心业务逻辑代码分开。换言之,开发者只要建立一个Visual Studio项目,就包含了云服务、web UI、桌面应用、Windows Store和Windows Phone等开发者所需要用到的一切。

如果微软为开发者所准备的开发工具Visual Studio有能力做到“大一统”,让开发者利用同样的代码,生成不同平台的应用,那么的确是能够方便开发者的。

而长期跟踪微软题材的Mary Jo Foley则根据Julie的讲话有另外一番解读。她也列出Julie在大会中的讲话。

“我认为不必将设备(Surface RT和Surface Pro)分得那么开。它们看上去是相似的,用起来也是相似的。但你无法像原来Windows那样去用它。因此,许多相关的讨论必须围绕着重塑品牌来进行。我们不能将之称为Windows。到底我们将如何令它变得更加不同?我认为,随着时间过去,你会看到到底如何不同的。”

根据Foley社交圈子所传来的消息,微软此前有打算打造某种混合形式的OS,整合Windows RT和Windows Phone。而根据最新的消息,这个系统更有可能是以Windows Phone为起点,而非Windows RT。Foley认为,Julie暗示微软未来将推出更多不同的手机、平板电脑。

Julie一番话能够引发外界那么多的猜想,可见她所说的话有多么的含糊,也可见外界对微软的未来是多么的关注。当然,在One Microsoft的战略执行下下,一个整合得更加彻底的微软,显然更为可怕。只不过,从2007年到2010年,从2010年到2013年,三年又三年,我们从不担心微软会因为资源不够的问题而倒下,就怕市场瞬息变化太剧烈,时间不等人。


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