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The author:(作者)delv
published in(发表于) 2014/1/20 9:13:34
Beijing will rectify a denial

Beijing reorganized denial: the investigation of the case did not state the informal | | | law enforcement of Public Security Bureau of the case _ were caught news

Legal evening news (reporters Zhang Lei) reporter learned yesterday, January 15, Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau will be carried out on a global basis for a period of 3 months of "denial of mass dissatisfaction with" big consolidation efforts. Municipal Public Security Bureau on this with "police do not have a case did not state", "need to find either don't investigate the arrests" harm the interests of the masses, such as 5 focused on outstanding issues, each investigation since 2013 administrative, law enforcement problems in criminal cases.

It is understood that the Beijing Public Security Bureau to establish issues sorted out the ledger, set out the problems on a case-by-people, responsibility, responsible leadership, rectification, etc. For all the issues make a entry in a account of book, Beijing Public Security Bureau requested units concentrated rectification, run up an account supervision, comprehensive analyses, to find the cause and treatment of itemized piece by piece to determine corrective measures, clear treatment duration, completion of rectification.

Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau would also establish inspection teams through spot checks, inspections, stakeout, for steering the work of the units.

For highlights, universal, the masses feel strongly about issues, Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau will conduct a comprehensive clearing and normative documents on existing systems to further refine the perfect standard of law enforcement operations, introduction of relevant work specifications in a timely manner.

In future, the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau quarterly to run a number of enforcement cases an outstanding problem, built for those responsible, responsible leadership, as an important reference for units and evaluation of leading cadres.

Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau in January each year reorganization work carried out on a regular basis. The municipal Public Security Bureau official says, with "catch SB. on the raw fear ugly, remediation is not afraid of pain, no mercy" grasping rectification.

Has police not Department, and has case not State received citizens alarm Hou not Department police of; deliberately delay, and is not timely Department police of; Department police in the is not according to scene disposal provides carried out work of; accepted cases Hou not timely for review of; meet incorporated conditions, not law incorporated, implicit case told case, and prevarication wrangling of; other in received Department police, and incorporated links of law enforcement not as acts.

The search don't investigate, the arrests in an informal no clue check and the taking of evidence of the case work in time, affect the case; the criminal detention was not timely under criminal detention shouldn't be a guarantor against a guarantor; the other does not exist in the case, as well as segments of the coercive measures of enforcement does not act.

Work hauling, and efficiency low handle hurt cases not timely carried out investigation forensics, should take forced measures and not take of; bail awaiting trial cases has work conditions and not continues to carried out investigation work of; handle traffic accident cases, and drunk driving motor vehicle cases, not timely for test identification, and meet provides not timely take criminal forced measures of; handle security cases drags, over statutory term is not law made processing decided of; other in handle criminal, and security cases work in the of slow as, and hauling, acts.

Procedural violations, enforcement arbitrarily do not fulfill the information, notifications, delivery and other statutory procedures, and filing and public works was not carried out in accordance with the provisions of other acts in violation of legal procedures in criminal cases, law and order.

Case rough, and quality low due to case rough, and quality low, led to prosecutorial organ not approved arrested of; due to early investigation work exists errors or not as, led to cases basic facts not Qing, lost forensics timing of; due to case rough, and quality low, was seized, and law organ issued justice supervision instruments be corrected of; handle security cases exists facts not Qing, and evidence insufficient, and punishment free, problem of; other in case process in the exists of sloppy rough, and quality low, problem.

(Original title: case did not state that informal investigation netted)

January 20, 2014 Legal evening news

  法制晚报讯(记者 张雷)记者昨天获悉,1月15日开始,北京市公安局将在全局范围内开展为期3个月的“执法不公群众不满”问题大整顿工作。市公安局此次以“有警不处有案不立”、“该查不查该拘不拘”等损害群众权益的5方面突出问题为重点,逐一排查2013年以来办理的行政、刑事案件中存在的执法问题。






  有警不处、有案不立 接到公民报警后不处警的;故意拖延、未及时处警的;处警中未按照现场处置规定开展工作的;受理案件后不及时进行审查的;符合立案条件,不依法立案,隐案瞒案、推诿扯皮的;其他在接处警、立案环节的执法不作为行为。

  该查不查、该拘不拘 没有及时开展案件线索查证、证据调取工作,影响案件处理的;该刑事拘留未及时刑事拘留的;不该取保候审违法予以取保候审的;其他在案件查证、采取强制措施环节的执法不作为行为。

  工作拖拉、效率低下 办理伤害案件不及时开展调查取证,应当采取强制措施而不采取的;取保候审案件有工作条件而不继续开展侦查工作的;办理交通肇事案件、醉酒驾驶机动车案件,不及时进行检验鉴定、符合规定不及时采取刑事强制措施的;办理治安案件久拖不决,超过法定期限未依法做出处理决定的;其他在办理刑事、治安案件工作中的慢作为、拖拉等行为。

  违反程序、执法随意 不履行告知、通知、送达等法定程序的;未按照规定开展立案公开工作的;其他违反法定程序办理刑事、治安案件的行为。

  办案粗糙、质量低下 因办案粗糙、质量低下,导致检察机关不批准逮捕的;因初期侦查工作存在失误或不作为,导致案件基本事实不清,丧失取证时机的;因办案粗糙、质量低下,被检、法机关发出司法监督文书予以纠正的;办理治安案件存在事实不清、证据不足、处罚随意等问题的;其他在办案过程中存在的马虎粗糙、质量低下等问题。

(原标题:有案不立该拘不拘 将严查)


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