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The author:(作者)delv
published in(发表于) 2013/12/30 5:45:54
Wider evaluation in the Hunan Hengyang, strictly investigate and deal with cases of electoral

Wider evaluation in the Hunan Hengyang, strictly investigate and deal with cases of electoral Hengyang | | | the elections _ Hunan province news

According to Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, December 29 (journalist Ding Wenjie, Zhou nan, Chen Wenguang) seriously investigate and deal with damage of Hengyang in Hunan province after the publication of election news, 28th, has generated a strong buzz in the province. Hunan public believes that the serious nature of this case, harsh effects, lesson, investigation work can do to shave the bone therapy in cases of HIV, and thoroughly investigated in accordance with law, and make public all the information and explain to the community, and has fully demonstrated determination to advance democracy and the rule of law and fight against corruption.

The night of 28th, organization leaders concentrated in Hengyang City watched Hengyang to investigate and disrupt the elections news coverage of the case. Party Secretary Li Yi told reporters after the Dragons after reading news reports, Hengyang undermine the elections very serious nature of the case, a bad influence, and is defiled and challenges to the national people's Congress, is the direct destruction of Socialist democracy and the electoral system, is a disregard and violation of party discipline and the law of the country. Hengyang disrupt the elections case was thoroughly investigated and dealt with firmly committed to Socialist fundamental political system, is a solemn safeguarding of party discipline and the law of the country.

Suxian district people's Congress, said Chen chunyang, Director in Chenzhou, Hengyang to investigate and disrupt the elections case meet the wishes of the people, in line with public opinion, for perfecting the people's Congress system, promoting the deputies exercise their functions and powers according to law has an important warning and catalytic role. Suxian district people's Congress said that future duties must be better fulfil its deputies.

Committee party school education in Hengyang City Tang Yuntao said, after watching TV news, case shocked to disrupt the elections case in Hengyang, Central and provincial party punch anti-corruption was extremely thankful. "This case has wide population, harsh, strictly investigate and deal with this case, not only embodies the courage and determination of our party scraping the bone therapy in HIV also reflects our institutional self-confidence. ”

Disrupt the elections case in Hengyang to investigate has been highly appreciated by the legal profession in Hunan province. Hunan province xiangxi State Board Party deputy principals, and China independent Commission against corruption legal Institute anti-corruption Justice Research Center Deputy Director Deng Lianfan said, this a cases announced Hou, peer between for has active Exchange, everyone think this cases of investigated has three a features: a is Subversion has "fabuzezhong" of errors awareness, processing have thoroughly; II is investigated all open, not cover, both on corruption molecular formed AWE, more is on people of a account; three is law case, always stressed maintenance legal of authority, Positive significance on China's construction of democracy and the rule of law.

Many grass-roots cadres and the masses looking to this case to investigate and implement further, more openness and transparency, and investigated for responsibility.

Interview with a reporter on 29th Street in Hengyang public Zhou Qun said that: "We hope that responsible for cases to be processed strictly according to law, the disciplinary punishment, the convicted sentenced, cannot have slipped through, and only in this way can we truly put power in the system of cages, put an end to the electoral thing from happening again. ”

"Cases of Hengyang undermine the elections is very popular, no matter what as long as violations of law and discipline should be seriously dealt with, Congress must not be allowed to tarnish. "People of Hengyang Liu Xiao says.

(Edit: SN095)
December 30, 2013 People's daily online-people's daily

  据新华社长沙12月29日电 (记者丁文杰、周楠、陈文广)湖南省严肃查处衡阳破坏选举案的消息28日公布后,在全省上下产生强烈反响。湖南各界人士认为,这一案件性质严重、影响恶劣、教训深刻,案件查办工作能够做到刮骨疗毒,依法彻查,并公开全部信息,向社会做出交代,充分彰显了推进民主法治建设和反腐败斗争的决心。









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