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The author:(作者)delv
published in(发表于) 2014/1/16 12:20:46
Beijing Subway price adjustment no timetable, official says it will not fully market-oriented

Price adjustment of Beijing Subway officials said no timetable will not be fully market-oriented price of Beijing subway fare | | | _ news


Video: investigation of Beijing Metro price adjustment programmes not only for peak


The Beijing News (Xinhua Jiang Yanxin Liu Chunrui) in Beijing will promote the reform of public transport fares in due time. And Director of Mr Marvin Cheung said yesterday that Beijing has started an early research, based on Metro operation costs, price changes, as well as the level of economic development formation and dynamic adjustment mechanism.

  "There was no marketing"

At what stage the current fare adjustment? Mr Marvin Cheung said the early period of the national development and Reform Commission is currently studying and research, but the programme has not yet been determined, concrete up how much money could not be determined. Metro has a certain public welfare, there was no market, there will always be a certain amount of financial subsidies, and will take into account the affordability of the public.

At the same time, MTR fares to be adjusted dynamically based on Metro operation costs, price changes, levels of economic development are regularly adjusted, not set in stone.

Mr Marvin Cheung said that MTR fares are adjusted, not just a pricing issue, but rather an integrated package of measures, to take account of subway safety, comfort, as well as issues such as allocation of the entire public transport network.

Members of the municipal development and Reform Commission Li Sufang says, Beijing Subway currently large numbers, there is a certain security risks, while Metro failures also occur frequently. Judging from the ground transportation, 18,000 km, over more than 800 lines of bus routes, there is a spare, the reason is because the slow, time rate is no higher issue. Therefore, future fare adjustments will take into account safety, convenience of Beijing public transport as a whole, among other factors, specific program released time has not been determined, but not too fast.

 Adjustment program announced to be determined

Liu Xiaoming, Director of the Beijing traffic Authority said the price adjustment by reference to the international and domestic situation in cities such as Shanghai and Guangzhou, public transport fares, taking full account of public character, especially rigid, such as morning and evening peaks, demand for commuter travel. But no matter how, will be fully taken into account in this process of price adjustment of public transport priority development policy stability, also taking into account the affordability of the public, taking into account public transport Metro operation costs. Specific programmes are at different stages of the hearing to the media and the views of the community. Is in the process of investigation, announced formal adjustment programmes was still undecided.

"The subway"

 Beginning to build rail traffic at the new airport city terminal now beginning has 3 choices, including Peony Garden, the grass bridges and financial Street

New airport subway line to get my boarding pass

The Beijing News (Xinhua Jiang Yanxin) Beijing new airport construction concern, through urban rail transit construction progress? Yesterday, members of the municipal development and Reform Commission, said Xu Xiaoyuan, currently starting station of the starting point in the urban areas there are 3 choices, including a Peony Garden, grass bridge and Raffles place, may be one of them, may also wear two or three points.

According to reports, the new airport connecting the city to support the track construction is in the planning stages, will be completed and the new airport, put to use in step. End of the subway line is the new airport, the starting point has been undecided.

Xu Xiaoyuan said the new airport subway line to be considered the starting point for "Terminal of the city". What is the Terminal for the city? Xu Xiaoyuan said, is to move the airport before Terminal Services features, extending to the city, people take the subway to the new airport in the future, in the beginning they can change our boarding pass, checked baggage.

For example for, if a people sat aircraft travel, without arrived airport do procedures, but in starting point on can change good boarding pass, do good boarding procedures, will luggage check finished, and depending on time loose level, can in near around, and in time right of when sat Shang subway to airport on line, "from building Shang see, it and General subway station no different, just to airport of service function moved came has. "Xu Xiaoyuan said.

Beijing airport is equally true in the future? Xu Xiaoyuan said, in fact, these sites are reserved for physics, space function, just came to nothing, and will take into account the progressive realization of, mainly technical aspects and security issues.

Municipal development and Reform Commission has said previously 2018 when the new airport is put into use, travel from the city to the new airport will have 3 Highway to choose from, one along the southern zhongzhoulu construction. Meanwhile, the new airport to Beijing Capital International Airport will also have rail transportation for the transfer.

  Related news

Yanqing, Miyun County through suburban railway

Every 12 mins; Beijing will develop suburban railway network planning

The Beijing News (by HP) yanqing, Miyun exurb counties are expected to create a new intercity railway, running to the Center City commuter railway, a train every 12 minutes. Yesterday, the City Planning Commission Deputy Director Zhou Nansen ARATS Chief Advisory, revealed that Beijing suburban railway network plan will be prepared, improvement of Beijing Metro network system.

Said Zhou Nansen, Beijing is building a new transport system, mainly in central city by encrypting the rail traffic to improve, latest line is Line 3, Line 12, Line 17 line plan has been approved.

"Rail service quality will improve and increase the capacity to facilitate transfer. "Said Zhou Nansen, City Planning Commission has asked the backbone of a new metro line 8 group a different type of vehicles which is larger than the past two carriages, and compartments of each section longer, more" fat ", capacity than ordinary 6 eight trains an additional 1000 people.

In recent years, the rapid development of inter-city railway, to the Beijing suburban railway-building opportunities. The so-called suburban railway, and is run with iron tracks and intercity railway construction after speed increase, pressure release of national railway lines, suburban railway construction are also on the agenda. Said Zhou Nansen, City Planning Commission this year will prepare the suburban rail line network planning.

Is currently working on a few suburban railway, said Zhou Nansen, Jing-Shen mapped out from spark to shunyi, Huairou, Miyun in suburban railway. Beijing-Zhangjiakou-City currently under feasibility study phase, running from this line will also be planning yanqing, from Beijing North railway station of the suburban railway. These two lines and inter-city railway runs, in addition to intercity railway, a short-distance commuter rail lines will run, frequency of 12 minutes a visit.

  "Bus lane"

Bus lane into the new main road "standard"

The Beijing News (by staff reporter Guo Chao Liu Chunrui) this year, Beijing will further improve public transport service network, high speed and the Southwest third ring road in Beijing Shi designated bus lanes, start the feasibility study of Beijing-Tibet Highway bus lane, bus lanes will become the standard for future trunk road.

Yesterday, the Beijing Transportation Committee member Luo Changbo revealed that throughout the year, the city will implement effects of 30 km of bus lanes, the transport sector is in the process of study on Beijing bus lane network planning, plans this year to open in Beijing high-speed designated bus lane and Southwest third ring road, the bus lane access to the third ring road, and solve the traffic problems in southern Beijing.

Beijing-Kaifeng xihongmen to capture high-speed bus lanes from yuquanying to caihuying, Southwest third ring road bus lane scheme from yuquanying to gongzhufen, design solutions are based on bi-directional traffic. The bus lane will also take time to open mode, this mode is called "Beijing-tongliao quick mode".

Liu Xiaoming, Director of the transportation authority, said Beijing transportation development strategy is the public transport priority, bus lanes will be applied in the future to road design steps in advance, as long as the road opened intensive transit trip, particularly trunk roads and interconnection line, bus lanes in the road planning and design phase into consideration. Fushi road, phase II opened in recent years, guangqu road, phase II is considered.

 This year works

Start the Beijing-Tibet Highway bus lane preliminary work

Perfect Anli Road bus rapid transit systems

Optimization and adjustment of bus line 20

The new "circulation" bus route 20

New custom bus line 20

Change bus station 100

Started suburban Terminal 6

Acceptance and use 8

(Original title: Metro price adjustment will take full account of public demand rigid)

January 16, 2014 The Beijing News


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