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The author:(作者)归海一刀
published in(发表于) 2014/5/27 9:15:20
Flooding has caused 12 deaths in Hunan 2 missing

Flooding has caused 12 deaths in Hunan 2 missing | flood in Hunan province killed 12 people _ news

Xinhuanet, Changsha, May 27 (reporter Zhou Nan)-close to the Dragon Boat Festival, this year in Hunan Province "Dragon Boat Festival" water is more rapid than in previous years. Xinhua learned from the Hunan provincial flood control and drought relief headquarters, the current floods have left 12 people dead and 2 missing, most of the mass of these deaths were due to house collapses, a duck drive home, collecting firewood in the flood have caused death.

Message from the relevant departments, as of 27th at 8 o'clock, recently sustained heavy rainfall has resulted in Changsha, Zhuzhou and Hengyang, Shaoyang, Huaihua, xiangxitujiazumiaozuzizhizhou, 278, 6 townships 1.376 million people were affected, death tolls 12, missing 2 people.

Famous tourist attractions in Fenghuang County, local new township heshuicun a peasant woman who more than 50 years, in order to avoid feeding the ducks were swept away by the flood, despite the storm's threat, son and daughter-in-law ducks home from the river. En route, she accidentally slipped and fell into the River, instantly washed away by the floods so far. Her son, despite the rescue immediately jumped into the water, but because of the river rapids, this woman quickly disappeared.

Xinhua learned from Fenghuang County Protection Office, her family approached the Government for assistance, the township government immediately organized personnel rushed to the heshuicun, the river flows through the region of a larger search-and-rescue, has yet to find the bodies.

In the southwest of Hunan province's shaodong, reporters learned that an 80 year old granny and her more than 50-year old daughter-in-law, to salvage firewood in the flood in the Canal, accidentally fell overboard, finally led to being swept away by death, corpses have been found currently.

To remind the industry crowd, has entered the flood season in South area, storm-prone Valley flood, Flash flood debris flow-prone. As soon as the storm occurred, the relevant departments to do a good prevention, the masses to be vigilant, listen to government organizations for transfer, be allowed to go home, and do not work in the field, reduce the occurrence of tragedies.

(Edit: SN064)
May 27, 2014, at 17:15 The website

  新华网长沙5月27日电 (记者周楠)临近端午节,湖南省今年的“端午水”比往年来得更迅猛。记者从湖南省防汛抗旱指挥部了解到,目前洪水已导致12人死亡2人失踪,这些死亡的群众大多是因为房屋倒塌、赶鸭子回家、捡拾洪水中的柴禾导致死亡。







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