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The author:(作者)归海一刀
published in(发表于) 2014/3/24 3:47:44
Wuhan engineering ceiling paper gold award: who was seen the ceiling suddenly fall

Wuhan Gold Award project ceiling paper: some people have witnessed the sudden fall of ceiling | shoddy engineering | quality | ceiling paper _ news

In early March, Wuhan in Hubei Province, netizens exposed a message raises a number of concerns: once rated "municipal gold project in Hubei Province," Wuhan long Hong Road, Evergreen Road underpass, appear more ceiling falls off, in some places a hole, fix, Scotch tape fixed only with a white paste.

On March 20, the China Youth daily reporter on the scene saw ceiling lining has repair sound. However, as reporters to investigate deeper, serendipity, is the underpass waterlogging also once widely criticized.

A project over millions of dollars, issue frequency is 4 year period, regarding the regulation and inspection, accreditation award checks links continuing questioning of the fermentation. More worrying is that channel repair perfection, hidden behind it if the problem will go away.

  Paper ceiling

Long Harbour Road, Evergreen Road Underpasses roughly "h-shaped" arrangement, across the green at the long Harbour Crossing Road, connecting the Evergreen Road sidewalks on both sides.

Tencent posted a video recording of this scene: not far from underground passage entrance, was a white blindfold, the long line on the ceiling, put up yellow tape; the whole plate was severely strained, local punch up, revealing a large gap; some duct tape in a State of half-off, a great stir, plate stands in danger of falling.

Chu network community forums on the ground, a Netizen posted more pictures of shocking, white has been revealing the basketball-size holes in the middle. A Netizen posted at work nearby said: "fear of falling ceiling every day, night cat named above. ”

Local journalists after receiving the reader reflect first arrived on the scene, which has a more detailed description.

The reporter found more than 300 square meters of underground passages, on top of each piece of ceiling lining an area of half a square. Among them, 23 block or severely damaged, or has come off, there are 5 large blocks of empty places with a white blindfold. The reporter tape counting breakage and shedding place more than 200 articles.

Reports in the local media, "there are also several people seen ceiling lining suddenly fall."

On March 20, the China Youth daily reporter on the scene saw channel flow in an endless stream, suspended ceiling about 3 metres above the ground, damaged and vacant positions are shown in the video have been fixed and filled, the whole ceiling brand new. Adhesive traces are still visible in some places, individual channel lighting lamp goes out a bit garish.

  "Temporary relief"

Statistics show that Evergreen Road, long road tunnel in Hong Kong started in mid-April 2009, completion by June 2010, project cost more than 12 million Yuan. Project was handed over to the Wuhan City Committee of the month built bridge maintenance management.

Prior to this, Wuhan City bridge maintenance management services facilities Branch Chief, Yang said in an interview with Xinhua, the channel after the completion of transfer of urban maintenance, 4 years no serious quality issues. But beginning in 2013, lining often falls off the ceiling. The Office found, shedding much man-made items such as umbrellas and pole of vandalism.

"Damage from man-made causes," finds that raise questions over the Internet.

But Mr Chang, who works in the vicinity also confirmed that the underground passages are equipped with cameras, and indeed there have been cameras to people who bad, some were missing some head upward or, as well as local media reported the event.

On March 21, the Wuhan City bridge maintenance management office director Wu interview with China Youth daily reporter said: "roof are not naturally go bad, mainly because it is human caused accidentally. ”

He said that channel every day people on duty, as the channel entrance to three meters high, and non-motorized vehicle Greenway, had also found a lot of motorcycle tie something crash bad situations.

Wu said, paper adhesive only "interim relief". Channel within the ceilings of large superficial breaking off at the beginning, revealing a ceiling joist and concrete. Because all ceiling materials specifications of Wuhan, nothing in stock, contact coincides with the Spring Festival period less than dealer, repair team had to use paper paste adhesive temporarily instead.

Director Wu, on March 7, the first time after the repair material procurement, management hold organizing special maintenance, has been basically completed.

He said that specialized in maintenance on encrypted channel fixed on the ceiling at the top, "because it is inside the solid frame is a little thin, to put some solid. Is very strong right now, even if the damage is not like it used to be easy. ”

Director Wu admits that did exist in the management responsibilities. He said acceptance was not found in the design and construction of the takeover, as management too much to say that design problems were not very appropriate.

He said that currently haven't heard the higher authorities had handled the related instructions and advice.

  Behind the gold

China Youth daily survey found, a copy of the 2011 municipal demonstration projects in Hubei Province (Gold Silver) list, "Evergreen road junctions in Hong Kong underground pedestrian passageway" project Grand appearance won 18 gold project, the project workload is 12.1635 million Yuan.

On March 20, China Youth daily reporter went to the municipal demonstration project evaluation units in Hubei Province--the Hubei Provincial Association of municipal engineering.

Who is responsible for the reception staff said: "the interview a little late because the repairs have been completed, the construction unit also gives the text description. ”

He confirmed to reporters that the project has won the gold, said municipal demonstration projects selected with strict process specifications. First Association of State municipal engineering by the municipalities or various selection of recommended declarations, and then the provincial association in the first instance, review and Assessment Committee for review. At the review stage, you need experts, "watching to see quality", "has continued to emphasize project quality is also vital."

According to him: "the Evergreen road junctions in Hong Kong underground pedestrian passage" project construction are Wuhan bridge construction group co, Wuhan municipal construction units of special group, supervision unit for the South of Wuhan construction supervision company, design for Wuhan municipal engineering design Institute limited liability company.

He said, the Association sees online after the blast, immediately call the Wuhan municipal construction company special group for a quick site visit verification. Soon, the Hubei provincial Department of housing and urban-rural development leaders also call instructions urging reform in place.

According to him, in mid-March, send text in the Wuhan municipal special Holdings Limited said in a statement, "taken over by approved construction quality and materials to meet the requirements and have responsibilities in the management and maintenance".

He explained that the builders construction is the first phalanx in the province, this project stand out from the province's nearly thousand of municipal project that year.

The staff member admitted that after netizens revealed question paper, associations do not have organized experts to the scene "in General to believe them. ”

Construction of their own assessment of whether there is "both player and umpire" suspect?

Questioned the staff personally adds, "and of course to see a better".

  Forced the truth

In fact, for such a provincial project Gold Award, past, don't have meaning.

In local media March 2013 published of a article entitled long Hong Kong Road underground channel rain Hou into "underground river" under of reported in the, has such doubled records: "past passers-by had to shop brick passage, even has motorcycle of take ' water ' Rob, shout up 2 block money sent a a people had channel of business"; "near residents said here about rain on flooded water".

For the time being, jianghan district, Wuhan urban management Bureau official, said in an interview: "there are some issues in design of the underground channel, half-blocked entrances cannot effectively prevent rain penetration, and the concave design of main channel caused accumulation of rain water easily. ”

On the ground, the incident raises numerous questions, and thousands of threads and participation on the network.

Netizens believe that differences between project cost and project quality and existence of cutting corners, behind collusion of interests it is worth questioning.

There are also netizens who said regulatory acceptance, judging Awards links if there is not strict or simply by talking to themselves and looked forward to a satisfactory reasonable explanation.

More people are also concerned that channel repair perfection, hidden issues behind it but nothing came of it.

A comment author's opinion provoked a lot of people resonate: just because "paper" ceiling negates the whole quality of the works, but it must not be merely because paper ceiling is used to "temporary relief" gave up on the project quality of the inquiry.

Staff writer, Wuhan, March 23-

(Original title: questioning of Wuhan municipal engineering award project ceiling paper event)

(Edit: SN069)
07:00 on March 24, 2014 China Youth daily
















































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