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The author:(作者)delv
published in(发表于) 2014/1/27 8:55:50
Fujian H7N9 avian flu infection cases rose to 10 cases

Fujian H7N9 avian flu cases rise to 10 cases of infection | Fujian _ | H7N9| avian influenza news

Xinhua News Agency, Fuzhou, January 27 (reporters Meng Zhaoli and and Chen Hongyi)-health family planning Commission informed the 27th in Fujian province, the province the same day newly-confirmed 2 additional cases of human infection H7N9 avian influenza. So far, the province's human infection H7N9 avian flu has increased to 10 cases.

According to the report, additional 2 patients: patients and their xxx, male, 69, who now lives in Xiamen haicang district, now in critical condition, a hospital in Xiamen quarantine treatment; patients with yellow, female, 72, who now lives in sanming shaxian, currently in critical condition, in shaxian County in a hospital treatment in isolation. (End text)

(Edit: SN095)
January 27, 2014 Xinhua News Agency

  新华社福州1月27日电 (记者孟昭丽、陈弘毅)福建省卫生计生委27日通报,该省当日新确诊2例人感染H7N9禽流感病例。至此,全省人感染H7N9禽流感病例已增至10例。



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