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The author:(作者)delv
published in(发表于) 2014/1/6 10:28:54
Chang, third shuttle mission to orbit accuracy analysis international rare

Chang, third shuttle mission to orbit and precise analysis that rare international | rare _ Chang | third | rocket news

January 6, December 2, 2013, is shining fire pierced the silence of the night, a huge roar straight into the heart. Long third away 23 b rocket at the descendants of fiery eyes, successful lift tower ", third" lunar probe is extremely accurate to reach the earth-moon transfer orbit. At this moment, China's Golden magic once again pass through universal.

Since 2004, the country's lunar exploration program since its implementation, nine years, aerospace science and technology group, a "long KAB" rocket series the three brothers took turns to play Chang went to the three sisters has lifted "Guang Han". They live up to expectations, and better every time I fly sound better every time I flew perfectly. And behind these successes, is just such an innovative, good at tackling the difficulties, the gold medal team--"long" series of rocket development team. They average age insufficient 40 age, is to Dr led, and master mainly of young team; they steady practical, dare wanted to good spell, to passion and wisdom conquered has including more window launches technology and composite guidance technology zainei of more items technology problem, with tireless efforts and silently paid, wrote has a support support "to gold cast on brilliant" of success Veuve Clicquot, let flag steady steady stands in has distance Earth 380,000-kilometer of height.

  Seeking the gold medal culture

"Long three methyl" series rocket development team adhering to has to Long Yuehao, and He Zuming for representative of older "long three methyl" people seeking of culture traditional, along command system and design system double line parallel of development road, in current Commander Cen Zheng and total designers Jiang Jie of led Xia, always insisted to more high more yen of requires controlled technology, to more real more steady of attitude work. People often can be seen at the forefront of the design, production and Cen Zheng Jiang Jie's shadow. In Beijing: they along with the development team, brainstorm ideas, ideas to problems; personally, write reports for important matters, change programmes, strictly control key. The Xichang: they launch team together, plants, climbing tower, into the Hall, real time Assembly process first-hand information, solve problems, and each launch, they were the last two to leave the post returns the hostel staff.

"The moon lady, third" task developers millions, which are all competent, responsible, and highly skilled and experienced technicians. To ensure the success of the launch mission, specifically singles out 178 workers were fired, they participated in many "long" series of rocket launch. Launches team pioneered made has "strictly according to process, and carefully operation", "six big principles", "three not with" (not with problem transitions, not with doubts raises, not with hidden heaven) and "12 anti-" (products "anti-Ray, and anti-rain, and waterproof, and moisture, and anti-electrostatic, and anti-extra property, and anti-injury, and anti-virus" and personnel "anti-paralysis, and anti-errors, and anti-rough, and anti-floating"), work requires, to "on time launches, and accurate into rail, and successfully success" and "launch site zero fault", and "flight zero fault" for target, High efficiency and high quality finished the preparatory work. For example, in factory testing in a little more fully, from previous rounds to two rounds of testing amounts to 10 to 15 times the total checks added for two rounds of tests amounted to 35 times the total inspection, better assessment of the status and quality for all single, gold medal team of "strict, careful, detailed, practical" guarantee the high quality of gold rocket.

  Excellence in innovative ideas

The tower ", third" launch to orbit accuracy is extremely accurate aiming and firing from Xichang, the middle reaches of the "needle" bulls-eye, might be called the ten rings in the ten rings. Higher precision on the Rails in the international aerospace industry is also rare is rare, so excellent shooting performance is derived from "long KAB" development team for many years, continually challenge yourself, the better the creative idea.

Quality management innovation. Face model task changes and technology development brings of more model development both, and development and production simultaneously, and production and launches times of situation challenge, "long three methyl" series rocket development team innovation carries model of research production organization management and quality management mode, formed has including batch production technology State control, and General of design, and group batch production, and group batch acceptance, and increased power old refining examination time, and factory process and launch site test launches process optimization, and launch site post dynamic management, and quality problem fast return zero and extrapolate, and Common problems in governance, single points of failure and reliability growth model and analysis of key characteristics to identify and control, improved test coverage analysis method adapted to high density emission mode of organization and management series, by relying on scientific management and the efficient operation of advanced technology bought time, resources and benefits, leading the development of rocket technology management.

Breakthrough technological innovation. For meet launches "Chang third," of requires, development team on long three b improved type rocket completed has 6 big technology improved, innovation achieved has launches window by less changed more, from Chang second, of zero window launches, increased to each launches months has continuous 3-4 days has launches conditions, daily has 2 a launches window; used double laser used group plus satellite navigation amendment of composite guidance technology, improve into rail precision; design effective load bracket, and stars arrows interface lock tight device, enhanced Chang third, of comfort sexual and security ; Reliability from 0.938 to 0.943; increase in carrying capacity 30 kg; use of telemetric real-time image transmission technology, make rocket flight to achieve "live"; also conducted ground equipment redundancy to improve extensive technical improvements. These breakthroughs ensure that the launch task well done, let our golden rocket onto a whole new level.

  Diligent and skillful organization of the faith

This tower ", third" launch was the 25th launch of long March b rockets, third, long series three is the 58th of the rocket launch, is 186th launch of China's long March series of rockets. "Long" series of launch vehicle development team as our largest and densest gold rocket builders, with many honors and praise at the same time, but bear the stress for high strength and a wide variety of workloads.

Every rocket launch is to be the base for more than 1 month's time. From 2007, long third rocket launch Tower ", first" success to c # 2010 long third rocket launch Tower ", second" success, improved rocket launches, by 2013 long third tower ", third" success. Three years rubs a sword, they had to insist on a full nine years. At the same time, in addition to change tasks, the "long" series of rocket development team in these years, also completed the Beidou navigation satellite launched more than 30 launches a task multiple times. Sunday in charge of track design handsome, in the face of enormous pressures and challenges, continuous work, well done the huge amount of calculation and design of a six-track, I was hospitalized due to overwork, b, for the long third rocket launch Tower ", third" task State has achieved. Logistical work canteen administrator Sun Wentao was responsible for the launch team in the implementation of mandates, the father in a car accident and hospitalized, he continue to give top priority to, stick to their posts, guarantee the normal food of the launch team to ensure the smooth implementation of the task. In the "long" series of rocket development team, like Zhou Tianshuai, Sun Wentao such workers have a lot a lot. More than 3,000 more one day and night, how many times they forget weekends, festivals, anniversaries; how many times laid down their loved ones, relatives and friends, and always will be working in the first place. Risk is their fearless, fearless of Fame noble feelings and brave, industrious and skillful work and dedication, the achievements of the tower ", third" shuttle mission a complete success, for the development of China's lunar exploration program to write a new chapter, to achieve a rich strong military spaceflight dream, Chinese dream cast new glory! (Yue Miao)

(Original title: Chang, third launch to orbit is extremely precise analysis that the international rare)

(Edit: SN091)
January 06, 2014 China News Network
嫦娥三号发射任务入轨精准 分析称国际罕见|嫦娥三号|火箭|罕见_新闻资讯

  中新网1月6日电 2013年12月2日1时30分,明丽的烈焰划破夜的寂静,巨大的轰鸣声直撞心底。长征三号乙遥23运载火箭在华夏儿女炽热的目光中,成功托举“嫦娥三号”月球探测器极为精准得到达地月转移轨道。这一刻,中国火箭的金色神奇再次通贯寰宇。

  自2004年国家实施月球探测工程以来,九年间,航天科技集团一院“长三甲”系列运载火箭三兄弟轮番上阵,托举嫦娥三姐妹奔赴“广寒”宫。他们不负众望,一次比一次飞得稳健,一次比一次飞得完美。而在这些辉煌成绩身后的,正是有这样一支敢于创新、善于攻坚克难的金牌战队——“长三甲”系列火箭研制团队。他们平均年龄不足40岁,是以博士领衔、硕士为主的年轻队伍;他们沉稳踏实,敢想善拼,以激情与智慧攻克了包括多窗口发射技术和复合制导技术在内的多项技术难题,用不懈努力和默默付出,谱写了一支支 “以金牌铸就辉煌”的成功凯歌,让五星红旗稳稳矗立在了距离地球38万千米的高度。



  “嫦娥三号”任务的研制人员成千上万,个个都思想过硬、责任心强、技术精湛、经验丰富的技术骨干。为确保此次发射任务的圆满成功,特别从中选拔出了178名工作者组成发射队,他们参加过多次 “长三甲”系列火箭发射任务。发射队首创提出了“严格按照流程、精心操作”等“六大原则”,“三不带”(不带问题转场,不带疑点加注,不带隐患上天)和“十二防”(产品“防雷、防雨、防水、防潮、防静电、防多余物、防损伤、防病毒”和人员“防麻痹、防差错、防粗糙、防漂浮”)等工作要求,以“准时发射、准确入轨、圆满成功”和“发射场零故障”、“飞行零故障”为目标,高效高质地完成了各项准备工作。如,在出厂测试方面做得更加充分,从以往的一轮至两轮测试共计10到15次总检查,增加为两轮测试共计35次总检查,更好地考核了所有单机的状态和质量,以金牌队伍的“严、慎、细、实”保证金牌火箭的高精品质。







  每一次火箭发射都要在基地工作1个月以上的时间。从2007年长征三号甲火箭发射“嫦娥一号”成功,到2010年长征三号丙火箭发射“嫦娥二号”成功,再到2013年长征三号乙改进型火箭发射“嫦娥三号”成功。三年磨一剑,他们整整坚持了九年。同时,除了嫦娥任务外,“长三甲”系列火箭研制团队在这些年里,还完成了北斗导航系统卫星发射等30多次发射任务。负责轨道设计的周天帅,面对巨大的工作压力和挑战,持续工作,出色完成了六条轨道的庞大计算与设计量,本人也因操劳过度而住院,为本次长征三号乙火箭发射“嫦娥三号”任务立下了汗马功劳。负责发射队后勤保障工作的食堂管理员孙文涛在执行任务期间,父亲遭遇车祸而住院,他仍以大局为重、坚守岗位,保证了发射队员的正常伙食,确保了任务的顺利实施。在“长三甲”系列火箭研制团队中,像周天帅、孙文涛这样的工作者还有很多很多。三千多个日日夜夜里,他们多少次忘记了周末、节日、纪念日;多少次放下了爱人、亲人和朋友,始终都将工作放在第一位。正是他们无畏名利、无畏风险的高尚情怀与勇于拼搏、勤恳善战的工作奉献,成就了“嫦娥三号”发射任务的圆满成功,为我国探月工程的发展谱写了新的篇章,为实现富国强军的航天梦、中国梦铸就了新的辉煌!(岳 苗)

(原标题:嫦娥三号发射任务入轨极其精准 分析称国际罕见)


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