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The author:(作者)归海一刀
published in(发表于) 2014/5/3 9:49:11
Tan Qiwei of Chongqing Municipal People’s Congress Deputy Director probed

Tan Qiwei of Chongqing Municipal People's Congress Deputy Director Tan Qiwei _ news by serious discipline | search |

Tan Qiwei of Chongqing Municipal People's Congress Deputy Director suspected of violating the law, currently under investigation.

Tan Qiwei resumes

Tan Qiwei, male, Tujia, born in August 1954, shizhu, Chongqing people, party school graduate student, went to work in March 1973 in November 1973, joined the Communist Party of China.

Commune of shizhu County, in Sichuan province of Erigeron breviscapus 1975.06 1973.03-five brigade zhiqing, Deputy Commander of Brigade militia company, Deputy Secretary of the party branch commune, Deputy Secretary of the Communist Youth League

Commune of shizhu County, Sichuan province clean 1975.06-1977.05, Ma Wu District Office instruments

1977.05-1980.08 commune of shizhu County, Shi Liu and double celebration of Sichuan Party Secretary

1980.08-1981.07 District Committee of shizhu County, Ma Wu dams in Sichuan province, Deputy Secretary, Mayor

1981.07-1985.07 dam of shizhu County, Ma Wu, Party Secretary of Sichuan province (: 1983.09-1985.07 II of the Sichuan Provincial Committee party school college classes out of political economy)

1985.07-1989.09 Shizhu County, Sichuan province, Deputy Secretary, Mayor

1989.09-1991.11 Youyang County of Sichuan province Party Secretary

1991.11-1993.09 Deputy Commissioner for qianjiangdiqu Bureau of Sichuan province

1993.09-1997.03 qianjiang Prefectural Committee in Sichuan province, the Administrative Office of the Deputy Commissioner

1997.03-1997.06 South Bank district, Chongqing City, Sichuan province, Deputy Secretary, Mayor

1997.06-2001.12 South coast district Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Director of Chongqing (Chongqing party School of postgraduate professional studies regional economics 1996.09-1999.07)

2001.12-2006.03 South Bank of Chongqing Party Secretary

2006.03-Deputy Mayor of Chongqing Municipal Government and party, 2006.07 and municipal immigrant work Committee

Ten deputies to the national people's Congress, second session, three members of the municipal party Committee and city one time, two times, three times the Congress representatives, one, two and three deputies

(Original title: Tan Qiwei of Chongqing Municipal People's Congress Deputy Director)

(Edit: SN067)
11:40 May 03, 2014 Central Commission for discipline inspection supervision site




  1973.03—1975.06 四川省石柱县灯盏公社五大队知青、大队民兵连副连长、党支部副书记、公社团委副书记

  1975.06—1977.05 四川省石柱县洗新公社、马武区区公所文书

  1977.05—1980.08 四川省石柱县石流、双庆公社党委书记

  1980.08—1981.07 四川省石柱县马武坝区委副书记、区长

  1981.07—1985.07 四川省石柱县马武坝区委书记(其间:1983.09—1985.07四川省委第二党校政治经济学专业大专班脱产学习)

  1985.07—1989.09 四川省石柱土家族自治县委副书记、县长

  1989.09—1991.11 四川省酉阳土家族苗族自治县委书记

  1991.11—1993.09 四川省黔江地区行署副专员

  1993.09—1997.03 四川省黔江地委委员、行署副专员

  1997.03—1997.06 四川省重庆市南岸区委副书记、区长

  1997.06—2001.12 重庆市南岸区委副书记、区长(1996.09—1999.07重庆市委党校研究生班区域经济学专业学习)

  2001.12—2006.03 重庆市南岸区委书记

  2006.03— 重庆市政府副市长、党组成员,2006.07兼市委移民工委书记




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