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The author:(作者)delv
published in(发表于) 2013/12/28 7:48:11
Abe of the NPC Foreign Affairs Committee visit

Abe's visit of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the NPC: final injury was Japan _ | | | Abe visited the national people's Congress of the people news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, December 27-head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the national people's Congress, 27th Japan statement Prime Minister's visit to Yasukuni Shrine.

The responsible person said, we are firmly opposed to Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe flagrantly visited the Yasukuni Shrine, strongly condemned this serious provocation to the world peace and human conscience.

The official noted that the notorious Yasukuni Shrine in the world, still houses the peoples of China and other Asian countries during World War II 14 class-a war criminals who commit heinous crimes. Japan politician, despite strong opposition from the people of countries such as China, Japan evocation of the Yasukuni Shrine worship of militarism, its essence is an attempt to deny and beautify Japan war crimes of militarism, is also an attempt to challenge to the post-war world order of peace. From 1931 to 1945, Japan launched wars of aggression against China, thousands of Chinese families have lost loved ones have suffered unimaginable suffering of the world. History will not be forgotten, the Chinese people will never tolerate any attempt to deny war crimes rhetoric and actions.

The responsible person said, founding of the Abe regime, been striving to carry out historical revisionism is the core of the radical rightist conservative route in an attempt to fully get rid of postwar, has led to widespread fears of the world, in Japan also were strongly questioned. On the issue of the Diaoyu Islands territorial dispute, Prime Minister Abe does not reflect on the Japanese side of the errors but continued to take strong action. Particularly striking is that shortly before Japan adopted the three defence and security policy document, openly directed against neighbouring countries such as China. They cannot escape the growing concern about Japan's intentions and the country's direction. In this context, Prime Minister Abe's visit to expose Japan extreme right's real intention, China and even in Asia and the people of the world are clearly seen, Japan extreme right turn is once again becoming a threat to the regional peace and order. Prime Minister Abe wrongdoing not only violates Japan stance and commitment of the Government to reflect on its history of aggression and reversing history will only damage Japan's international image, Japan isolated from neighbors and the world, eventually hurt was Japan people.

He said peace and development are the themes of our times, it is not the individual States can do whatever it wants in the world of the 21st century world, 21st century, China is no longer a poor and weak country. Has the determination and ability of the Chinese people, together with the peoples of Asia and the world to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability and not to let history repeat itself.

(Edit: SN064)
December 27, 2013 The website

  新华网北京12月27日电 全国人大外事委员会负责人27日就日本首相参拜靖国神社发表谈话。


  这位负责人指出,靖国神社在世界上臭名昭著,至今仍供奉着在二战中对中国等亚洲国家人民犯下滔天罪行的14名甲级战犯。日本政客不顾中国等 国家人民的强烈反对,到为日本军国主义招魂的靖国神社顶礼膜拜,其实质是试图否认和美化日本军国主义的战争罪行,也是企图对战后世界和平秩序提出挑战。在 1931年到1945年日本发动的侵华战争中,千千万万个中国家庭失去了亲人,遭受了世人难以想象的苦难。历史不会被遗忘,中国人民绝不容忍任何企图抹杀 战争罪行的言论和行动。

  这位负责人说,安倍政权成立伊始,就竭力推行以历史修正主义为核心的激进右倾保守路线,企图全面摆脱战后体制,已经引发世人广泛担忧,在日本国内也遭到强烈质疑。在钓鱼岛领土争议问题上,安倍首相非但没有反思日方的错误,反而不断采取示强行动。尤其引人注目的是,前不久日本通过的三份防卫和安全政策文件,公然将矛头指向中国等周边邻国。这些都不能不让人越来越担心日本政府的意图和国家的走向。在这样的背景下,安倍首相的参拜彻底暴露了日本极右势力的真实打算,中国乃至亚洲和世界人民清楚地看到,日本极右势力的倒行逆施正在再度成为地区和平秩序的威胁。安倍首相的错误行径,不仅违背了日本政府 反省侵略历史的表态和承诺,而且是开历史的倒车,只会损害日本的国际形象,让日本孤立于四邻和世界,最终受到伤害的还是日本人民。



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