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The author:(作者)hpmailer
published in(发表于) 2013/12/1 20:44:14
A batch of new laws come into effect today, textbooks free of charge work end of era

A batch of new laws come into effect this end textbooks free of charge work time | text | new | free _ news

Beijing, December 1 (Wang Yongji) textbook era come to an end of free access to works, residential construction should not be set within Fireworks retail outlets, food and drug regulators huge legislation affecting the public interest required risk assessment ... ... Entered in December, the textbook under the statutory license works to pay the compensation, the Fireworks business licensing implementation measures, and the State food and drug administration under the legislative procedure, a number of laws and regulations will be formally implemented.

  Textbooks free of charge work end of era

The State Copyright Bureau jointly with the national development and Reform Commission recently published the textbook under the statutory license works to pay the compensation, the written publication of nine-year compulsory education and the national education using published works planning textbook payment issue was clear and standard. The measures shall enter into force today.

At present a large number of works by textbooks, but the copyright holders do not receive remuneration. The reason is that publishing house, it's hard to find a large number of photographic copyright, copyright consciousness of individual publishing houses, not seriously looking for copyright owners, even publishing house textbook work remuneration paid to editors, and so on. The implementation of the measures, sign some textbooks free use of works of the era is about to end.

According to the rules, work remuneration in selected textbooks, writing works for 300 yuan per thousand words; musical works each 300 yuan, works of art, photographic work for every 200 Yuan, used to work for each of the front or back cover 400 Yuan, in supporting the sound recording and music textbooks textbooks used in existing phonograms, each for 50 Yuan.

The rules, pay textbooks published within 2 months from the date of the copyright owner to pay. Textbook compilers without remuneration in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph to pay the copyright owner should be in each semester within the first month of their remuneration shall be paid together with the postage, as well as related to the use of works related to the collective management organizations of copyright. Textbook compilers after the remuneration to be paid to the account, shall, without delay, in accordance with relevant provisions of copyright collective management organizations to the assignment of the copyright owner, and timely announcements on its website textbook compilers use work-related situations.

National copyright administration official said, that the methods of execution, marked the beginning of textbook writing, publishing unit will pay to the copyright owner according to the standard textbook selection of texts, music, fine art, photographs, remuneration, the copyright owner will be obtained from the various textbooks due, the methods are mandatory. Meanwhile, Chinese Copyright group is the only nationwide textbooks for legal permission to use the text paid statutory charge transfer institution.

 Residents should not be set off fireworks and firecrackers inside the building point of sale

Formulated by the State administration of work safety supervision in the Fireworks business licensing implementation measures will be effective as of today, the methods required, Fireworks retailers shall not place settings with the residents in the same building. Released by the State administration of safety supervision on August 26, 2006 abolition of the Fireworks business licensing implementation measures at the same time.

The rules, Fireworks business units, in conformity with security, unified planning, rational distribution, total control, limited competition principles and approval; for black powder, fuse and Fireworks wholesale import and export business, in conformity with the principle of strict license conditions, strictly control the number of approval.

The approach emphasizes, wholesale business shall not be established within the urban area of fireworks stores may not be in the wholesale (show) sites placing drug samples, strictly control the number of fireworks retail outlet in urban area and retail fireworks shall not place to live is set in the same building with the residents.

The methods required, retail business operators shall comply with the following conditions: met the safety supervision Bureau the County's retail business site layout planning; retail outlets during the Spring Festival, cities long-term retail store sales. Village long-term retail points in off-season introduced Shoppe sales Shi, arrangements hand sales, Shoppe relative independent, and and other counter keep must of distance, guarantee security channel unblocked; retail places of area not is less than 10 square, its around 50 m range within no other Fireworks firecrackers retail points, and and school, and kindergarten, and hospital, and trade market, personnel intensive places and gas station, flammable easy burst items production, and store facilities, focus buildings keep 100 m above of security distance; retail places equipped with necessary of fire equipment And post clear warnings signs, and so on.

The methods noted, wholesale business units or individuals may not without obtaining retail licenses sold fireworks shall not be sold to retail operators, such as display shells should be discharge of fireworks and firecrackers by setting off professionals; enterprise engaged in wholesale of black gunpowder, fuse may not without the fireworks safety production license sales by units or individuals of pyrotechnic composition, black powder and fuse.

The rules, for operating without a permit, Super scope of license, a license expires to continue operating Fireworks, ordered to stop the illegal business activities, fines of 20,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan, and confiscated illegal goods and illegal proceeds.

 Food and drug regulators huge legislation affecting the public interest required risk assessments

Formulated by the State food and drug administration by the State food and drug administration legislative procedure shall enter into force today. On April 30, 2002, issued by the State drug administration procedures of administrative legislation also repealed.

The regulations clearly, provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the food and Drug Administration (hereinafter referred to as the provincial food and drug regulators) can propose laws, administrative rules and regulations by the Ministry of project proposals. Citizens and organizations via mail, Internet mail, and other forms submitted to the General legal, administrative rules and regulations relating to the food and Drug Administration approval recommendation.

The regulations require drafting departments should be thorough investigations and studies, understanding regulatory history, status quo and existing problems, research and regulatory experience both at home and abroad, offer practical draft legislation. Drafting departments during the drafting process should be widely consulted relevant departments, agencies, industry associations, law enforcement officers and citizens at the grassroots level. For advice you can take seminars, demonstration, public hearings, form of field research, online open call for proposals. Drafting Department at the draft legislation to the public for comments, drafting instructions should be attached.

The provision states that draft legislation related to food and drug administration, major adjustments to institutional mechanisms, regulatory measures, against citizens or interests may have a significant impact, the food and drug industries, drafting departments should organize for social, economic and other aspects of risk assessment form assessment report, as the basis for a legislative decision.

The regulations clearly, draft as revised by the Legal Division review, basic maturity, general charge of the leadership of validation. General charge of the leadership's endorsement, in China the Government legal information online for public comment, and reproduced in the administration of Government website. Comment time is normally less than 30th.

The provision states that regulations shall be announced 30th after the date of the execution, but released do not apply will impede the regulations immediately after the execution, shall enter into force on the date of its publication. (End text)

December 01, 2013 China News Network
一批新法今起实施 教科书免费使用作品时代终结|教科书|新法|免费_新闻资讯

  中新网12月1日电 (王永吉) 教科书免费使用作品时代终结、居民建筑内不得设置烟花爆竹零售点、食药监管部门立法影响公众利益巨大需风险评估……进入12月,《教科书法定许可使用作品支付报酬办法》、《烟花爆竹经营许可实施办法》、《国家食品药品监督管理总局立法程序规定》等一批法律法规将正式实施。











  《办法》要求,零售经营者应当符合下列条件:符合所在地县级安全监管局制定的零售经营布点规划;春节期间零售点、城市长期零售点实行专店销售。 乡村长期零售点在淡季实行专柜销售时,安排专人销售,专柜相对独立,并与其他柜台保持一定的距离,保证安全通道畅通;零售场所的面积不小于10平方米,其周边50米范围内没有其他烟花爆竹零售点,并与学校、幼儿园、医院、集贸市场等人员密集场所和加油站等易燃易爆物品生产、储存设施等重点建筑物保持100 米以上的安全距离;零售场所配备必要的消防器材,张贴明显的安全警示标志等。











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