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The author:(作者)归海一刀
published in(发表于) 2014/5/31 8:19:34
Ministry of Foreign Affairs to respond to “Russia in construction of deepwater port in Crimea“

Ministry of Foreign Affairs to respond to "Russia in construction of deepwater port in Crimea" | Ministry of Foreign Affairs News Conference | XI Jinping's visit to India _ news

May 30, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Qin Gang 30th by the regular press conference, Ukraine presidential election, Shangri-La dialogue, answering a reporter's question.

Following is a question and answer session released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website record:

  Q: it is reported that Japan and North Korea in Sweden to hold consultations, North Korea agreed to reinvestigate the abduction issue, Japan will lift some sanctions against the North. China's comment on this?

A: we have noticed related reports. Japan and North Korea the two sides address each other's concerns through dialogue and improve relations is conducive to peace and stability in the region.

  Q: first of all, Ukraine presidential election results has been published, the Chinese side will provide Ukraine formally expressed congratulations on? Second, the Crimean officials in Russia said in a media interview that China will work with Russia to cooperate in the construction of deepwater port in Crimea. China's comment on this?

Answer: the first question, we note that Ukraine election result, hope the elections will further promote Ukraine political solution to the crisis, so that Ukraine can achieve stability and development as soon as possible. China attached great importance to Ukraine, we would like to work with the Ukrainian side, push forward the development of friendly exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.

The second question, I do not have you mentioned this project. It is understood that, in recent years, some Chinese companies with some of the Crimean region enterprises in exploring cooperation in trade and investment, which is behaviour among enterprises. In our view, these historical forms of the cooperation should be respected.

  Q: would you introduce China sent in Shangri-La dialogue delegation? China will have what to expect on this dialogue?

Answer: Shangri-La dialogue is Singapore, which is an important platform to discuss Asian defense and security, the Chinese side attaches great importance to this platform. Talking about security, stability and development in Asia, China is not absent. Over the years, the Chinese military was invited to send a high level delegation every year, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs were also invited to send officials to attend. As far as I know, this year are attending the dialogue will be the people's Liberation Army Deputy Chief of general staff Wang Guanzhong, Madam Fu, Chairman of the NPC Foreign Affairs Committee have been invited to attend.

China has always held that between countries, between the parties concerned through dialogue, enhance mutual trust and cooperation in the field of security. China actively promoted the Asian concept of security, that is, to promote common security, integrated security, cooperation in security and sustainable security.

The Chinese delegation will make a wide contact with the parties concerned during this session, participate actively in the dialogue discussions, adequately Asia security concept, together with the parties concerned, and to explore jointly safeguard and promote peace, security and stability in the Asian region.

  Q: former State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan will visit Japan, can you explain?

Answer: Mr Tang Jiaxuan, Chief Chinese member of the 21st century Committee for Sino-Japanese friendship. Over the years, Sino-Japan friendship 21st century Committee to promote Sino-Japanese friendship and exchanges between the two countries, enhance mutual understanding play an important role. As far as I know, the two sides are in Japan-related activities organised by local city communication.

  Q: first of all, it is reported that India's new Prime Minister, Morgan invited President XI Jinping's visit to India, studying whether the President would accept the invitation? Second, the UN Security Council is ready to begin discussions on Syria resolution on humanitarian aid. China's comment on this?

A: on your first question, yesterday, Premier Li and India's new Prime Minister, Morgan phone call, the two sides agreed to further promote the development of Sino-Indian strategic and cooperative partnership. India leaders have repeatedly invited President XI Jinping, the India visit, the Chinese side expressed appreciation for this, the parties are communicating through diplomatic channels.

With regard to the second issue, in our view, priority should be Syria concerned storm ended a ceasefire as soon as possible, dialogue, negotiation, thus contributing to Syria a political settlement process. We also hope that the Geneva Conference the consensus can be implemented as soon as possible. China is ready to continue to work together with the parties concerned, active mediation, Syria contributing to the early realization of peace and stability.

In our view, the Council's relevant actions should contribute to the achievement of the above objectives. China will, in a spirit conducive to the political settlement of Syria issues, conducive to Syria to achieve peace and stability and conducive to maintaining unity of purpose in participating in the discussions of Member States of the Council.

(Original title: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine presidential election, Shangri-La dialogue, questions and answers)

(Edit: SN022)
17:41 May 30, 2014 China News Network

  中新网5月30日电 外交部发言人秦刚30日主持例行记者会,就乌克兰总统选举、香格里拉对话会等答记者问。



















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