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The author:(作者)归海一刀
published in(发表于) 2014/2/3 8:15:08
New 1 confirmed case of human infection in Fujian H7N9 avian influenza

Fujian new H7N9 avian flu 1 confirmed case of human infection cases of bird flu cases | | H7N9| Fujian _ news

Xinhuanet, Fuzhou, February 3 (reporters Meng Zhaoli and Chen Hongyi)-Bulletin of the health and family planning Commission, 3rd in Fujian province, the province's new 1 confirmed case of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza. At present, Fujian province H7N9 avian flu cases increased to 13 cases of infection.

According to the report, new cases for the patient, male, 27 years old, stone carver, living in Zhangzhou city, Fujian province, ZhangPu County. The patient returned from Hangzhou January 26 ZhangPu, prior to this, from January 10 charge to the farmer's market to buy food every day, January 21 paroxysmal cough, January 24 symptoms worse, now in critical condition, in Zhangzhou hospital treatment in isolation.

(Edit: SN034)
February 03, 2014 The website

  新华网福州2月3日电(记者孟昭丽 陈弘毅) 福建省卫生计生委3日通报,该省当日新确诊1例人感染H7N9禽流感病例。目前,福建省人感染H7N9禽流感病例增至13例。



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