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The author:(作者)hpmailer
published in(发表于) 2013/12/5 11:09:02
Shanghai Jiading district, a waste incineration plant explosion are buried

Shanghai Jiading people were buried more than a waste incineration plant explosion (photo) | | | explosion burning plant collapsed _ news

Today (5th), suide road, Jiading district, No. 800, firedamp explosion Shanghai jiangqiao refuse incineration plant, a number of people were buried at the scene. According to the reporter, rescued 3 people, has been taken to hospital treatment.

Witnesses said the explosion causes some factories collapsed, relevant departments have rushed to the scene disposal, Xinmin reporter is on his way to the scene, later brought detailed reports. (Xinmin reporter Hu Yan珣)

December 05, 2013 Xinmin


  有目击者称,爆炸导致导致部分厂房坍塌,有关部门已经赶往现场处置,新民网记者正在赶往现场,稍后带来详细报道。(新民网 记者 胡彦珣 )


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