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The author:(作者)归海一刀
published in(发表于) 2014/2/1 2:06:31
Chengdu tourist Thailand in a traffic accident 5 serious injuries, most 30th home

Chengdu tourist Thailand 5 were seriously injured in a car accident on 30th of the majority _ | | | tourists returning home car accident travel agency news


Video: Chinese tourist bus Thailand Chiang Mai in a traffic accident 25 injured

Chengdu, Sichuan news network, January 29 (Xinhua Zhang Yitong) according to the Chinese Consulate General in Chiang Mai news, a bus carrying Chinese tourists on 29th at 3 o'clock in the afternoon GMT Thailand traffic accident in Chiang Mai, 25 Chinese tourists were injured in the car. It is understood that the 5 of them were seriously injured, 3 people have fractures, none life-threatening, remaining the majority will be held at 12 o'clock in the morning local time aboard Thailand minced direct flight to Chengdu to Chiang Mai are expected tomorrow at 3 o'clock in the morning arrived at the Chengdu shuangliu international airport.

Reporters subsequently learned that the tours are given by the Everbright international travel Chengdu, Wu Liang, Deputy General Manager of travel agents said the tour a total of 45 passengers, from a real estate company, January 25 flight from Chengdu to Chiang Mai, originally planned on 30th returned to Chengdu. Chiang Mai travel, 45 passengers sit two tour buses, bus passengers on the train crash 25.

Wu Liang said that original finds heavier 6 injured passengers, 1 is excluded from injured list, the remaining 5 visitors are not life-threatening, and 3 fracture, need to temporarily stay in Chiang Mai hospital following surgery treatment, nosebleed another 2 accident, also need to stay in hospital for observation. Travel agency based in Chiang Mai branch 1 team will accompany the injured tourists in Chiang Mai hospital receiving treatment.

"This afternoon at around 3 o'clock GMT, just 20 minutes after the accident happened, leader of the tour group came to contact travel agents. "Wu Liang said that as of 29th, leader has over the telephone, two travel agencies reported Chiang Mai of the injured tourists.


"According to local police, the survey found while we travel bus from downtown Chiang Mai tourist attractions near came out, a fork, a local van hit a tour bus, leading to the tour bus rollover. In addition to that 5 more heavily injured tourists, and the remaining 20 visitors small scrapes, are now out of the hospital, and another car they prepared according to the original plan of visitors in the 30th to take Charter flights back to Chengdu, probably 30th at 3 o'clock in the morning to reach. "Wu Liang introduced shortly after the accident, they had informed the tour team, and is headed by the Unit informed the families of the passengers.

"The travel agency now has two leaders accompany the wounded on the ground, in addition, 2 injured in overnight for observation is better, we will be arranging the evening of 30th back to Chengdu. ”

Wu Liang said that travel agents learned that a car accident message, contacts with local hospitals for medical treatment in the first passenger, "If the victims ' families, we can help you and arrange for them to fly to Chiang Mai to visit the injured. "Wu Liang said," also, at 3 o'clock in the morning we travel agency will send someone to pick up at the airport, through the hospital ambulance in case visitors appeared unwell. ”

(Edit: SN091)

January 30, 2014, Sichuan news net


成都游客泰国遇车祸5人重伤 多数人30日回国|游客|车祸|旅行社_新闻资讯


视频:中国游客巴士泰国清迈遇车祸 25人受伤

  四川新闻网成都1月29日讯(记者 张异同) 据中国驻清迈总领馆消息,一辆搭载中国游客的大巴于29日北京时间下午3点多在泰国清迈市发生交通事故,车上25名中国游客受伤。据了解,其中5人伤势较重,3人有骨折现象,均无生命危险,其余多数人将于当地时间凌晨12点多搭乘泰国清迈直飞成都的航班回蓉,预计明日凌晨3点整到达成都双流国际机场。



  “今天下午北京时间3时多,就是车祸发生后20分钟内,旅行团的领队就主动和旅行社方面取得了联系。 ”吴亮说,截至29日晚上9时,领队已经通过电话,两次向旅行社方面汇报清迈受伤游客的情况。









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