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The author:(作者)归海一刀
published in(发表于) 2014/2/11 10:03:38
Huizhou 1 black boss on trial, lawyers argue it as a foreign legal

Guangdong Huizhou 1 black boss on trial lawyers argue his black boss for foreign nationals | | | nationality _ Guangdong Huizhou news

CNS, Guangzhou, February 10 (reporters Xi Wanting and Yang Xiaomei and Chen Xiaohong)-Guangdong Huizhou Hu Wei-sheng (also known as "Hu XING"), 34 were black, 10th in the Guangzhou intermediate people's Court trial, principal Hu Wei-sheng was charged with intentional assault, crimes such as gambling of 7 counts.

Hu Wei-sheng claiming to be Chinese-American arrested in June 2012, involving a black, Guangdong Police have dispatched some 300 armed police and special police "encirclement and suppression" Hu Wei-Sheng fu XING commercial Plaza run by and raised community concerns.

The public prosecution service alleges that since 2004, Hu Wei-Sheng fu XING Commerce Plaza real estate development (Huizhou) limited as the basis, encompassing the social ease personnel such as Hu's family through a black, implemented many times in an organized manner forced demolition, up fights, obtaining loans, forgery, illegal and criminal activities such as illegal detention, arson, rampant illicit enrichment, oppressed people.

Among them, Hu Wei-sheng, who in Huizhou casinos, from 2011 to 2012 by casino profits of more than 48 million Yuan, and is suspected of illegal possession of ammunition; Hu Wei-l was losing the lawsuit, ordered his General for the judge in the case threw acid, fortunately the judges involved forensic suffered minor injuries.

10th at 9 o'clock in the morning, the intermediate people's Court in Guangzhou's largest courtroom for the trial, 34 accused sat side-by-side, Hu Wei-sheng of nearly six years old entered a courtroom with emotion, the presiding judge then made a temporary 5-minute recess.

Subsequent hearing testy rather heavy, the Court based on the evidence provided by the Bureau of exit-entry Administration departments in China identified as Hu Wei-sheng's identity as Chinese citizens, Hu Wei-sheng, who attorneys hotly contested on several occasions with the presiding judge, during which Hu Wei-sheng nationality differences, the presiding judge announced 4 times a short recess, collegial. Court hearing in the case is expected to continue for 15 days. (End text)

(Original title: Guangdong Huizhou black boss Hu Wei-sheng 34 members on trial charged with a number of offences)

(Edit: SN064)
February 10, 2014 China News Network
广东惠州1名黑老大受审 律师辩称其为外国籍|黑老大|广东惠州|国籍_新闻资讯

  中新网广州2月10日电 (奚婉婷 杨晓梅 陈晓红)广东惠州胡炜昇(又名“胡伟星”)等34人涉黑案10日在广州中院开庭审理,主犯胡炜昇被控故意伤害罪、开设赌场罪等7项罪名。






(原标题:广东惠州黑老大胡炜昇受审 34名成员被控多宗罪)


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