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The author:(作者)归海一刀
published in(发表于) 2014/2/11 9:22:39
Don’t boast about the Amazon, Google has a secret weapon of war,

Amazon don't boast about cloud wars Google has a secret weapon-the cloud, Google, Amazon-IT information Amazon don't boast about cloud wars Google has a secret weapon

Seems very easy to think of the industry, open cloud world war has come to an end, but Amazon has became the winner in this battle. Market research firm Gartner recently released Gartner Magic Quadrant report stressed that professional cloud services Amazon AWS (Amazon Web services) provides computing power available has reached 14 other cloud service providers of capacity as much as 5 times.

This leading edge to left a deep impression, however, Gartner analysis report did not bring in Google's cloud services, "Google Cloud (Google)" into them, mainly because Google has not yet officially launched the service.

In the field of cloud services, Google and Amazon's other competitors are completely different. Google has "Amazon Web services" do not have some of the features, such as weapons and super fast network capabilities. Might these features will push Google to be the real innovator in the field of business.

"Amazon Web services" advantage with the opponent:

There are many reasons why customers like Amazon's Web services. With other companies who wish to provide services by monopoly, and Amazon Web services without raising the price of cloud services, have not slowed the pace of innovation. Opposite is that Amazon's Web services have been consistently cut prices of its cloud services, along with lightning speed and continue to introduce new services and features. In this aggressive situation, Amazon Web services for the competitors is taken by surprise. Gartner analyst lindiya·Liang (Lydia Leong), to claim: "lots of Amazon Web services, competitors had no interest to continue to invest resources to compete with Amazon's cloud services. They failed to realize, that cloud services is a software business, and feature development will play an important role. ”

However, in Google's opinion, circumstances are very different. Google has now launched a 75 a developer API, a number much higher than the Amazon Web services. Google has a flexible model of shared development. However, Amazon's Web services also have their own shortcomings, this deficiency is not a development lag in the number, but rather to improve network speed there is still more work to be done.

Search Amazon's Achilles (Achilles Heel):

(Editor's Note: Achilles is the ocean goddess Thetis (Thetis) and King Peleus (Peleus), the son of a conquering hero is legendary. )

Every competitor is frantically looking for disadvantages of Amazon Web services, and take advantage of these weaknesses against Amazon's cloud services, which further helped them win for developers and businesses as well as service users. For years, people have been trying to attack Amazon Web services, security, and performance, but Amazon is always tight.

A recent Greek time, Pivotal Marshal James waters (James Waters) claimed that Amazon's public cloud services that is almost religious devotion may exist on Amazon Web services in a more flexible way to vulnerability. James was released on February 5 through Twitter messages saying: "Amazon Web services has become a huge monster, but, the tech industry has been known for its changes, a variety of cloud will probably have a huge impact on Amazon Web services. ”

James's view may be correct. Efforts to push the company to public cloud service will eventually fail completely, especially in the range of cloud services offered by Pivotal/CloudFoundry, a powerful case.

United States blog GigaOm Babu·daluo (Barb Darrow) lists eight of the Google cloud, these items can help Google beat Amazon's cloud services. But Darrell also ignores the important point, which is the network easily. Cloudscaling Landi·biyasi (Randy Bias) believe that it is network capacity will be cloud services is a key factor.

Competition in the areas of:

As Vias stressed that, in the past 10 years, Google (along with Yahoo and Microsoft) has been acquiring dark fiber network (dark fiber), and between these networks deployed in each data center. This network to upgrade the connections to the TB level, and to be able to connect to Google's various data centers faster. This means that "If you have dark fiber network, and activate this network, then you will be able to continue through both ends of the fiber optic joined the DWDM equipment, adding more bandwidth.

This is what happened? In this regard, Vias explains:

What Google was able to complete the goal? Imagine if all the Google cloud storage (Google Cloud Storage) so as to avoid geographic replication bandwidth costs, then they would have how much energy do I? In such a huge bandwidth, bulk file transfer 100GB between the networks is no longer a myth. Therefore, if a user with large, fast, and low-cost network, then it would be possible to network and promote, in fact, Google's cloud service with features such as large, fast, and cheap, while the Amazon lacks.

Because of the current inadequate supply of dark fiber, so Amazon is still unable to structure with huge expenses to such networks. Bandwidth availability and high-speed network between data centers in terms of cost, Amazon Web services, in terms of competing with Google currently faces a number of structural weaknesses.

Of course, Google finally beat Amazon's cloud services, still to be seen. But one thing is for sure, Google will become strong competitors in the area of Amazon's cloud.


亚马逊别得意,云之战谷歌还有秘密武器 - 云网络,谷歌,亚马逊 - IT资讯

业界似乎非常容易地想到,公开的云大战已经告一段落,而且亚马逊已经在此大战中成为了赢家。市场研究机构Gartner在最近发布的Gartner Magic Quadrant报告中强调称,亚马逊的专业云服务AWS(亚马逊网络服务)提供的可利用计算能力已经达到了其它14家云服务供应商总容量的5倍之多。

这种领先的优势的确给人留下了深刻的印象,但是,Gartner的分析报告中并未将谷歌的云服务“Google Cloud(谷歌云)”纳入其中,主要是因为谷歌还没有正式推出此项服务。



有诸多的理由让用户喜欢亚马逊网络服务。与其它有意通过垄断方式来提供服务的公司不同,亚马逊网络服务既没有提高云服务的价格,也没有放缓创新的速度。恰恰相反的是,亚马逊网络服务一直都在坚持不懈地下调其云服务价格,同时还以迅雷不及掩耳之速度不断地推出新服务和新功能。在这种咄咄逼人的形势之下,亚马逊网络服务的竞争对手们就显得措手不及。Gartner分析师林迪亚·梁(Lydia Leong)对此声称:“大量的亚马逊网络服务的竞争对手们已经没有兴趣来继续投资各种资源来与亚马逊竞争云服务。他们都未能认识到一点,即云服务是一种软件业务,功能发展速度将起到重要作用。”


追寻亚马逊的阿基里斯脚步(Achilles Heel):



最近一希时间以来,Pivotal执行官詹姆斯·沃特斯(James Waters)声称,亚马逊对公共云服务的那种几乎是宗教信仰式的虔诚可能会让亚马逊网络服务在更多灵活方式上存在漏洞。詹姆斯还于2月5日通过Twitter发布消息称:“亚马逊网络服务业已成为一个巨大怪物,不过,科技行业却一直以变化而著称,多种云或许将对亚马逊网络服务带来巨大冲击。”


美国博客网站GigaOm的巴布·达洛(Barb Darrow)列举了谷歌云具备的八项内容,这八项内容可以帮助谷歌云击败亚马逊的云服务。不过,达洛也忽略了重要的一点,即网络容易。Cloudscaling的兰迪·比亚斯(Randy Bias)认为,正是网络容量将成为云服务的一大关键因素。


正如比亚斯强调的那样,在过去的10年中,谷歌(携同雅虎与微软)一直在收购暗光纤网络(dark fiber),并将这些网络部署在各个数据中心之间。这种网络能够将网速提升到TB级,而且能够将谷歌各个数据中心快速地连接起来。这就意味着,“如果你掌握了暗光纤网络,并激活这种网络,那么你就能够继续通过在光纤两端加入DWDM设备,来添加更多的带宽。


谷歌能够完成什么样的目标呢?试想一下,如果能让所有的谷歌云存储(Google Cloud Storage)都以免带宽成本的方式进行地理复制,那将会产生多大的能量呢?在这种庞大的带宽下,在网络之间传输100GB以上的大容量文件将不再是什么神话。因此,如果用户拥有大、快速、低成本的网络,那么就可以让地区网络提升成为可能,事实上,谷歌的云服务就具备大、快速和便宜等特点,而这些正是亚马逊所缺乏的。




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