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The author:(作者)归海一刀
published in(发表于) 2014/5/9 7:35:59
Half of the world’s mobile phones will be manufactured in Henan province,

Half of the world's mobile phones are made in Henan-Zhengzhou Foxconn, Henan, Foxconn manufacturing-IT news Half of the world's mobile phones are Henan manufacture

4 years ago, the "Apple" seedlings planted into land in Zhengzhou, which has now become a big tree, creating an annual output of mobile phone 96.45 million, Foxconn President Terry Gou called "Zhengzhou speed" legends.

Now, the legend continues, "Zhengzhou speed" 4 part hard iPhone3 in Zhengzhou, evolved into 35 years later, half of the mobile phones produced Central Plains "Henan scale". On May 5, 268 in Shenzhen mobile phone executives justify exploration of Zhengzhou airport, industrial transfer or staged "family story" and xinyang, Luoyang, Nanyang and many mobile industrial area are also growing. According to expert forecasts, global sold worldwide, global research global, air port and industrial area will boost achievement of Henan province the world's largest industrial base of intelligent terminals.

Scene: 268 in Shenzhen mobile phone executives study Zhengzhou air harbor zone

Car window are rolling cornfields and the demolition of the village ruins, the morning of May 5, Chen Junlin Shenzhen Association of cell phone customer service department came to Zhengzhou airport economic experimental zone of comprehensive intelligent terminals (mobile) industrial park.

Chen Junlin Mission in which a total of 313 people, who is head of the Shenzhen Association of cell phone and 268 mobile phone production and supporting backbone enterprises executives. They come to the intelligent terminals (mobile) theme and docking activities. Industrial Park, not as spectacular, but compared to have settled in the West, General Manager of new energy Qin Yongfeng sees that year but has greatly improved. August 2013, when Qin Yongfeng contract with Zhengzhou air harbor zone, whose only field, no plants.

"The nation's first integrated airport economic experimental zone, traffic advantage is obvious, human resources is abundant, provincial and municipal leaders attach great importance to and supporting facilities in place. It's more than enough! "Qin Yongfeng smiles, no plant is not afraid, the key is to have hope. It is reported that in late this month, the company's product line is expected to mass production.

Size: the next 35 years port output of mobile phones will reach 300 million-500 million

According to air harbor zone Director Zhang Yanming introduction, 2013, the new contract mobile phone project 16. Within the Park, except for seat, and Skyworth, Bai Hao, Shenyang several businesses are installing devices. Tianyu, Zhiyuan, and Hua Shiji, and Neville, ZTE 5 companies in the near future, construction, construction of approaching other companies will be held before the end of August. Mobile phone industry is air harbor zone of priority development of pillar industries, in 2014, mobile phone production up to 150 million aimed at 3-5, mobile phones will reach 300 million to 500 million units. At present, a 12-building a total of 120,000 square meters has been put into use, the second phase of 380,000 square meters workshop planned for end of September into use.

Global: a good "opportunities" to thousands of the province's more the formation of industrial clustering

Legend of speed, not just in Zhengzhou. Yesterday morning, the Eastern mobile communications technology in xinyang city, Deputy General Manager of fuqiang, is being arranged in xinyang brand "found God" sales: "three years in xinyang, from branded OEM, to the research and manufacture of xinyang brand, mobile Henan opportunities, and opportunities for all producers. ”

Xinyang Eastern manufacturing base, is a United States satellite Sky Digital Group of listed companies in addition to Headquarters in Shenzhen production base for another smart phone. The group will not only "search" the xinyang to building a national brand shop, children's mobile phones, mobile PC customization advantages to get operators throughout the country with orders, with an annual output of 3 million units.

Yesterday, reporters learned from provincial Department of letters, Zhengzhou air Harbor area around Foxconn has become a qianyiji of industrial clusters, and gradually form a supporting industry chain.

Not only in Zhengzhou, xinyang, Luoyang, Nanyang, Hebi and Xinxiang, luohe and other places also has formed a number of mobile phones and components production base. Intelligent Terminal electronics industry in xinyang city, Yichuan County of Luoyang Nanyang high-tech industrial park, industrial area and optoelectronic industrial park, economic and technological development zone and the new district of Hebi Hebi gaoxin district, luohe, Xinxiang Red Banner(marxist-leninist) District and called in Dongxing city, area, have become "mobile Zhongyuan fly" undertaking.

"A small phone, instead of production-related businesses may be up to 1000, select cluster in order to better survival and development. "Yesterday, the provincial Academy of Sciences Vice President Zhang Zhancang said.

Sold worldwide: Zhengzhou has opened new "port era" will become the world's mobile phone distribution center

"With the opening of more international routes through Zhengzhou, Hong Kong mobile phones can occur in fast counters all over the globe. Why Foxconn will come, why Shenzhen enterprises to organize tours to case? Zhengzhou opened is the new ' port era. "Zhang Zhancang said, for time-sensitive businesses to stay in the airport stands ready to fly, not sensitive to the time around or supporting in Zhengzhou urban development.

According to aviation-related planning, relying on the Zhengzhou airport "nets two chains of three Hong Kong-one" integrated transport hub system, will be developed into a Center for intelligent terminals offering, procurement, Trade Center, exhibition center is one trade logistics center, while relying on the Zhengzhou airport "iron" seamless intermodal advantages, will help push the Henan mobile "second" to the world.

The future, global mobile phone market will be down in Zhengzhou, in accordance with the relevant plan, Henan will build a set of technologies, brands and product transactions, information dissemination, and other functions of intelligent terminals (mobile) globally distributed transaction Center, build inland region of the largest and most complete variety of integrated markets. Relying on already settled in leading electricity supplier, such as Alibaba, Jingdong Mall, world friends online "sea washes the" Zhengzhou cell phones will become a reality.

Journalist yesterday learned from Zhengzhou customs, our province's mobile phone export 16.219 million units in the first quarter of this year, an increase of 3.4%, in addition to Foxconn, Anyang, xuchang, and Nanyang have cell phones or components export business.

Research global: not only undertake the manufacture, but also actively research fellow of the University of mobile, vote "machine"

"Now, give us software OEM partners from Dongguan, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, after mature specimens, their factories are located in airports during the year. "Feng Yingjun, cell phone, but only a written address on the card" Zhengzhou air Harbor Zheng Gang of four Street 4, 2nd floor ", he is the Chairman of core information technology limited company of Henan province, his team in April of this year's CIFIT show Henan UbodU for the development of computer systems. "The new version of undertaking industrial transfer, not only the manufacturing undertaking, should also have more sophisticated technology research and development. ”

According to Feng Yingjun's plan, he must not only rely on the research and development team at the airport to build a "Hong Kong China and Hong Kong", will also set up a "mobile University", and the introduction of fellow team.

This reporter learned that, in Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Hebi and other places to amass a number of mobile applications development companies and projects, information security, mobile payment, mobile games, navigation already has in areas such as Henan, "soft" power. A group of intelligent Terminal (mobile phone) innovation platform and service platform, professional logistics platform, the integrated trading platform, as well as the introduction and cultivation of high-level talents platform is building.

When the Henan mobile phone can stand on top of the world? Zhang Zhancang gave reporters a Bill: now, Zhengzhou one-tenth of mobile phone production worldwide, and by the end of this year, airport phone can reach 150 million-160 million, more than doubled last year. "In addition to the number, software, financial services, logistics, and other soft power. Now, some high-end research and development in developed countries, we have to win over. "Zhang Zhancang said.


全球一半手机都将是河南制造 - 郑州富士康,河南,富士康,制造业 - IT资讯


























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