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The author:(作者)归海一刀
published in(发表于) 2014/2/3 6:39:09
Sqlserver常用函数例子说明_[SQL Server教程]

Sqlserver常用函数例子说明_[SQL Server教程]

在操作SQLServer的时候, 很多时候记不住具体的函数如何使用, 查找联机帮助还是嫌麻烦, 且有很多时候例子也不好懂, 下面对每个常用的函数用用例子说明,一目了然,你自己在数据库中执行一下,结果就知道什么回事了

print substring('iamagoodperson',1,5)
select substring('iamagoodperson',1,5)

select upper('he is a good person')

select LOWER('this is an VERY interesting job')

select ltrim(' i am a good person')

select rtrim(' heihei,i do not know why it likes this ')

select replace('iwanttoaskyou','ttoa','i love you')

select stuff('我的名字是朱旭杰',6,8,'summer')

--Date/Time Fuction
select getdate() as 'today'

select dateadd(yy,10,getdate())

select datediff(yy,'1982/5/3',getdate()) as

select datepart(dw,getdate())
select datepart(yy,getdate())
select datepart(mm,getdate())
select datepart(dd,getdate())
select datepart(ss,getdate())
select datepart(ms,getdate())
select datepart(dd,'1982/5/3')
print datepart(dw,'1982/8/22')

select day('1982/5/3')
select day(getdate())

select month(getdate())

select year(getdate())


select abs(-100.3456)

select sin(0.54)

select cos(3.14)

select power(10,2)

--round 返回数字表达式并四舍五入为指定的长度或精度

select round(100.45,1)
select round(123,45,-2)

select floor(4.9)
select floor(-123.99)

select ceiling(4.9)
select ceiling(-123.99)

select sqrt(100)

select square(10)
select square(-15)

select cast(100.45 as int)
select cast(1345 as varchar(10))

select convert(int,100.56)
select convert(varchar(10),2345)

declare @temp_table table
bookID VARCHAR(10) primary key,
book_price float default null,
bookName varchar(50)
insert into @temp_table values('1',50,'c#')
insert into @temp_table values('2',null ,'c')
select bookID AS '书的编号',isnull(book_price,0) as '书的价格'
from @temp_table

select nullif('iam','iam')

select coalesce(null,null,'i am a good boy')

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