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The author:(作者)hpmailer
published in(发表于) 2013/11/28 8:38:46
Qingdao, Sinopec million employees mourn blast victims

Qingdao, Sinopec million employees mourn blast victims (pictures) | | mourning of Sinopec Qingdao | _ news

    "Sinopec mourned 11.22 accident victims" @ petrified truth: on November 28, 2013, Sinopec's headquarters and is a member of more than 100 enterprises in the mourning ceremony was held around the same time, millions of employees mourned "11.22" East yellow double oil spill victims of the explosion. And set November 22 as China petrochemical safety production warning day, to honour the memory of the deceased, alert future generations. A moment of silence!

    (Edit: SN028) November 28, 2013



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