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The author:(作者)delv
published in(发表于) 2014/1/23 8:53:53
Beijing clearly owner-occupied housing co-ownership

Beijing clearly owner-occupied housing co-ownership | | independent | co-ownership of commercial buildings _ Beijing News

The Beijing News (Xinhua Jiang Yanxin) yesterday, 14 people in Beijing closed the second session, the Government reported a total of Amendment 20, which "owner-occupied commercial expression" defined as "shared property". It is understood that the early stages in the Government work report, seek the views of all parties, have incorporated the opinions and suggestions of NPC deputies and CPPCC members, a total of 216 changes.

Clauses relating to owner-occupied housing properties, specific modifications made in the report, "implementation of 20,000 sets of owner-occupied housing" amended to read "introduced commercial housing 20,000 sets of common property and lives." In this year's work, would "promote the construction of owner-occupied housing" amended to "promote co-ownership property of owner-occupied housing construction".

Municipal people's Congress, made during the meeting, Chen Gang, Vice Mayor owner-occupied housing as "common property" nature of support needs of end groups in the real estate market. Buyers could not afford to buy, can be given support by the Government, listed by title, took that part of government income.

Reports also made other changes, such as the 2014 "actively promote the forest and green areas, such as river and lake water system", adapted to "actively promote the forest and green areas, wetlands, River and lake water system and other" ecological protection red lines delineating; "actively bid for the 24th Winter Olympics", adapted to "actively coordinated with Hebei province, jointly host the 24th Winter Olympics" and so on.


Since housing has a total of property rights

Beijing municipal construction Commission official said that since housing and communal property rights of their meaning is the same. Government work report a total of owner-occupied housing in the nature of property rights, are further defined for housing property. Price of owner-occupied housing, housing prices than in lots, with the same quality of low 30% or so, prematurely locked out in the land. After the purchase, in principle, may not be transferred within 5 years; 5 years after transfer, as by that time with the location's housing prices and the owner-occupied housing purchase prices of goods the difference 30% pay the price such as land revenue. Consequently, owner-occupied housing have characteristics of co-ownership.

On the NPC, Vice Mayor Chen Gang of accessible housing co-ownership explained, "since housing prices would be lower than market 30%, or even 50%. Like someone just more than 1 million, 2 million, although needs 2 million or 3 million local market rates, but he could buy a House. Bad what that amount of money, is to introduce co-ownership, before you buy, State support, your own live, if listed, first of all, the Government gave priority to the acquisition, or according to the proportion of co-ownership portion of the gains that took Government. Didnt get the people not to lose, people don't make money. "Beijing News reporter horsepower


Government work report what changes?

The past year, "the initial realization of the illegal construction ' zero growth '" amended to read "preliminary realization of the illegal construction of the Renaissance ' zero growth '." Meanwhile, in 2014 task, corresponding to "ensure that illegal construction ' zero '," amended to read "to ensure that illegal construction of the Renaissance ' zero growth '."

"The implementation of 20,000 sets of owner-occupied housing" amended to read "implementation of the total 20,000 property of owner-occupied housing". In this year's work, would "promote the construction of owner-occupied housing" amended to "promote co-ownership property of owner-occupied housing construction".

Main expected for 2014 targets, "urban and rural residents ' income growth around 7.5%" amended to "per capita disposable income of urban residents and per capita net income of farmers is 7.5% per cent real growth."

"Promoting the building of the rule of law city", add "raise public legal awareness".

"Actively bid for the 24th Olympic Winter Games", were amended to "actively co-ordinate with Hebei province, co-hosting the 24th Winter Olympics".

"Maintaining farmers ' income grew faster than city dwellers" amended to "maintain farmers ' incomes and rapid growth".

"Developed and implemented policy measures to promote balanced development of compulsory education quality", add "increase investment in education in rural areas".

"The establishment of basic old-age service system", amended to "improve the basic old-age service system".

"Central city transit trip at 48%", add "improve the level of rural passenger services, especially in remote rural mountain people".

"Make people at home will be able to enjoy the 10 categories of 60 essential public services", add ", as well as extensive friendly service".

"Improving food and drug safety system" amended to read "food and drug safety, improve the work system".

  Housing Bill this year to consider

Dozens of deputies to introduce regulations which led to the legislation process speed

The Beijing News (Xinhua Jiang Yanxin) basic security regulations this year to draw attention to the city of Beijing people's Congress. Reporter learned yesterday from dozens of municipal people's Congress representatives jointly introduce legislation, and eventually to speed up the legislative process of the Basic Housing Ordinance.

During the session, led by Zhang xuebing, Liu Ning, representatives, respectively, obtained over more than 40 representatives of groups on the development of Beijing urban residents ' Basic Housing Ordinance and regulations, adopted by the Bureau for consideration by the General Assembly, decided to refer the draft legislation study on cross-city, in attention of the municipal people's Congress later this year.

Municipal people's Congress Legislative Affairs Office Director Li Xiaojuan, said concern on housing, municipal people's Congress has arranged for legislation justifying the project, because citizens have a fundamental right to housing, the Government should provide a minimum level of protection. Current basic housing guarantee system as Bill legislative process may be accelerated into the review process this year, need to research more.

Said Li Xiaojuan, during the process of demonstration project for basic housing Ordinance, the legislative branch is aware of provinces raised a "shared ownership" concept, and introduced in some parts of the system, Beijing may also, in accordance with the idea to do it.

Municipal people's Congress Zhang xuebing said that China's housing security the lack of special laws or administrative rules and regulations, Beijing also has not developed unified local regulations on urban housing security, there is only issued by the municipal government departments to develop a relatively fragmented regulatory documents, so there was a lot of limitations. At the same time, enactment of the Ordinance is to further improve the inadequacies of the existing system of affordable housing, achieving price regulation macro-objectives is bound to ask.


Basic housing cannot trade the market

Bill lied to purchase will be fined 100,000

The Beijing urban residents ' Basic Housing Ordinance (draft) proposed that basic housing non-profit principle, closed operation. Basic housing cannot enter the market, between the main flow of only, subject to security conditions. Completely cut off contact housing and residential markets, elimination of basic housing investment properties, making Government and purchased the interests of people unable to get prices on the housing market.

At the same time, affordable housing to insist on co-ownership and limited property rights system. To sell basic housing in the form of Government and purchasers are jointly owned property. Buyers property can only be used by the Government to buy back, cannot be transferred to third parties. Purchase rights to possess, use and dispose of the House, be restricted by strict regulations.

Lying to purchase affordable housing because of the lower cost of illegal, it had seemed impossible to irradicate, and increase the penalties also became the focus of attention. Under the Ordinance, submitted by Zhang xuebing (draft) proposals, apart from disqualification eviction, and tricked shoppers also face a fine of tens of thousands of dollars, until transferred to judicial organs for handling.

Which, not meet basic housing guarantees conditions of family to concealed or false population, and household, and age, and marriage, and income, and property and housing, situation of way trickery, or take bribery, not due means, applications basic housing of, by Beijing city basic housing guarantees Center dismissed its applications, Department 30,000 yuan fine, and since dismissed its applications of day up ten years within no accepted its housing guarantees applications.

Interested party to fraud, bribery or other improper means to obtain basic shelter, basic housing guarantee Center in Beijing shall cancel housing rental contracts, sales contracts, basic housing recovery, fine at 100,000 dollars, in accordance with the relevant government departments over the area with the same type of ordinary commodity housing market rental price of rent received during the stay. The Beijing News reporter Jiang Yanxin


Beijing launches what's affordable housing

On October 29, 1998

To huilongguan, Tian Tong Yuan, jiandong Court, represented by 19 first economically affordable housing projects in Beijing municipal real estate trading center showcases, beginning the prelude to the large-scale development and construction of economically affordable housing in Beijing. Earlier housing security system is not perfect, qualification is not strict, has led to some families does not conform to security standards, now live in economically affordable housing.

The end of September 2007

Improved systems of economically affordable housing and affordable housing is available in Beijing, not only detailed the family's income, assets, housing areas, threshold, and rigorous "twice-three levels of auditing, publicity" system to ensure distribution of fair and impartial.

March 26, 2008

Beijing launched the housing price in national innovation systems. Barriers to economically affordable housing has been removed, some can't afford to buy commercial housing does not qualify for economically affordable housing of sandwich class families, can limit housing to solve the housing problem.

August 2009

Beijing became the first city to introduce public housing. Work for certain years the foreigners in Beijing can also enjoy this benefit.

October 2013

Beijing once again in the country's first residential commodity houses, for sandwich class housing issue.

Beijing News reporter-HP

(Original title: clear for owner-occupied housing co-ownership)

(Edit: SN077)
January 23, 2014 The Beijing News

  新京报讯 (记者蒋彦鑫)昨日,北京市十四届人大二次会议闭幕,政府工作报告共修改20处,其中对于“自住商品房”的表述明确为“共有产权性质”。据了解,早在政府工作报告征求各方意见阶段,就已经吸纳市人大代表和政协委员的意见建议,累计进行了216处修改。




  ■ 解读



  在两会上,副市长陈刚也对自住房的共有产权进行了浅显易懂的解释,“自住房的价格会比市场低30%,甚至50%。比如一个人只有100多万,200万,虽然当地的市场房价需要两三百万,但他也能买房。差的那一部分钱怎么办,就是实行共有产权,你先买,国家给予支持,你自己先住,如果再上市,首先政府优先收购,或者是根据共有产权比例把政府那部分收益拿走。这样没买到的人也不亏,买到的人也不得利。” 新京报记者 马力

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  新京报讯 (记者蒋彦鑫)北京基本住房保障条例将于年内提请市人大常委会审议。记者昨日获悉,由数十位市人大代表联名提出的法规案,最终促成基本住房保障条例的立法进程提速。





  ■ 解读







  有关当事人以弄虚作假、贿赂等不正当手段获取基本住房的,北京市基本住房保障中心应当解除基本住房租赁合同、买卖合同,收回基本住房,处10万元罚款,同时按照政府相关部门发布的同期同区域同类型普通商品住房的市场租赁指导价补收入住期间的租金。 新京报记者 蒋彦鑫

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  新京报记者 马力



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