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The author:(作者)hpmailer
published in(发表于) 2013/11/30 9:41:36
My ten sea place name proposal passed, comes from the book of songs

Ten Harbour names agreed to the proposal have come from the book of Odes | | bottom | names _ songs news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, November 29 (reporter Rocha)-29th reporters from the State Oceanic Administration was informed that not long ago, Japan held in Tokyo International Seabed on the 26th meeting of the Sub Committee on geographical names, China's first to China Committee on geographical names submitted on behalf of the Committee on geographical names of the seabed 10 Harbour place names have been examined and approved the proposal, Dodd ISA directory of place names.

10 Harbour place name proposals include Chang Gung seamount, qiminghaishan, Gan Yuhai, Zhu Yinghai Hill, Victoria storm Mesa, Mesa, Gu Ling haishanqun, soft wood group of seamounts, seamounts and pleased the seamount. 8 of which are in the Pacific, 2 in India Ocean.

According to reports, China Ocean geographic entity name is named after the songs for ideas, and with the wind of the James are named as the main line of the song. Data used for preparation of these 10 Harbour place name proposals from China Ocean investigation data obtained. So far, China has 29 Harbour place name proposals by the International Seabed Authority the place name approval.

International Seabed Authority the place name is in the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and the International Hydrographic Organization Global Marine General cartographic Steering Committee under the leadership of the affiliated professional organizations. The organization is today's Harbour area of place names have a higher authority and international influence of international organizations, hold an annual meeting, consideration of the harbour place name proposals submitted by States.

This year, China, Russia, and Japan, and Korea, and Brazil, and Norway, and New Zealand 7 Member States had submitted to the International Seabed Authority the place name proposal for 55 new names. Consideration by the International Seabed Authority the place name, a total of 48 new proposals to be considered passed.

(Edit: SN077)
November 29, 2013 Xinhua
我国十个海底地名提案获通过 均来自《诗经》|诗经|海底|地名_新闻资讯

  新华网北京11月29日电(记者 罗沙)记者29日从国家海洋局获悉,前不久在日本东京召开的国际海底地名分委会第26次会议上,中国首次以中国地名委员会海底地名分委会名义提交的10个海底地名提案全部获得审议通过,被收入国际海底地名名录。






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