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The author:(作者)hpmailer
published in(发表于) 2013/11/30 9:37:52
Ministry of education: teacher’s harassment of a student or having improper relations with students will be punished

Ministry of education: teacher's harassment or improper relations with students will be punished | | | improper relationship _ the Ministry of education of teachers news

Authorities wide nets of education November 29 to establish and improve the system of punishment of violations of ethics to effectively address current moral problems, the Ministry of education has developed the approach of unprofessional conduct for teachers (draft for soliciting opinions), and community-oriented open for comments from today. For public comment until December 18, authorities, teachers and the community through the mail (shide@MoE.edu.CN), by fax (010-66020522) and the letter (address: large wooden storehouse Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing, 35th Division Ministry of education teachers work ethics, postcode: 100,816) comments.

Draft notes that corporal punishment of students if teachers; punishment humiliation, discrimination, isolation and other means and result in students ' physical and mental harm; harassment of students or having improper relations with students; no discourage, organization, requirements, pupils participate in paid extra tuition outside school or participation in external training institution for students paid up, appropriate disciplinary action will be based on the seriousness of respectively.

  Measures on handling acts in violation of school teachers ' professional ethics (draft for soliciting opinions), which read as follows:

  Primary and middle school teachers ' unprofessional behaviour approach

  (Draft for soliciting opinions)

The first to regulate the professional conduct of teachers, safeguard teachers ' rights, in accordance with the People's Republic of China Law on education, the People's Republic of China under the protection of minors, the People's Republic of China of teachers, the teachers ' qualifications regulations and other laws and regulations, these measures are formulated.

Primary and middle school teachers in this way are referred to in section II kindergarten, special education, primary and middle schools and secondary vocational schools, students and local teachers in teaching and research, educational institutions.

Primary and secondary school teachers, including teachers in private schools referred to in the preceding paragraph.

Article III hereof said penalties include warnings, reprimands, reduction of professional and technical positions, withdrawal of professional or administrative positions, fired. Among them, the warning period is 6 months, and kept for a period of 12 months, lower the rank of professional and technical positions, revocation of professional or administrative positions for a period of 24 months.

Article fourth teacher of any of the following acts, seriousness given corresponding penalties:

(A) education activities against the party and State policies;

(B) in the educational and teaching activities in case of an emergency, fail to perform the duties of protecting student safety;

(C) in the evaluation of teaching and student management, are not fair and equitable treatment of students;

(D) the enrolment, examinations, examination and evaluation of research fraud, corruption, duty assessment, teaching and research;

(E) corporal punishment of students;

(F) punishment humiliation, discrimination, isolation and other means, resulting in students ' physical or mental harm;

(G) harassment of students or having improper relations with students;

(H) requests for receiving parents, student or violates the provisions or property;

(IX) or organization involved in business activities for students, or compel students to order teaching materials, newspapers and periodicals for personal gain;

(J) do not listen, organization, requirements, pupils participate in paid extra tuition outside school or participation in external training institution for students paid up;

(11) other violations of professional ethics should be given the appropriate punishment.

Fifth head of schools and school teachers in found in the education sector there may be a fourth, outlined in articles, investigations should be timely to confirm the facts. Before making a decision on a sanction given, shall hear the representations and representations of teachers also heard from students, teachers, parents or parent on behalf of the Committee. If necessary, you can organize hearings.

Sixth gives the teachers punished in accordance with the following permissions:

(A) warning and demerit, public school teachers by school recommendation, head of school of education departments, teachers in private schools by the school decided that the competent education departments for the record;

(B) reduce the rank of professional and technical positions, revocation of professional and technical positions or administrative disciplinary action and make recommendations to the school by teachers, school education sector and report to the personnel department at the same level the record;

(C) the sanction of expulsion, public school teachers by school recommendation, competent decisions in the education sector and the same level of school personnel record or did not include the establishment of private school teachers teachers up to the school and its management contract, reported to the competent education departments for the record.

Seventh established by the decision shall notify the teacher himself and contains finds facts and argument, basis, duration and remedies, and so on.

Disciplinary decisions should be published in the appropriate scope, except those involving the privacy of minors. When determining the punishment announced range, should stick to help maintain normal order of teaching and education, safeguarding the principles of teachers ' rights.

Article eighth teachers with the acts enumerated in article fourth administrative detention punishment or sanction of expulsion, educational administrative departments at or above the county level in accordance with the teacher certification regulations article 19th of the revocation of their teachers ' qualifications.

Registered teachers punished during the suspension of regular teachers ' qualification. According to the People's Republic of China article 14th loss of teachers ' qualification of the teachers law, cannot qualify as a teacher.

Reduced professional and technical positions of teachers disciplinary action cannot be declared during a high level professional and technical positions. Revocation of professional and technical positions of teachers disciplinary action cannot be declared again during professional and technical positions.

Nineth teachers appealed against the disciplinary decision, may apply to the head of school education sector review. Not satisfied with the results of the review allows you to level up in the school education sector administrative complaint with the Department.

Tenth head of school education Department refused to dispose of, or severely delayed adverse disposition or buck to hide the consequences of, previous Administration should be investigated for leadership responsibilities.

11th article fourth of foreign teachers, schools or the Education Department shall cancel its contract.

12th teachers have been sentenced according to the law, pursuant to the institution staff to dispose of the provisional regulation to revocation of professional and technical positions or administrative positions more than punishment. Teachers have been deprived of political rights or intentional offence subject to imprisonment more than criminal penalties, loss of teacher qualifications.

13th Provincial Administration Department of education should be combined with local realities and the development of implementing rules, and the Ministry of education record.

14th article of the measures shall come into force as of the date of issue.

(Original title: education: teacher's students will be subject to the imposition of corporal punishment, harassment)

(Edit: SN098)
November 29, 2013 China broadcast network

  央广网教育11月29日消息 为建立健全违反师德行为的惩处制度,切实解决当前存在的师德突出问题,教育部研究制定了《中小学教师违反职业道德行为处理办法》(征求意见稿),并从即日起面向社会公开征求意见。公开征求意见截止到12月18日,有关单位、教师及社会各界人士可通过邮件(shide@moe.edu.cn)、传真(010-66020522)和信函(地址:北京市西城区大木仓胡同35号教育部教师工作司师德建设处,邮编:100816)提出意见建议。


  《中小学教师违反职业道德行为处理办法(征求意见稿) 》全文如下:



  第一条 为规范教师职业行为,保障教师合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国教育法》、《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》、《中华人民共和国教师法》、《教师资格条例》等法律法规,制定本办法。

  第二条 本办法所称中小学教师是指幼儿园、特殊教育机构、普通中小学、中等职业学校、少年宫以及地方教研室、电化教育等机构的教师。


  第三条 本办法所称处分包括警告、记过、降低专业技术职务等级、撤销专业技术职务或者行政职务、开除。其中,警告期限为6个月,记过期限为12个月,降低专业技术职务等级、撤销专业技术职务或者行政职务期限为24个月。

  第四条 教师有下列行为之一的,视情节轻重分别给予相应处分:












  第五条 学校及学校主管教育部门发现教师可能存在第四条列举行为的,应当及时组织调查,核实有关事实。作出处分决定前,应当听取教师的陈述和申辩,也可听取学生、其他教师、家长委员会或者家长代表意见。必要时,可以组织听证。

  第六条 给予教师处分按照以下权限决定:




  第七条 处分决定应当书面通知教师本人并载明认定的事实、理由、依据、期限及救济途径等内容。


  第八条 教师有第四条列举行为受到行政拘留处罚或者给予开除处分的,由县级以上教育行政部门依据《教师资格条例》第十九条撤销其教师资格。



  第九条 教师不服处分决定的,可以向学校主管教育部门申请复核。对复核结果不服的,可以向学校主管教育部门的上一级行政部门提出申诉。

  第十条 学校主管教育部门拒不处分、拖延处分或者推诿隐瞒造成不良影响或者严重后果的,上一级行政部门应当追究有关领导责任。

  第十一条 外籍教师有第四条规定行为的,学校或者主管教育部门应当解除其聘任合同。

  第十二条 教师被依法判处刑罚的,依据《事业单位工作人员处分暂行规定》给予撤销专业技术职务或者行政职务以上处分。教师受到剥夺政治权利或者故意犯罪受到有期徒刑以上刑事处罚的,丧失教师资格。

  第十三条 省级教育行政部门应当结合当地实际情况制定实施细则,并报教育部备案。

  第十四条 本办法自发布之日起施行。



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