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The author:(作者)hpmailer
published in(发表于) 2013/11/30 9:33:55
Beijing fall case final scene

Beijing fall case final scene: criminals who has been away from Beijing fall | | | the hearing of a child watching his girlfriend _ news

The newspaper News (cub reporter Yan Qi) 9:20 A.M. today, social concern, Han Lei harbouring a wilful killing, Li Ming (Tai Hing broke case) ne bis in idem public sentencing, the Beijing Municipal higher people's Court rejected the appeal and upheld the. Zhiqian, the Beijing Municipal Intermediate People's Court made a verdict: to commit voluntary manslaughter sentenced Han Lei to death; to harbouring committed a crime punishable by imprisonment Li Ming two years; also ruled to allow families of victims to withdraw had been made Han Lei lawsuit request totals more than 2.73 million Yuan.

  The Court of Final Appeal judgment

Han Lei for infants sitting in the car with a clear cognitive

November 19, the second trial scene, Han Lei insisted did not know of the appellant falls is a child, did not have any motive for murder. Xu ping, Han Lei's lawyer insists that its negligence causes death, not murder. Counsel argues that the locals like a shopping cart using the stroller phenomenon, which made Han Lei believes himself is, not a baby. Xu ping, prosecutors and lawyers on whether the mother pushed the car debate like a shopping cart. Prosecutors recommended that Court affirmed the first-instance verdict.

This morning, the judge read out the verdict to the Court: the defenders to Han Lei material evidence produced at the trial photos, videos, and found the evidence can prove that they took a stroller loaded objects, but cannot cover up the stroller by baby's original properties. The table produced to the Court's analysis of the video details, after review, the Court be admissible. Surveillance video and witnesses testimonies may well prove spot lights, Han Lei in the clarity of language in the course of the crime, agile, and baby sitting in the car, there is a clear perception. Their actions comply with the requisites to constitute manslaughter.

Beijing high people's Court believed that appellant Han Lei for an offence is liable to a penalty, still remain impenitent, released after only nine months, deliberately unlawful deprivation of a person's life, and death from young children, their actions constitute intentional homicide, crime is extremely serious, repeat offenders, from severe punishment according to law. Trial knowing Li Ming Han Lei is a crime of the accused person still drive from the crime scene to help Han Lei by reason, their actions constitute crimes of harbouring, should be punished according to law. View Li Ming surrendered, and plots that have been unwilling to pick up Han Lei, legally a lighter punishment.

High Court considered that the grounds of appeal raised by Han Lei, the lack of factual and legal basis, cannot be established, and should be rejected. Han Lei Defender back to the revision of the recommendations or review submissions, based on insufficient Court against it. Rejected by the Prosecutor's Office recommended Han Lei's appeal and upheld the opinion justified, should be adopted.

Beijing high homes in accordance with People's Republic of China criminal law under No. 235 article and the Supreme People's Court on implementation several problem of explained under No. 344 article part (two) items of provides, in accordance with the ruled maintained a trial judgment, accused Han Lei made deliberately killing sin, sentenced to death penalty, denied civil lifelong, instead of Qian Sin yet implementation finished of denied civil seven years two months ten days and fine, decided implementation death penalty, denied civil lifelong, and submitted Supreme People's Court approved.

According to the legislation, two for the final judgement, decision takes immediate effect. Hanlei to go down to my last point: the death penalty review procedure.

  Scene witness

Han Lei visual expression calm girlfriend

This morning, both families attend. Han Lei are brought into court, face calm, turned toward the Gallery girlfriend smiled.

Sentence ended, when taken out of the Court, Han Lei, girlfriend of eyes watched the Gallery to tears. Han Lei family declined interviews to reporters, and supported by his girlfriend in relatives and friends hurriedly left the scene.

 Case reviews

This year, July 23, accused Han Lei, Li Ming town, Daxing District drive to Wu Temple Road, near a public transport station road station, parking problems and the Lee dispute. Subsequently, Han Lei beat LEE and Lee's daughter Sun (full year 2 years, 10 months) from the strollers picked up over your head to the ground. Driving Han Lei Li Ming flee the scene, Sun died of severe craniocerebral injury in infants. On September 25, the Beijing Municipal Intermediate People's Court to voluntary manslaughter sentenced Han Lei to death in the first instance, the Court also ruled to allow families of victims to withdraw had been made Han Lei lawsuit request totals more than 2.73 million Yuan. Han Lei subsequently appealed. November 19, the Beijing Municipal higher people's Court of Han Lei appeal case was heard in public. J195

(Trial pictures for the Xinhua News Agency today)

(Original title: fall Tong Hanlei is death)

(Edit: SN028)
November 29, 2013 Beijing evening news

  本报讯(实习记者 严琪) 今天上午9点20分,备受社会关注的韩磊故意杀人、李明窝藏一案(即大兴摔童案)二审公开宣判,北京市高级人民法院裁定驳回上诉,维持原判。之前,北京市一中院作出一审判决:以犯故意杀人罪判处韩磊死刑;以犯窝藏罪判处李明有期徒刑两年;同时裁定,准许受害人家属撤回此前对韩磊提出的总计273万余元的附带民事诉讼请求。
















(原标题:摔童韩磊 还是死刑)


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