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The author:(作者)归海一刀
published in(发表于) 2014/2/3 7:50:02
Tesla charging hard in China,

Tesla charging hard in China-Tesla-IT information Tesla charging in China

"Tesla has been allowed to operate in China as long as it can on a roll, smooth on the card. "Tesla's direct store sales staff in Beijing said. Since its opening in November of last year, this Tesla store in China is the hottest store in Guildford Yerba Buena. But in domestic new energy passenger car market, sales throughout the past year, but 17,000 vehicles a year.

In a depressed market atmosphere, how many people are willing to spend seven hundred thousand or eight hundred thousand or even millions of dollars to buy a pure electric car, this becomes the new year market a suspense.

Difficulty: major models priced higher than United States half

Guildford Mall of the Yerba, Tesla stores within a black Model s is charging. Finger thicker power cord from the charging interface to access the rear left of the ground socket, green light flashes when car fat 17-inch LCD computer accurately displays current power on the Board to support the mileage: 410 km.

That is not the Model s mileage limits. "Both models to be sold in China, mileage is 502 km, ranging in price from 734,000 to 1.0845 million Yuan. "The salesperson said that late last year set the fastest the first owner of the car is expected to end of March.

The pure electric car manufacturer Tesla is the world's most invigorating, 22,500 were sold worldwide last year Model s vehicles. In the United States market, Model 85 s main models priced at $ 81,070. According to Tesla's official website later announced the China price, Model 85 s main model prices are almost as United States higher than half of the market.

In this regard, the Tesla's official website gives the specific price of the Model s 85: the United States beyond the price, shipping and handling cost of $ 3,600, customs duties and other taxes of $ 19,000, sales tax of $ 17,700, total price of us $ 121,370 6.05 terms, about 734,000 yuan .

"We have no any fare sales on the Chinese market. "Tesla CEO introduce mask, if in accordance with multinational car company practices, Model s price in China will reach United States more than twice times, but Tesla is only increasing the need for shipping and taxes, even without taking into account currency fluctuations and future Tesla charging network costs in China. This reporter learned that, most of the price of imported cars in China in addition to adding the necessary tax and other costs, will also allow more than 20% of margins.

Although Tesla finally priced at slightly less than expected, but more than 700,000 yuan starting price makes many potential buyers hesitate.

Same prices in China have been able to purchase luxury brands such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi's high-end models. However, field sales personnel said that Tesla currently China has as many as hundreds of cars, book now to go up to the third quarter of the year.

Difficulty II: run-way charging difficult remaining bottlenecks

According to the Tesla data,Model s battery capacity is 85-kilowatt, run 500 kilometers on full electricity consumption is 40.8, only 5 liters of gasoline, equivalent to the current Beijing 95th . Thus, Tesla electric energy consumption, equivalent to km about 1 liter of oil. Tesla officials say, Model s has no wearing parts, real moving parts only the wheels and motor, maintenance becomes very simple.

Attractive cost of keeping a car will be able to attract many buyers, are also subject to perfection of the charging infrastructure.

With a normal household outlet, charge the Tesla can travel 20 km an hour, full charge requires more than a day. Sales staff therefore recommends that consumers take the form with full, additional loss of electricity can be filled two or three hours a day. If the family conditional installation charging, the charging efficiency can be increased to the power charger 50 km to 80 km per hour.

In the United States market, Tesla is an important reason for the popularity of free charge network of structures. The companies on the West coast of North America to build the "Super charging station corridor" has been fully operational, is expected later this year in the United States doubled the number of Super charging stations, covering the United States 80% in populated areas. In Europe, Tesla charging station has been built to reach 14.

Tesla executives revealed that, considering the European experience, Super charging stations along the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed construction in China for private car owners free of charge, but it also depends on the approval of government departments can be permitted to receive construction.

850 kg batteries to keep the car can go 500 km

Tesla in the Gallery, a red Model s static experience for consumers. Although it is impossible to feel the power of zero to 100 km second horsepower, but beautiful streamlined body and a fully computerized operation and control design, and let the consumer is very shocking.

With ordinary cars, Tesla's door handles with an embedded design, press eject until after. Into the cockpit, traditional button dashboard was turned on, instead of a 17-inch large touch display boards similar to the iPad. Audio, climate control, navigation, fuel gauge, mileage, reversing the image and all control actions can be completed by finger sliding easily. And headlamps piercing the Model s, you will be surprised to find that empty below the cover, ordinary car gearbox, engine, where the baggage the forepeak also put a pile of storage boxes.

Compared to these particular details, long range is the Tesla EV bodacious Mace. In Beijing, the districts of pilot operation of electric taxis, mileage generally at about 120 km, winter and summer because air conditioning can cause breath to run miles shorter. Is likewise a pure electric car, why Tesla could run four hundred or five hundred miles?

Inside the Gallery completely bare chassis to demonstrate the mysteries of Tesla: rows of lithium batteries packed with laptop ranked in the bottom of the car. "A total of more than 7,500 dollars and weighs 850 kilograms. "The onsite technician said, stocky chassis for Tesla in the 200 km/h, not mad.

Car batteries, cell phone battery decays rapidly with the computer?

The technician explained that Tesla's most prominent competitive lies in battery management system to ensure that the 500,000 km mileage on battery life. According to Tesla's sales policy, China sales models are battery system 8-year unlimited mileage warranty, if serious overall attenuation for a free replacement.


特斯拉在华充电难 - 特斯拉 - IT资讯




侨福芳草地购物中心,特斯拉直营店内一辆黑色Model S正在充电。手指粗的电源线从地面插座接入车尾左侧的充电接口,绿色指示灯闪烁之际,车内硕大的17英寸液晶电脑板上精确地显示出当前电量能支撑的里程数:410公里。

这还不是Model S的里程极限。“即将投放中国市场的两款车型,续航里程均为502公里,售价从73.4万元至108.45万元不等。”销售人员表示,去年年底订车的首批车主预计最快3月底能提车。

特斯拉是全球风头最健的纯电动汽车制造商,去年全球共售出22500辆Model S。在美国市场,Model S主力车型85售价81070美元起。而根据特斯拉官网最新公布的中国区售价,Model S主力车型85的价格几乎比美国市场高出了一半。

对此,特斯拉官网给出了Model S 85的具体车价构成:美国售价之外,运输和装卸费用3600美元,关税和其他税19000美元,增值税17700美元,总价121370美元,以6.05汇率计算,约合人民币73.4万元

“我们在中国市场上的销售没有任何加价。”特斯拉CEO马斯克介绍,如果按照跨国车企惯例,Model S在中国的价格会达到美国两倍以上,但特斯拉只是增收了必要的运输和税费,甚至没有考虑汇率波动和未来特斯拉在中国建充电网络的费用。记者了解到,大部分进口车在中国地区的售价除了增加必要的税收等成本外,还会留出超过20%的利润空间。




根据特斯拉公布的数据,Model S电池容量是85千瓦时,充满电跑500公里耗去的电费是40.8元,折合目前北京95号汽油仅5升。因此,特斯拉纯电动汽车的能耗水平,相当于百公里1升油左右。特斯拉官方称,Model S已经没有多少易损部件,真正的转动部分只有车轮和电机,保养变得非常简单。






特斯拉展厅内,一辆红色Model S供消费者静态体验。虽然无法感受零到100公里4.4秒的强大马力,但绚丽的流线车身和完全电脑化的操控设计,还是让消费者十分震撼。

与普通车型不同,特斯拉的门把手采用嵌入式设计,按动之后才会弹出。进入驾驶舱,传统的按钮式仪表台被彻底颠覆,取而代之的是一个17英寸类似于iPad的超大触控显示板。音响、空调、导航、油表、里程、倒车影像等所有控制操作,都能通过指尖滑动轻松完成。而掀开Model S的车头,你会惊异地发现盖板下方空空如也,普通汽车发动机、变速箱的位置变成了行李前舱,还放入了一堆储物盒。






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