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The author:(作者)归海一刀
published in(发表于) 2014/5/27 9:15:38
Former Director General of Public Security Bureau of Beijing traffic management Bureau Song Jianguo accepted organization survey

Former Director General of Public Security Bureau of Beijing traffic management Bureau Song Jianguo accepted organization investigation | former Director General of the Beijing traffic management Bureau were investigating _ news

Former Director General of Beijing Municipal Bureau of public security traffic management Bureau Song Jianguo for suspected serious disciplinary offences, currently under investigation.

Media reports in 2012

Beijing Municipal traffic management for security suspects her son selling license plate is "help"

6th, the national magazine of finance a report so that it become the focus of public attention. The report said, Beijing Municipal traffic management Bureau Song Jianguo on suspicion of violation of the discipline, were receiving the discipline inspection and supervision departments to investigate, probable cause is suspected of using his position, buying a lottery job, playing favoritism. That afternoon, the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau official said bursts of two Twitter tweet, the message is not true, as further understanding, Song Jianguo has not been investigated.

What is going on? "Song Jianguo was not investigated but to assist in the investigation. "On 6th, a Beijing automotive industry executive who asked not to be named, told reporters. But this assertion has not been officially confirmed.

The morning of December 6

There are media reports, the Beijing municipal public security traffic management Bureau Song Jianguo, the Secretary on suspicion of violation of the discipline, is receiving the discipline inspection and supervision departments to investigate

The afternoon of December 6

Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau official micro-blog news release, Secretary for the Beijing Municipal traffic control was checked for car Lottery fraud is not true

December 7

Some media quoted informed sources as saying, Song Jianguo was not investigated but "to assist in the investigation" may in connection with their child and the Secretary, two people suspected of selling license plates

Song Jianguo

At the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Tongzhou Branch Office, after serving as General Manager of the Beijing Municipal Security Service Corporation. Ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games calling into the Beijing municipal public security traffic management Bureau Director

Truth and confusing

Previously mentioned auto executives told reporters that his message was received from the circle, cases may be related to plate selling Song Jianguo to assist, and not likely to be online "allegedly buying a lottery playing favoritism." The Executive with the Beijing traffic management Bureau business.

A person close to the Beijing Municipal Committee, told reporters, Song Jianguo to assist in the investigation, potentially involved is his son and Secretary, two people suspected of selling license plates. Another authority insiders also revealed that the Song Jianguo has been for a long time is not there, he can certainly be investigated and "buying a lottery" has nothing to do but to other matters.

Before as of press time, the Beijing Municipal Commission for discipline inspection, the public prosecution service, police have not yet confirmed the news.

This event coincided with the various sectors of the community to challenge Beijing Lottery fraud rose up the occasion. November 30, sources say, in case of Beijing Lottery success rate continues to fall, from May to November this year, "Liu Xuemei," that name checks for 7 consecutive months.

In fact, since 2010 Lottery car's launch date, "spending money to buy indicator" rumours have been circulating in the industry. 6th head of some car brands 4S shop, told reporters: "as the operation difficulty upgrading, spend money on indicators are the rare phenomenon, by far the most common manipulation is to rent for sale, but the approach has risks. ”

His son, suspected of selling license plates?

Close to the Beijing Municipal Committee of the person to clarify to reporters, as he understood it, current Song Jianguo is only to assist in the investigation, possibly involved is his son and Secretary, two people suspected of selling license plates, "not a lottery you want to around 200,000 yuan to buy the license plate".

The people, the current black license plate price of around 70,000 yuan in Beijing, targeting Lottery eligible to buy a licence price; if they do not meet the qualification of lottery buyers, prices are higher, to be purchased at the price of about 200,000, number plates direct transfer into each other's name.

The 4S shops, also confirmed, Beijing now license bids as high as 200,000 Yuan or more, "but Beijing minivan indicators it is difficult to buy now, need to get through the layers of relationships, excellent with the authorities ' friendship ' in order to go through." "In General, the Beijing license plate black market just 20 days to get the license plates after payment. "Such Exchange Commission system say.

The person had been informed by, Song Jianguo son sells license plate prices may be higher than 200,000 yuan. This familiar to Beijing auto market, industry analysts said: "does not rule out selling is pretty, like Putin a prefix. ”

Before as of press time, the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Beijing Municipal traffic management Bureau official not yet confirmed the news.

"Does not rule out some people who had much to do with can buy targets, but such behavior has become less and less now. "The 4S shop owner said. Text/synthesis of the 21st century economic Herald, the evening news

(Edit: SN064)
May 27, 2014, at 17:23 Beijing discipline inspection and supervision network














  ■ 真相一时扑朔迷离




  这一事件恰逢社会各界对北京摇号舞弊群起质疑之际。 11月30日有消息称,在北京摇号中签率持续走低的情况下,从今年5月至11月,“刘雪梅”这个名字连续7个月中签。

  事实上,自2010年摇号购车出台之日起,“花钱可买指标”的传闻便一直在业内流传。 6日某汽车品牌4S店负责人告诉记者:“随着操作难度升级,花钱买指标已属极少数现象,目前最普遍的操作手法是以租代售,但该手法同样具备风险。”

  ■ 其子涉嫌倒卖车牌?



  上述4S店负责人也证实,目前北京车牌叫价高至20万元以上,“但现在购买北京小客车指标很难,需要打通层层关系,与主管部门有极好的‘交情’才能办理”。 “一般来说,北京车牌黑市只要20个工作日就可买到车牌,可以事后付款。 ”上述交委系统人士说。

  从该知情人士处获悉,宋建国儿子卖出的车牌价格可能高出20万元。对此有熟悉北京车市的业内人士分析称:“不排除卖出的是靓牌,比如京A字头的。 ”


  “不排除一些很有关系的人,能花钱买来指标,但是现在这种行为已经越来越少。 ”上述4S店负责人说。■文/综合《21世纪经济报道》、《新闻晚报》


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