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The author:(作者)delv
published in(发表于) 2014/1/16 12:24:37
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China is willing to, together with the affected countries urged Japan to reflect on history

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China is ready to work together with the affected countries urged Japan to reflect on history | | | comfort women who were victims of the Foreign Ministry _ news

Original title: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China and Korea and other affected countries urged Japan to reflect on history

International online news (reporters Xu Xiaorong): China's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hong Lei, said in Beijing on 16th, forced recruitment of "comfort women" is a Japan militarism committed serious crimes against humanity during World War II, the Chinese side is willing to work with including Korea, affected countries in Asia, jointly urged Japan to correctly understand history and soul-searching.

It was reported that Korea women's family Ministry said on 14th plan as laid out in Korea, China and the comfort women by the Japanese record piracy in Southeast Asia, and plan together with the affected countries such as China, Southeast Asian countries ' piracy. 15th United States House of representatives through the United States Government fiscal year 2014 Government spending bill, which calls for the United States Secretary of State, urged Japan to comply with the House of representatives passed in 2007 "comfort women resolution".

In this regard, Hong Lei, said at the Foreign Ministry regular press conference to be held on 16th, forced recruitment of "comfort women" is a Japan militarism during the second world war, including China, Korea and Southeast Asian countries invaded, people committed serious crimes against humanity. "China and South Korea and other Asian countries share similar experiences in Japanese history-related issues and common concerns. China will work with include Korea, Asian victim countries together to maintain historical justice, jointly urged Japan to correctly understand and deeply reflect on the history, take concrete actions to win the trust of the Asian neighbors and the international community. ”

(Edit: SN091)
January 16, 2014 International online


  国际在线消息(记者 徐肖嵘):中国外交部发言人洪磊16日在北京表示,强征“慰安妇”是日本军国主义在二战期间犯下的严重反人类罪行,中方愿与包括韩国在内的亚洲受害国一道,共同敦促日本正确认识和深刻反省历史。




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