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The author:(作者)hpmailer
published in(发表于) 2013/12/2 10:12:40
Full record of Chang e, third launch

Full record of Chang e, third launch | Chang | third | rocket satellite launches _ news

Xinhuanet, Xichang, December 2 (reporters Wang Jingguo and Li Qinghua and)-December 1, 2013, Xichang satellite launching site. Surrounded by hills, long March b rocket stood quietly in the second, third, next to the launching Tower.

It holds is a big lead--Chang third.

After 6 hours, carrying Chinese lunar new dream of Chang e, third will embrace "the rabbit" depart from here, to the 380,000 miles away-"Moon Palace".

  Refueling at low temperature: rocket launch countdown

Launch site area, several wearing blue static clothing, wearing cotton gloves for staff on the second tower began to add the third-stage rocket "power"-the liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen.

"This marks the launch countdown. "Sun Baowei, Secretary of the Xichang satellite launch Center said," once you start filling of cryogenic propellant, firing into irreversible State. ”

Rockets top, fog-shrouded. Despite strict fuel tank insulation design, rocket around the air is rapidly condense into water vapor. In order to prevent icing, must constantly scavenge with nitrogen, until the last few seconds before launch.

Pool combustion launching Tower is 500 metres away, the fire burns –

"Liquid hydrogen-liquid oxygen are flammable and explosive gas. Grain of old stones from a height of one meter free fall the energy generated by, and would detonate liquid hydrogen. Need to raise one side raises pressure relief. "Chen Fuzhong raises hand said that starting from the filling, there must be two dedicated line kept imported combustion vaporization of the fuel pool, until the filling is over.

43 year old Chen Fuzhong notation is an experienced hand. For 20 years, raises his hand over more than 2000 cubic metres of propellant, there was a human error and negligently. "As long as operations in strict accordance with the procedures work, you can do no wrong. "He said.

2nd, refueling is completed at low temperature. Within the field, the other post workers have begun to evacuate. Chen Fuzhong is finishing up the final phase of the Apostille completed recheck again, quickly after the underground bunkers.

  Ignition: "zero-window" launch

As launch time approached, the Xichang satellite launch Center in the busier post staff –

Remote control inside the building, measuring external logging system, telemetry, technical staff, final test check for rockets; command and control center Hall, password different console before scheduling loudly; aims at researchers collimators are being closely monitored the rocket's posture; lawn not far from the launch site area, fire, safety and security group are standing by.

"The one-minute preparation! "2nd, Commander yanliqing 0th, sonorous voice, suddenly sounded in the quiet valley.

All eyes suddenly get to the 2nd Tower. Launch site area, reporters from dozens of national and international media to "Lance short Cannon" at the imminent departure of Chang e, third.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, ignition! "1:30 yanliqing powerful password issued, launch control station operator Bai Chunbo rapid red ignition button is pressed.

"The rockets exactly zero window ' launched on time. "Deputy Commander Zhao Min looked at allegations of the launch site system screen displays the timing of the launch of the Hall said that not only does this ensure that Chang, third entered the earth-moon transfer orbit precisely, but also saves fuel, to power the detector of follow-up.

Bundle of 4 booster rocket spewed a cloud of orange flames, long March b rockets were built, third. Huge flames instantaneous hundreds of tons of water into gas in a flow tank.

As if the air was torn with a sound burst, roaring to the mountains around and stood in km than a lot of people got to cover the ears.

In this mission, to become immortal, the third request to enter earth-moon transfer orbit, and Chang, third more weight than Chang, second has increased by more than 1000 kg, so choose the long third, improved rocket. "It is one of the country's strongest orbital launch vehicle, carrying capacity of more than 5,000 kilograms. "Said Jiang Jie, Chief Designer of the rocket system.

After more than 10 seconds, toward Southeast flight of the rocket trailed a long exhaust plume disappeared in the vast darkness.

  Arrow separation: Chang-third precisely on track

Rocket blast off at the moment, tens of thousands of participants across the lunar exploration program personnel and tens of thousands of sets of equipment to start.

From the Beijing Aerospace command and control center, Xian satellite monitoring center, Qingdao, Xiamen, Kashi and other measuring and control station, and YuanWang tracking ship at sea control network consisting of real-time tracking of rocket.

"Rocket flight normal" "trace normal", "telemetry signal normal" ... ... Loud voices in the dubbed "pineapple Groove" echoed through the Valley.

Launch command and control center on the giant screens in the Hall, all kinds of data, charts, along with the rocket's flight path changes frequently, full data under three-dimension environment simulation system for three dimensional animation in real time, real, to visualize a rocket flight.

This year, the Xichang satellite launch Center has built a distance measuring visualization command monitoring systems, measuring and control command monitoring system, completed, including measuring and control equipment replacement of hundreds of technical improvement, further increases the reliability of the launch site.

Rocket, one or two level two or three separate grade separation, rockets, three-engine shutdown, three-level secondary ignition engine, three-stage engine shut down for the second time, arrow combination of normal flight attitude at all times. This is since the formation of the 83rd launch of the Xichang satellite launch Center, and 130th lunar exploration activities throughout the world.

, 2nd, arrows separate. Charged Hall, previously strained nerve staff gave a relaxed smile on his face.

Data from the Beijing Aerospace command and control center showed that satellite high speed over the Pacific into a perigee of 200 kilometers and apogee of about 380,000 km from earth-moon transfer orbit ... ...

The scientists designed Moon road, Chang e, third the next after the main deceleration, rapid adjustment, near, hover, obstacle avoidance, slow decline of 6 stages, such as slowing from month from 15 km height down to the Moon's surface.

, 2nd, the wing. For Chang, third on orbit, the Sun is the main source of electrical energy.

Xichang satellite launch Center Director Zhang Zhenzhong announced Chang, third shuttle mission a complete success!

At this point, Chang Miao third satellite in-Ho fast-flying in space. Moon, is looking forward to the arrival of Chinese visitors ... ...

December 02, 2013 The website

  新华网西昌12月2日电(记者王经国 李清华 田野)2013年12月1日19时30分,西昌卫星发射场。群山环抱中,长征三号乙运载火箭静静地伫立在二号发射塔架旁。




































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