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The author:(作者)hpmailer
published in(发表于) 2013/12/2 10:04:51
Nanjing bus lines “game 1“ was translating into “swimming the 1th road“

Nanjing bus lines "game 1" was translating into "swimming the 1th road" | | English | Nanjing _ news

Yesterday, Mr LAU told the people of Nanjing Yangtze evening news reporter: he photographed a few public signs in Nanjing photos, shocking translations make people laugh or cry, of which the most famous mausoleum scenic tour on the sign at the main gate 1 translated into "swim 1th road", "international joke". "The Youth Olympic games that open next year, with so many error prejudicial to the image of Nanjing. ”

In fact, as early as 2010, the province has introduced the public identification of Jiangsu Province in English translation and writing code, why would this type of error?

Intern Wang Jiajing

Yangtse evening post reporter Zhang Jun

  Ray: Yes

  "Beware the water" into a "Beware of drowning"

A few days ago, a high school English teacher in Nanjing Zhongshan scenic tours after Liu took his friend, professional sensitivity make him special attention to scenic spots in the English translation of the sign "the results surprising. "Obviously, the Sen's mausoleum is the most stunning on the plate at the entrance of" game 1 "actually translated into a" swimming "1th road bus" (swim 1 road bus).

In addition, the "visiting the mausoleum (donggou) by car parking" translations, drew field was unable to make head or tail of ..., don't know what the translator's hell. Drew is the past tense of the verb draw, draw is a commonly used word that says "drag, pull, pull", but does not appear to have this meaning in the original Chinese.

Liu said that Sen's mausoleum scenic area's public identity is far more than these translation errors. Lake Biwa area identified a "Beware of drowning" in English translation is "Take care to fall into water," meaning very different from now, like you fall into the water, drowning but you do have to be careful, that is, please beware of falling into the water.

Plum Valley Lake "Staff Only and offenders suffer the consequences" before its translation is missing a word actors, the latter sentence, disobey modified the subject person of the verb, followed by missing a predicate, there is only one word phrases, grammatical confusion, do not understand. "Actually, using 'Danger!' Or 'No Swimming' up! "Liu Mr told reporter, he currently collection of more than 10 multiple translation errors just he rough go has day of results, as carefully looking for estimated also has many, and also of problem in Nanjing other Park, and scenic also has many, Liu Mr said he has in Nanjing Po ship Park see will" Zheng He Xia Western "translation into has Under Zheng He Western World (in Zheng He of Western world following). Zhenghe Park in Taiping South Road East of the middle of a ticket booth on the square in front of the window, "collar" is translated From the Vote (from the ballot).

Chaos: Yes

"Ming Xiaoling mausoleum" four English names

Mr LAU also found the famous "Ming Xiaoling mausoleum" actually have four English name. Are the "Ming Tomb Dynasty" "Xioaling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty" and "Filial Tomb of Ming Dynasty" and simply "Ming Xiaoling mausoleum" labeled as purely geographical names with Hanyu Pinyin "Ming Xiao Ling" "it also exist several translations, I have photographed. Same name more than one translation, the foreigner identity refers to is not the same place, which hampered the city's image and international locales. "Mr Liu told reporters that the different translations of the same geographical names-Sen mausoleum scenic spot only a few" Jinling stone Gallery "translations appear" Jin Ling Shi Dao Mansion "and" Jin Ling Stone Museum "and" Jin Ling Stone Road Museum "three kinds of translations. "Beautiful old Palace" to appear "Meiling Palace" and "Mei-ling Palace" and so on.

"Ming Xiaoling mausoleum" in English translation, Nanjing Agricultural University, school of foreign languages English, currently involved in the drafting of the public foreign language translation services · Wang Yinquan think of the national standard of English is indeed no small difficulty, the key is to make sense of its history, Ming Tomb Dynasty is the most unforgivable of low-level errors in translation, translator's lack of professional quality. Wang Yinquan's view in favor of "The Imperial Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty", that is "the Royal Tombs of the Ming dynasty" and "India official translation of the famous Taj Mahal is the 'Taj Mahal Mausoleum', official English translations of the mausoleum is also 'Dr Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum'. "Wang Yinquan" Mausoleum "more beneficial to the difference between an ordinary Royal graves and mausoleums.

Earlier translation standard

But lack of same Department

"In fact, before the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Province has introduced the public identify English-language translation of the local standards and specifications issued by the Provincial Bureau of quality, however, apparently did not take it seriously. "Wang Yinquan, this confusion of translation, may be related to government departments, Bulls management, another reason may be the same branch at different points in time when making these bilingual identity, the man in charge is not the same person, and they find translation agencies are not the same.

Yesterday afternoon, the Yangtze evening news reporter learned from administration of Sen's mausoleum in Nanjing, the Park of English they are professional translators to translate, as Professor Wang reflected problems do exist, they will be the first time the error correction. For Park signs in English translation there is no uniform standard, Zhongshan cemetery authority did not respond.

(Edit: SN091)
December 02, 2013 Yangtse evening post



  实习生 王佳静

  扬子晚报记者 张 筠



  前几天,在南京某高中担任英语教师的刘先生带友人游览中山景区,职业敏感性让他特别关注景区内各种标牌上的英语译文“结果让人大跌眼镜。”其中,最令人瞠目结舌的是在中山陵园入口处的标牌上“游1路”居然被翻译成了“游泳1号路巴士”(swim 1 road bus)。

  此外,“前往中山陵(东沟)停车场由此乘车”的译文中,drew field令人丈二和尚摸不着头脑,不知道译者究竟想表示什么。Drew是动词draw的过去式,draw是一个常用单词,表示“拖、拉、拽”,但是中文原文中并未包含这层意思。

  刘先生说,中山陵风景区存在的公共标识译文错误远不止上述这些。琵琶湖景区的一则标识“当心落水”英文翻译是“Take care to fall into water”意思马上大相径庭,俨然是请你掉入水中,但是你落水的时候千万要小心谨慎一些,也就是请你小心一些掉入水中。

  而梅花谷湖边“禁止游泳,违者后果自负”其译文中前一句话缺少行为主体,后一句中,动词disobey修饰了主语person,后面又缺少谓语,只有一个分词短语,语法混乱,看不懂。“其实用‘Danger!’或‘No Swimming’就可以了!”刘先生告诉记者,他目前收集的十多个翻译错误只是他粗略走了一天的成果,如细心寻找估计还有不少,而且同样的问题在南京其他公园、景区也有很多,刘先生表示他曾在南京宝船公园看到将“郑和下西洋”翻译成了Under Zheng He Western World(在郑和的西方世界下面)。在太平南路中段东侧的郑和公园门口广场上的一个售票亭的窗口,“领票处”被翻译成了From the Vote(来自选票)。



  刘先生还发现大名鼎鼎的“明孝陵”居然有四个英文名。分别是“Ming Tomb Dynasty”““Xioaling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty”“Filial Tomb of Ming Dynasty”以及干脆把“明孝陵”作为纯地名用汉语拼音标注为“Ming Xiao Ling”“这几个翻译均同时存在,我都拍了照片。同一地名多个译法,这在老外看来标识指的就不是同一个地方,这妨碍了城市形象和国际化语言环境。”刘先生告诉记者,同一地名不同译文的现象仅中山陵景区就有不少“金陵石道馆”的译文分别出现了“Jin Ling Shi Dao Mansion”“Jin Ling Stone Museum”及“Jin Ling Stone Road Museum”三种译文。“美龄宫”分别出现了“Meiling Palace”和“Mei-ling Palace”等等。

  对于“明孝陵”的英文翻译,南京农业大学外国语学院英语教授,目前正在参与起草《公共服务领域外文译写·英文》国家标准的王银泉认为确实难度不小,关键是要翻译出它的历史感,Ming Tomb Dynasty则是最不能原谅的低级翻译错误,也是译者职业素质的缺失。王银泉的观点倾向于“The Imperial Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty”即“明朝王室陵墓”“印度著名的泰姬玛哈陵的官方翻译就是‘Taj Mahal Mausoleum’,中山陵的官方英译名也是‘Dr Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum’。”王银泉觉得“Mausoleum”这个词更有益于区别普通坟墓和皇家陵园。






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