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The author:(作者)delv
published in(发表于) 2014/1/6 10:18:13
Guangdong is severe haze days in a row, the next 2 days will continue to accumulate

Guangdong is severe haze days in a row the next 2 days will continue to accumulate | | severe pollution haze | haze days _ news

  Guangdong's air quality index as much "blast form", or future air pollution will continue to

Correspondent sui yangcheng evening news reporter Yang Hui, central vision report: new year, city of Pearl River Delta and Guangdong into heavy haze. Environmental protection agency expects the next 2-3 days, air pollution would continue to accumulate. In response, led by the environmental protection departments in Guangzhou, the Guangzhou environmental air pollution emergency plan to start preparations have been complete in place. Environmental authorities urged the public to pay attention to the ambient air quality information published for the first time.

  Severe pollution in cities

Starting from late last December, Guangdong city of AQI generally reached 150, moderate pollution. In 2014, the large-scale air pollution continues, January 1, higher concentrations of pollutants in most areas, between urban air quality generally 150-200, over 200 individual cities, severe pollution occurs. Pearl River Delta cities most polluted day was January 3, Guangzhou, Foshan, Dongguan, Zhaoqing city AQI index more than 170 major pollutants for fine particles PM2.5.

Guangdong Environmental monitoring data show: the most heavily polluted areas of the province are Foshan, China, experimental primary school in Jieyang city, Jiangmen in the material level monitoring sites, such as the seat of Taoyuan, where high levels of pollution. Jiangmen Taoyuan monitoring stations recorded air quality index, January 5 up to 257. Daily average PM2.5 concentrations of 207 mg/m, its highest in the near future.

"The next few days the air quality remains poor. "The Guangzhou environmental protection Bureau forecast that the next 2-3 days to control Guangzhou cold high pressure day by day waning, atmospheric structure tends to be stable, to the detriment of pollutant dispersion, air quality maintenance with a moderate level of pollution, some point or will reach high levels of pollution. Easy accumulation of pollutants, resulting in gradually increased concentration of pollutants, air quality remain at the moderate level of pollution, some monitoring stations will reach high levels of pollution, primary pollutants to PM2.5. 8th is expected to be affected by the new cold air, air quality has improved significantly.

  Guangzhou start emergency plans

Foshan heavy pollution alert has been started, in early December last year, some cars stopped, South China Sea part two power plant units, power plant shut down.

In anticipation of future pollution continues, on January 5, the Guangzhou environmental protection Bureau announced that the Guangzhou environmental air pollution emergency plan to start preparations for a comprehensive ready. Guangzhou environmental protection Bureau, said, the Member units have been fully completed the preparation of plans and the establishment of emergency response mechanisms, once the plan starts conditions were met, will be started in accordance with the procedures. After starting the warning, City Board of education, the municipal health Bureau, the municipal Sports Bureau, the municipal traffic Commission, the municipal Bureau of forestry and gardening respectively urge schools, kindergartens, hospitals, stadiums (Museum), airport, station, dock, municipal park (dot) priority areas and crowded places such as air pollution in receiving and dissemination of early warning information. Environmental Protection Department urged the public to pay attention to the ambient air quality information posted.

  Why pollution in Guangzhou

"Dust devil", powerful

"Under the influence of a large number of sites at the same time started, PM10, PM2.5 pollution worse, parts of Guangzhou presented moderate or severe pollution. "The Guangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, luogang district, Tianhe district, liwan district and other parts of the site, dust control measures are not implemented, there is accumulation of mud, road construction is not effective to take measures such as watering, cover issues such as, cutting dust; road dust around the part of the project is still more serious.

"Little buddy"

Meanwhile, the Environmental Protection Department said the air pollution air pollution is not just in Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta, Guangdong's neighbouring Guangxi, Hainan even as air pollution, pollution culture distinctive.

"Cities within the region changes, pollution levels close to each other. Famous scenic spots in Guilin, Guangxi, Hainan Province in the coastal city of Beihai, and Haikou and other cities, also appear in the near future had long polluted weather, even high levels of pollution. January 1, Guilin, Beihai appear more than 3 days and 2 days of moderate pollution, PM2.5 exceeded for 3 consecutive days occurred in Haikou. "The relevant person in charge of the environmental protection sector.

"The weather in June" does not give

In addition to pollutant emissions in the region outside the primary cause of the huge, static stability from the outside weather conditions add to regional air pollution. Meteorological experts, after the cold air warmer, wind speed decreases, static stability appears on the weather, is not conducive to the spread of pollutants, resulting in emissions of local pollutants to build up, creating heavy pollution.

  When the haze for Hangzhou in the wind and rain

Yangcheng evening news reporter Huang Can report: yesterday was a slight cold at the arrival. After a wintry weather entered the coldest time of the year. Which have been very "light", not cold enough sunshine does. But the warm weather will end soon. According to the Guangdong provincial meteorological observatory predicted, 6th Canton in rainy weather, 8th average added a strong cold air South, members of the public to prepare for warm clothing.

According to the Guangdong provincial meteorological observatory predicted that gradually to rainy weather today and the western part of Guangdong, most cities and counties in light fog and haze; 6th morning, Shaoguan and Qingyuan counties in some low temperature of about 5 ° c; Western City cloudy to cast day with light rain, the eastern city cloudy to cast. 7th to 8th in the morning rain and fog weather clear across the province.

Affected by the cold air, 8th the province from the North to the South end of the fog, haze, and temperatures will be significantly decreased. 8th to 9th medium to strong cold air in Guangdong during the day, and accompanied by light rain weather, temperatures across the province will fall by 6-8 ℃; looking into the 10th, cloudy with light rain in the province, North of 5 ° c below the low temperature. Edit: Qing Mou

(Original title: the air pollution index as much "blast form the" Spike high levels of pollution in some areas)

(Edit: SN069)
January 06, 2014 Golden Goat excursions, yangcheng evening news
广东多地连续现严重灰霾天 未来2天将继续累积|重度污染|雾霾|灰霾天_新闻资讯


  羊城晚报讯 记者杨辉、通讯员穗环宣报道:新年伊始,珠三角和广东各市陷入严重灰霾天气。环保部门预计,未来2-3天,空气污染将继续累积。对此,由广州市环保部门牵头,《广州市环境空气重污染应急预案》启动准备工作已经全面就绪。环保部门首次呼吁市民留意环境空气质量信息发布。
















  灰霾何时散 后日风雨来

  羊城晚报讯 记者黄璨报道:昨天是小寒节气。小寒之后,气候开始进入一年中最寒冷的时段。而广东表现得十分“淡定”,阳光明媚丝毫感觉不到冷意。但这样暖和的天气很快要告一段落了。据广东省气象台预计,6日起广东迎来有雨天气,8日一股中等偏强冷空气将南下,市民要及时备好御寒衣物。


  受冷空气影响,自8日起全省自北向南雾、霾天气结束,气温也将明显下降。8日白天到9日有中等偏强冷空气影响广东,并伴有小雨天气,全省气温将下降6-8℃;展望10日,全省阴天有小雨,北部有5℃以下的低温。编辑: 牟青

(原标题:广东多地空气指数"爆表" 穗部分地区重度污染)


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