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The author:(作者)归海一刀
published in(发表于) 2014/5/27 9:20:10
Shandong announced the purchase of real-name system is highly toxic pesticides _ Sina news

Shandong announced the purchase of real-name system _ highly toxic pesticides news

China News Agency, Jinan, May 27 (Wang Xiaohui) counterfeit medicine bags, organic vegetables, Apple HIV quality of agricultural products such as ginger, undermined the image of farm produce in Shandong province. 27th announced the Office of Agriculture of Shandong province, Shandong province, from June 1 implementation of the agricultural products quality safety supervision and management regulations, imposed on the purchase of highly toxic pesticides "real name", from agricultural sources of production strictly, to ensure "tongue on security."

According to the provides under, purchased toxic, and high HIV pesticide who, must produced personal identity proved or other effective documents, description actual uses; toxic, and high HIV pesticide operators should to purchased who correctly description products uses, and using method, and poisoning first aid measures and note matters,, established sales Taiwan account, and shall not to minor people, and cannot produced effective documents of personnel, sold toxic, and high HIV pesticide; recycling of toxic, and high HIV pesticide container, and packaging property by agricultural competent sector concentrated destroyed.

Office of Agriculture of Shandong province construction management department researcher Lin Quan said that the quality and safety of agricultural products, pesticides are major causes of agricultural safety event. Incomplete statistics show that agricultural production safety incident, farming accounted for two-thirds, crop safety, pesticides also have caused two-thirds.

In addition to outside sources of pesticide control, Shandong Province issued regulations on supervision of agricultural products quality safety supervision and management responsible for implementing provisions have been made.

Deputy Director of agriculture in Shandong province Wang Dengqi said that Shandong is a big agricultural province, grain, cotton, oil, melons, fruit, vegetables, meat, eggs and milk production of major agricultural products were ranked among the national agricultural exports for many years ranked first in the country. As the country's province of production, processing and marketing of agricultural products, Shandong's agricultural product quality is very important. Shandong provincial agriculture Department hopes the quality safety of agricultural products as a mode of transformation of agricultural development, the key link of speeding up the construction of modern agriculture, refine and improve farm produce quality and safety supervision system, agricultural products quality and safety inspection system, accelerate the pace of agricultural cultivation of brand, promote Shandong agriculture from quantity to quality. (End text)

(Original title: announced the purchase of highly toxic pesticides in Shandong province implemented the "real name")

May 27, 2014, at 15:08 China News Network

  中新社济南5月27日电 (王晓慧) 假冒有机蔬菜、苹果套药袋、毒生姜等农产品质量事件的发生,损害了山东农产品的形象。山东省农业厅27日对外宣布,自6月1日起实施《山东省农产品质量安全监督管理规定》,对购买剧毒农药实行“实名制”,从农产品的生产源头严格把关,确保“舌尖上的安全”。







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