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The author:(作者)归海一刀
published in(发表于) 2014/3/24 3:47:41
Wuhan built China’s first tunnel crossing the Yangtze River highway-railway dual-purpose

Built China's first crossing the Yangtze River, Wuhan highway-railway dual-purpose tunnel | | |-Wuhan Yangtze River _ news

China News Agency, Wuhan, March 23 (reporters Xu Jinbo) 23rd press conference in Wuchang Riverside xujia shed see, Line 7 subway tunnel across the river South of the site of Wuhan is noisy machinery, the workers are sending well construction of shield machines. Wuhan municipal government officials said this marked China's first natural moat cross the Yangtze River highway-railway dual-purpose tunnel, is also the biggest tunnel project officially entered the comprehensive construction phase.

Male iron dual purpose Wuhan bridge and tunnel across the river is located in the Yangtze River Yangtze River, between Highway North of sanyanglu and South of Wuchang, Hankou xujia sheds, railways belonging to the Metro 7th line across the river.

According to builders – introduction to the project Chief Engineer Zhang Yi of Shanghai tunnel engineering company, male iron dual purpose Wuhan Yangtze River tunnel about two lines, 2599 m length, maximum depth of 40 meters. According to the planning of each tunnel is divided into three levels, upper level is smoke in highway tunnel road, Highway 3 traffic lanes in the Middle, the lower track 7th subway line and cable galleries, exhaust and escape.

Male iron dual purpose Wuhan Yangtze River tunnel 15.76 meters in diameter, equivalent to 5 stories tall, exceeded its section height and width has been set up in the city's first road tunnels and railway tunnels, is China's largest tunnel projects, tunnel shield machine for tunnel boring machine to complete the tunnel work. To this end, the construction company at a cost of 800 million Yuan, specially from Germany ordered two "large" shield machine, cutter nearly 16 meters in diameter, slated from Germany arrived in Wuhan. By then, the tunnel boring machine will go from Wuchang air shaft, crossing the Yangtze River to Hankow excavation, expected in February 2017 tunnel.

Wuhan Academy of social sciences, Li Chunyang experts pointed out that Yangtze River Bridge and the Yangtze River Bridge of Wuhan inner circle consisting of, is the core area of the central city of Wuhan, river-crossing traffic demand. Although Wuhan during this interval built China's first highway tunnel and the subway tunnel crossing the Yangtze River, but still can not meet the demand. While the relatively limited resources of the regional location of bridge and tunnel, this first male iron dual purpose built tunnel across the River, to conserve limited resources of bridge and tunnel, and promoting balanced economic and social development is of great significance in Wuhan. (End text)

(Original title: Wuhan built China's first tunnel crossing the Yangtze River highway-railway dual-purpose)

21:12 March 23, 2014 China News Network

  中新社武汉3月23日电 (记者 徐金波)23日记者在武昌江边的徐家棚看到,武汉地铁7号线过江隧道江南工地正机器轰鸣,工人们正在进行盾构机始发井施工。武汉市政府官员称,这标志着中国首条穿越长江天堑的公铁两用隧道,同时也是国内第一大隧道工程正式进入全面施工阶段。







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