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The author:(作者)hpmailer
published in(发表于) 2013/11/28 8:26:23
Guangdong started rural gardeners care project, 8 teachers to help 400,000

Guangdong started 8 teachers village gardeners love to help 400,000 rural | | | care project for teachers _ news

  Rural gardeners care project in Guangdong Province millions of dollars each year help poor teachers

Yangcheng evening news reporter Lin Shining, correspondent, Yue taught vision coverage: the morning of 27th, jointly organised by the Department of education of Guangdong Province, the provincial poverty alleviation Foundation "Guangdong rural gardeners care project" programme launching ceremony held in Guangzhou, from Shaoguan, Meizhou, Chaozhou 8 poor in less developed areas, such as rural teachers to be among the first recipients received $ 50,000 worth of bailout money.

According to the Guangdong Province "village gardeners care project" implementation of the programme, Foundation for poverty alleviation in principle benefit each year total funds of 10 million Yuan, quota arrangements help teachers do not exceed 200 people, to meet bailout conditions of teachers does not exceed 50,000 yuan per person, first tried out for 5 years.

It is understood that the scope of the project to help cover 21 key poverty alleviation counties, villages and towns of the province (excluding County town) and the number of rural primary and secondary schools serving employed teachers. Applicants must meet the following criteria: 2013, the victims of natural disasters, sudden accident or sudden major diseases, resulting in particularly difficult family life, that is down to 3,093 households per capita annual net income below, or unable to pay Medicaid and commercial medical insurance reimbursement for individual parts. It is understood that the first 8 to subsidised rural teachers, basic is poverty resulting from sickness. Edit: Wu Jiahong

(Original title: first 8 village gardeners care for rural teachers in Guangdong were assisted 400,000)

(Edit: SN094)
November 28, 2013 Golden Goat excursions, yangcheng evening news
广东启动乡村园丁关爱工程 8名教师获助40万|乡村|教师|关爱工程_新闻资讯


  羊城晚报讯 记者林世宁、通讯员粤教宣报道:27日上午,由广东省教育厅、省扶贫基金会联合主办的“广东省乡村园丁关爱工程”项目启动仪式在广州举行,来自韶关、梅州、潮州等欠发达地区的8名贫困乡村教师成为首批受助者,分别获得了5万元的救助资金。


  据了解,该项目救助范围覆盖全省21个重点扶贫开发县的乡镇(不含县城所在镇)及以下的农村中小学在职在岗教师。申请人需满足以下条件:2013年以来,遭受自然灾害、遭遇突发事故或突患重大疾病,造成家庭生活特别困难,即家庭人均年纯收入降到3093元以下,或无力支付公费医疗和商业医疗保险报销费用以外个人承担部分。据了解,首批受资助的8名乡村教师,基本都是因病致贫。编辑: 邬嘉宏

(原标题:广东乡村园丁关爱工程 首批8名乡村教师获助40万)


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