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The author:(作者)delv
published in(发表于) 2013/12/30 5:45:19
Suspect Zhang shuxia in fuping, Shaanxi province took a baby case appear before a judge today

Suspect Zhang shuxia appear before a judge today in fuping, Shaanxi province took a baby case | | | trafficked babies _ in weinan in Shaanxi Province news

Authorities wide nets of Hefei, December 30 (Xinhua Lei Kai Wei Xue) aspect ratio, according to voice of the news reports, in July this year, Shaanxi Province, maternal and child health hospital doctor trafficking infant case shocked the nation. Subsequently, following a police investigation of the cross province trafficking of babies in gang cases 3 major criminal suspect Zhang, Pan, Cui and other suspects have been criminal detention.

Zhang shuxia is Deputy Director of the Shaanxi fupingxian Hospital of obstetrics and Gynecology, suspected neonatal infectious diseases and congenital malformations, multiple times, it is recommended that families of abandoned newborn, and baby trafficking. At nine o'clock in the morning today, Shaanxi fupingxian hospital doctor Zhang shuxia, this concern cases of trafficking of babies will be publicly tried in weinan city intermediate people's Court according to law.

Weinan city intermediate people's Court today will be the case in accordance with law, public hearing, will also appear in court on a number of victims ' families. While the case will not be adjudged, but all the same one of the families of the victims, Wang told reporters, hoped that suspects would be severely punished.

Ms Wang: see what do you get for tomorrow, if she were sentenced to death, saying nothing, if she wasn't sentenced to death was looking another way.

Until yesterday, in weinan city prosecutors and the courts had never made public any such cases to the indictment, prosecutors charged Zhang shuxia suspected of committing several offences cannot yet be known. But China politics and Law University Professor Xu Lanting believes that criminal suspect Zhang shuxia, at least will face a charge of trafficking in women and children.

Xu Lanting: actually refers to the selling of women and children for the purpose of trafficking, abduction, kidnapping, buying, selling, transfer, transfer one of the women, children, as long as these circumstances constitute one of the offences, mainly for the purpose of selling her actions, stealing of infants and young children, if convicted, her sentence should be more than a decade.

This case occurred in July this year. Shaanxi village some Tung fupingxian, fupingxian Mr town hospital during childbirth, hospital obstetric Zhang shuxia, Vice Director with "newborn infant with congenital diseases" by persuading Mr Tung and members of their families to give up the baby and give it to deal with. Subsequently, the babies families questioned the babies had been trafficked, and reported it to the Chengguan police station in Fuping County Public Security Bureau.

Mr Tung: 17th this morning to take my wife to hospital to have me examined, both syphilis and hepatitis b, 19th results came out, the results are quite normal, do not, have come back negative, then I'll call the police.

After police confirmed that TUNG after the birth, Zhang shuxia "babies with congenital diseases" as an excuse, induce families to give up on infant care and hand them over to their own treatment. Zhihou, contact the Shanxi suspects Pan Zhang shuxia, Pan, a CUI driving from Shanxi to fuping, 21,600 Yuan from Zhang's house bought the child, then to 30,000 yuan price baby trafficking to other suspects. Eventually, the maternal is not Mr Tung's son, were rescued by the police back to the full moon.

Event is raised after the disclosure of widespread public concern. Subsequently, Bupyeong police has received a number of similar reports. Among Mr Tung a things, incorporated also confirmed 5 cases. After the incident, the suspects were detained, including Zhang shuxia, 6 responsibilities, including Deputy County Executive who was removed from Office. Currently, there are 6 children have all been reunited with their families. Today's trial will have only one Zhang shuxia, selling baby chain in the Pan, a CUI dealt with per capita.

At nine o'clock in the morning today in weinan city intermediate people's Court in Shaanxi Province public hearing according to law fupingxian MCH Zhang shuxia case of trafficking in babies. It is understood that currently has an interview with journalists from the national media arrived at the weinan reported the case. Weinan intermediate people's Court will also use the largest trial court in the hospital, the Chamber can accommodate up to 150 people to attend, the trial is expected to take most of the day.

This morning, when less than 8 points, weinan city intermediate people's Court's door, is already gathering a lot of reporters, around the Court can see there is a lot of security personnel to maintain order. Before the deadline for press, attending the officer was approaching one after another. And different from the General case, this time to participate in trial of Zhang shuxia suspected of trafficking in babies attending the officer to enter the trial altogether in the lobby on the second floor of the Court needs two security procedures. It can be seen how the importance of this case. Currently reporters have not seen escorting suspects suspected of child trafficking.

Zhang shuxia vehicles moved into the courts, on the second floor can accommodate up to 150 people attending the Hall of Justice, more journalists are the media doing preparatory work.

This reporter has learned that a case involves more than the parents of the abducted babies will appear in Court today, but also failed to see the obvious parental figure. This morning how the temperature is below zero, but out of Court are brought together a large number of journalists and the masses, was also able to see how we focus on this case, weinan city intermediate people's Court today also will be broadcast live through micro-blogging on the case.

(Original title: court appearance today in fuping, Shaanxi province took a baby case suspect Zhang shuxia trial)

(Edit: SN077)
December 30, 2013 China broadcast network

  央广网合肥12月30日消息(记者雷恺 韦雪)据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,今年七月份,陕西省妇幼保健院医生拐卖婴儿案震惊全国。随后,经过警方侦查这起跨省拐卖婴儿团伙案件中的3名主要犯罪嫌疑人张某、潘某、崔某等多名犯罪嫌疑人都已被刑拘。








  事后警方查实 ,在董某分娩之后,张淑侠以“婴儿患有先天性疾病”为由,诱使家属放弃对婴儿治疗并交由自己处理。之后,张淑侠与山西犯罪嫌疑人潘某取得联系,潘某、崔某驾车从山西赶赴富平,从张某家中以21600元将婴儿买走,随后又以30000元的价格将婴儿贩卖给其它犯罪嫌疑人。最终,产妇董某未满月的儿子被警方解救送回。

  事件被披露之后引发广泛关注。 随后,富平警方又接到了多起类似报案。除董某一家外,又立案查实5起。事发后,包括张淑侠在内的多名犯罪嫌疑人被刑事拘留,包括分管副县长在内的6名相关责任人被免职。目前,共有6个家庭的孩子已经全部与家人团聚。今天出庭受审的将只有张淑侠一个人,倒卖婴儿链条中的潘某、崔某等人均另案处理。





(原标题:陕西富平拐婴案今日开庭 嫌犯张淑侠出庭受审)


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