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The author:(作者)hpmailer
published in(发表于) 2013/11/28 8:25:08
Education after the judge pronounced Lee

Education after the judge pronounced LEE: sentenced to 10 years has nothing to do with who you are son | two | | judgement victims _ news

Reporter He Li Dan, Beijing

On November 27, 2013, the first intermediate people's Court of Beijing municipality on Lee and four other men raped a second instance of Appeal ruled that final ruling rejected the appeal and upheld the. This meant Lee would face 10 years.

After the verdict the defendant appears between. The afternoon of November 27, was one of the small counsel wei Hu Juan reporters to 21st century economic report, Xiao Wei and their families against the verdict is "very satisfied", "in their expectations."

Lee a certain party in the second instance judgement handed down whether complaints? So Lee's main defence lawyer Zhang Qi Huai acts of second instance late on November 27 with a 21st century business Herald journalist confirmed in an interview to the complaint argued that "as long as the statutory procedure, we will go down. ”

Zhang Qi Huai sigh, second-instance verdict, "is within our expectation, beyond the expected. He is guilty of 10, one term is the sum of three other minors, is 2.5 times times Wei with his age, this sentence must be wrong. ”

Xinhua News Agency reported, the Court explained, Lee brought belonging to criminal intent in a joint crime, the main perpetrators of violence, status and role of significantly greater than other defendants without repentance. Underage students in view of its crime, its lighter punishments according to the law, sentenced to 10 years ' imprisonment.

On November 19 the second trial amounted to about 13 hours. Defense for the 21st century business Herald correspondent says, in this case in the second instance, Li, Wang and his new lawyers are of the view that this case as a case of prostitution rather than rape, so insist on defense of innocence; and 3 other defence counsel of the accused insist crime debate. "Similar to the dividing line between defence policy and in second instance trial. "Someone involved in the second trial defence counsel told this reporter.

Zhang Qi Huai said he's done for so Lee is "skeptical debate", "judgments of the first instance of facts and evidence, ascertain the facts and sent back for retrial. Court found the evidence insufficient to conviction, with witnesses are contradictory statements. ”

Court says trial, Lee justified "entered the room and soon after fell asleep, no sexual relations with the victim". This Court said, although from the victim's underwear was not detected in semen, but integrated other confessions of the accused and to testify in court, victim statements and other evidence, to demonstrate clear and stable first sexual relations with the victim of the fact.

Informed sources involved in the case, Lee has always insisted the case was just whoring is not rape, and that he was not involved in, ne bis in idem claimed Lee entered the room just got a call from its parent dreams of pigeon, he was out the door to answer the phone, and then came "saw nothing, no participation in"; while in a trial, he claimed to have drunk, fell asleep. Zhang Qi Huai explained that phone records showed that Lee three times that night, he took his mother's calls, "every phone has a couple of minutes" when he goes out "on at least three occasions" when he first called "drunk", "not in conflict. No ' confession ', said. ”

Zhang up Huai said, as Lee x of II trial lawyer, he main is to court made again adjustable take number Department key Department of objective evidence, including incident room of next door room top camera by recording of monitoring video, and the Hubei building, and gold Ding Xuan, and near KFC of toilet, and hospital, several Department front of monitoring video, "II trial Shi I mention has 20 copies adjustable take evidence of clues, these evidence can proved victims and accused Zhijian is what state, victims has no hurt", he also applications has victims Yang x appear, But the courts have not recognized, did not obtain.

Earlier media reports, in the second instance before the trial ended, so Lee read out to the Court by himself by writing, up to 10 minutes of "final statement", and bowed three times, he said, "so it's just because I'm Li shuangjiang, son? If I'm sentenced to a few years less, admitted that I didn't do something, I'm sorry that my parents, sorry family honor. Admit that I have not done things called okay? ”

A source who was present recalled, when Lee looked calm. Foregoing insiders told reporters, on November 27, the Court handed down after the Court stages of education, particularly to hear the verdict of the judges said, made such a decision, nothing to do with whose son you are.

In the view of Zhang Qi Huai acts, judicial procedure, at the appeals stage there is still a "revisionist" possibilities. If this is a "war", "the ' war ' has just begun, we just get your facts a little restored, only to pull the cut. We're still waiting for the final results. "The rush's lawyer said.

Source: the 21st century business Herald

(Edit: SN091)
November 28, 2013 Shenzhen news net

  本报记者 贺莉丹 北京报道
















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