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The author:(作者)delv
published in(发表于) 2013/12/29 5:12:40
2013 pieces worlds apart: Ma of the Zuma,

2013 pieces worlds apart: Ma-red version of the Zuma Mac Pro, MA-IT information 2013 pieces worlds apart: Ma of the Zuma

Understated luxury connotations

The saying goes, "still waters run deep", collectibles, too. Author notes, shapeless collectibles on the market this year has created some value. Please let us now lost three views, along with the author feel that local tyrant who fall in just paying "gods" as well.

Jeff Koons balloon dog

List reasons for

"Big toy" broken

Sculpture pricing records

Wang Xing, and probably you will find familiar. Yes, that's 5 cents a balloon dog in the Park, please? But I have to tell you it is a collection, in November at Christie's in New York took a $ 58.4 million, broke the world record for contemporary sculpture ... ... These Meow stars who will say a "want". This balloon dog Standing about 3 metres, 3 metres in length, are unfamiliar with the methods of making people know the dog, so large balloons, twisted up as soon as the explosion wasn't fooling. Of course Jeff Koons will not caution, with a rope, he cast, and did 5, red, Orange, yellow, green, blue ... ... He could have done seven, gourd doll and so they could compete.

Qiaonasen·aiwei, make·niusen the Red version of the Mac Pro

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Color special

Selling over 970,000 dollars

Red Mac Pro is the only one

The saying goes, two heads are a Zhuge Liang. Apple tells us: two designers, and top jobs. Not long ago, by the two designers red Edition Mac Pro at the Sotheby's auction in New York of $ 970,000, reason is this: it's not just a computer, it is a red computer! What? It isn't configured high-end, playing 40 or something? Of course not, the computer configuration only values over more than 10,000 yuan, and computers in General. It is understood that red with a red version of the Mac Pro is the only model, the other is black. The phrase "a meter to be used", analysts said, after Mac Pro can do to change my nickname is unlikely to shoot sky-high. Collectors see that there may be some computers are beating to cry: "remember, I also have a red computer, resulting in cheap sell ... ... Oh, do not say, and say more is the moon. ”

Fuluoluntaiyin·huofuman of the Huang Ya

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Pirate rubber duck

Two month Gold 200 million

This is a new generation after Donald Duck. When showered with yellow duck when the news hit, duck years will naturally think you did this year? Rhubarb duck is the most lucrative ever for a duck. According to statistics, 9, in October this year, Huang Ya in Beijing to create a $ 200 million worth of economic benefits, which is equivalent to how much Beijing duck? Rhubarb for duck success, his "father" is also a collector of Hoffman, was not surprised. Hoffman accurately capture people's minds and hear the shower rubber duck, then blowing duck is big enough, and it traveled the whole world. Later, this man of the ducks had let a lot of people see the world: the original hot air can't make money, blowing duck is making money!

Francis · Bacon of the luxian·fuluoyide

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Ugly to the extreme

Become the world's most expensive

Bacon (right), Freud (left) painting is not much like

On November 13 this year and witness the miracle of the moment, a picture of an ugly 100 times than a small old man portrait man justifiably become by far the most expensive contemporary artwork. If one really grew up painting that probably gave him US $ 142.4 million facelift does not become good. Indeed the man in the picture luxian·fuluoyide is not ugly, and authors did he kill his father 's, has been painted as this awful, just to show the author, Francis · Bacon's repertoire – horror pictures. Francis · Bacon called the contemporary art scene of bin Laden, he produced many paintings can frighten people urine. Who would do such a heavy taste, willing to spend $ 140 million to buy a painting hanging at home, do you fear nightmares, toilet in the middle there's really no problem? Rest assured, it is said that buyers are Russia oil Tycoon's daughter, 26, Ru Kewa people super rich but fearless II yo.

Ma of the Zuma

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Draw a circle

Value of 2.42 million

Ma art and of games Zuma

Ma art and of games Zuma

In this "artist's most profitable traders, businessmen in one of the most successful artists" in front of God are the clouds. On December 22, this painting on the film appeared on Taobao Ma was asked: "master you drew this is horses of God or a cloud? "Ma laugh without language. Friends talk about, finally someone raise their hands: "Emma, it's not Zu Mada brothers? "His wit impressed everyone on the Web, you know computer games but Ma age of the Zuma people eternal classic. Analysts say Ma through Impressionism and abstract art painting is a good interpretation of spit balls Zuma, clearing a string of the same color balls moments, like electronic commerce leveraging network for precision delivery, elimination of IP in each wallet, IC, IQ card, in which wizards can understand from meditation mysticism about the business community. The painting "God" sold only 2.42 million, didn't reach 2.5 million valuation is really regrettable.


2013年那些不可貌相的藏品:马云的《祖玛》 - 红色版Mac Pro,马云 - IT资讯








乔纳森·埃维、马克·纽森《红色版Mac Pro》




红色Mac Pro是全球唯一一台

俗话说,三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。而苹果公司则告诉我们:两个设计师,顶个乔布斯。不久前,由这两位设计师创作的红色版Mac Pro在纽约苏富比拍出97万美元,理由则是:它不只是一台电脑,更是一台红色的电脑!什么?难道不是因为它配置高端,玩游戏能40开什么的?当然不,这台电脑的配置仅值人民币1万多元,和一般电脑差不多。据了解,红色版Mac Pro是全球唯一一台红色同款机型,其它全是黑的。但所谓“一计不可二用”,分析人士称,以后Mac Pro再怎么换马甲也不可能拍出天价了。看到这里也许一些电脑收藏者会捶胸顿足地哭喊:“想当年我也有一台红色电脑,结果便宜卖了……唉,不说了,说多了都是泪啊。”




















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